Greetings Traveler
Step inside the Citadel and introduce yourself. Not sure how to start or where to go? Post an intro and let us make you feel at home.
Categories Last Post


Submissions that provide information and entertainment for gamers.
536 Entertainment and the Longhouse
by Scrasamax


Information on dungeons and other places of mystery to risk your life while adventuring in.
200 Xổ số AW8 - 3 bước đơn giản để giành ngay giải thưởng đắt giá
by aw8hvietnam


An item is a generic description used for the whatever objects the players could come across during a game. Items usually have special characteristics that make them stand out and make them worth uniquely describing.
1898 7 Branding Irons
by Cheka Man


A lifeform is a generic description used for anything that is 'alive' that characters could come across during a game. Most of these lifeforms are special in some way and need to be properly described.
1023 7 Geezers
by Scrasamax


This category is for some 'place' that players might reach during a game or its existence effects the game's setting.
859 The Dungeon Oligarch
by Scrasamax


These are characters which affect the player's story in some way which normal players are not running in the game.
1127 Dungeon Tyrant Falmat Paharo
by Scrasamax


A society or group that exists in the game world that are special enough to warrant being properly defined.
495 Concordian Dawn: Primer
by Scrasamax


Posts in this category are plans for the flow of events for a game.
462 30 Encounters near the Capitol
by Scrasamax


This category is for magical systems, martial art schools (rather than the physical schools... the gather technique concepts of the art), combat systems, legal systems, systems of weights and measures, calendars, languages.
375 Crafts and Trades People of the DungeonVerse
by Scrasamax
Site Sections Topics Last Post
Guilds Symbol Guilds
Guilds are a way way to discover content you like and meet people with similar tastes. This is where all the best collaboration happens.
The Occult Brotherhood
Quests Symbol Quests
Art Quest!

Quest Runs Nov 1- Dec31

Campaigns Symbol Campaigns
This category is for magical systems, martial art schools (rather than the physical schools... the gather technique concepts of the art), combat systems, legal systems, systems of weights and measures, calendars, languages.
Campaign Highlight
Blogs Symbol Blogs
This goes to the social blog screen that we haven't figured out yet. Maybe you will have better luck!
Community and Support
For all recent news
Getting Started Symbol Getting Started
Need assistance? Don’t worry, we are here to help
Tutorial Symbol Tutorials
The best place to figure out what the heck is going on
Tavern Symbol Citadel Tavern - DISCORD SERVER
General discussion in a topic orientated style. Come in, ask a question, start an argument, join a conversation, we don't care as long as you join us.
Getting Started Symbol Cavern of Inane Natter - FACEBOOK
Enigmatic echoes, phrases of unclarity, and recondite conversations of inconsequentiality. Speak as you will, of what you will, when you will, if you have the will. Wacky conversations, memes, jokes etc are welcome here.