ISL 9000
Capable of delivering up to 20 iron spikes per minute at nearly the velocity of an arrow, the Iron Spike Launcher-9000 is the front line weapon of his most elite clock-work soldiers.
Full Item Description
A clanking, clunking contraption of gears, steam-boxes, and strip-mounted iron spikes, the ISL 9000 is a mechanical horror distantly akin to one of Mr. Maxim's weapons.
Fizzlegear the Heartless looked about the devestation of his workshop, and sighed in something akin to rage. So many of his machine's cogs had been spiked. So many of his elegant traps undone by simple rods of sharpened Iron. What was he going to DO with th... Ahah-ha-ha! Gnomish Ingenuity would triumph again!
The ISL 9000 exists for one purpose and one purpose only. To turn the most annoying equipment of adventurers into weapons of destruction to use against their homelands. Rapidly firing iron spikes with all the power of crossbow bolts and all the accuracy of blind men, the ISL 9000 is none-the-less capable of rapidly decimating small units of close packed men. It's also a fairly effective piton driver. But mostly, it throws spikes through the air and through soldiers...
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? Responses (11)

+1 for uniqueness. Good job Siren.

Gets that little laugh from me. But it is missing a few details, like how it approximately looks like, and especially: how many spikes does it carry. :)


Sadly, it's not terribly unique, though this is more akin to the Quake 'Nail Gun' than to your barrel, Valadaar. - As described, it is a steam-punk version of a Maxim Machinegun.

Unique, if nothing else. +1 for Iron Spikes.

I don't like the modern name on a feudal tech item.
The steam power is odd, but okay.
Just not a great item this time SnO.

A spiky problem for those who face it.

I agree with Manfred, expanding this sub to include a rough description of what the weapon looks like & how it functions would help bring more life into this piece.
Also given the weight of iron spikes (we're talking railroad spike sizes here I assume?) I'm not sure such a weapon designed to launch droves of these would weigh little enough to be man portable by most gnomes or humans without extreme strength.
Also the name reminded me a little of the bfg 9000 from doom, and not really fitting with the steampunk level, although that could just be me.