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Plots • Duty • Single-Storyline

Cheka Man's

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

The legend lives on from the Chippawa on down, to the lake that they call Gichigumee...The PCs will face a race against time to rescue the fair Princess Eleanor from a shipwreck.

Items • Wand/Staff/ Arcane • Magical

Cheka Man's

7 More Charms

Seven more magical charms to help their owner.

Organizations • Combative • Trans World


Concordian Dawn: Primer

So when I wrote the first Concordian Dawn I was pretty busy with the notion of getting in on ripping Firewalk Game's $200,000,000 failed shooter Concord. I did the dossier, and had a blast pulling in so much of my Cosmic Era material to flesh out (weakly) the game roster that I completely left out the details of the organization I put together in my imagination.

So, here is that information.

Organizations • Criminal/Espionage • Regional

Cheka Man's

30 Gangs

Thirty criminal and not quite so criminal gangs for your PCs to join, infiltrate or fight.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat

Cheka Man's

7 problems with Maces

Even mighty maces sometimes have problems with them.

Hall of Honour
No current Hall of Honour Subs.


Worlds and Planets

Michael Jotne Slayer's

The Keep Beneath the Dusky Star


The Noil Ruins
Legacy Quest
Legacy Quest
Quest - The Shards of the Storm

First Official Quest 12 week long quest with 10XP award per post. To get things really started here on new Strolen's I dug into the archives and recovered Siren no Orakio's old request for fresh ideas on the Shards of the Storm. The quest is as follows: What non-weapon can you make of the Shards of the Storm? Who among us can craft the most ingenious idea spawned from Siren's old masterpiece? Originally posted by Siren no Orakio:

Some time ago, I posted up the Shards of the Storm. In essence, they are fragments of a goddess's essense, containing a piece of the driven fury of the concept of the Storm. Much of their purpose, from a GMing point of view, is to provide a common thread for items of power. So? So, so far I have only been able to come up with two not-weapon items to make out of these, and I'd like to see what better minds than mine can do with them.

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