“ Alchemical Gold - popular in the weapons of the nobility, this allows for gold to be used in their swords and lances without the fear of the metal bending, deforming or otherwise breaking in combat.”
“ a child is born and he is discovered to be a god and they need him to complete a ritual to end all evil, if the one true evil gets hold of him then he will use his life source to end the world, he is ocumpained by three warriors to help him on his way,”
“ Herbalist in the group mistakes one plant for another and mistakenly poisons the group. Not to death, but pretty darn ill with recurring symptoms until the cause and cure are realized. (Local people may be able to help rather easily. 'You ate Dragon's Rot you fool, looks and smells just like mint except it has these small thistles on the root. Only grow in the Hornwood Forest, that must be where ya got them. Eat this and you will feel better in 4 hours.'”