Sigil Swords
The famed Sigil Swords were a great help to the naval forces of those who served Big Red, and their magic would only serve their owners, much to the anger of the Admirals of the De Madden Company.
Full Item Description
A Sigle Sword is a short cutlass with a glowing, amythest -inlaid sigil or sigils (up to a naximum of three) set into the hilt where the weapon is held to protect them from blows that might break them.
The Sigil Swords were created by a young wizard with a son who had joined the navy of Big Red.Wanting to keep his son safe he took some of the spare amythest and carved a small sigil into the sword, causing it to glow brightly in the dark, bright enough to read by. Others wanted such swords for their sons and the wizard grew rich making them.
They were welcomed and adopted by the officers and NCO's as they benifited the armed forces as a whole.
Magic/Cursed Properties
The sigils are small and their powers are strictly limited. Furthermore to gain power these sigils must be blessed by a parent or a parent's child or a lover, and each person can only bless one sigil. Should the one who blessed the sigil die or start hating the person who he or she blessed the sigil for, the sigil will lose it's power.The power of the sigil is caused by the love that the one who blessed it has for the one who will carry the sigil on his weapon.
Each weapon may have a maximum of three sigils, both because of the way they are enchanted and because if there is more then one sigil it interferes with the others-more then three on one weapon cancel each other out totally. So a sword with only one sigil will be able to do one thing well whilst one with three sigils has three weak powers.
Such powers include glowing at night, dealing harder damage in a fight, growing warmer when danger threatens, ect. Anything too flashy is discouraged by the military and naval authorities. These are not wonder weapons, but they are a help and a morale booster to their users. Should one of these swords be captured or stolen from it's owner it will lose any magical powers that it has.
A few of the sigals and their powers
*-makes the weapon glow in darkness
)-adds speed to the weapon's strikes
&-makes the weapon less likely to break on combat
^-keeps the blade sharp
$-makes it look better then it is
!-makes the holder braver in battle
What Makes a Weapon magic?
And for that matter, what makes any item magic?
What imbues our swords with supernatural cleaving abilities?
Who allows our maces to smash through stone?
Why do our spears hum with bloodlust?
Where does one find this wondrous font of MAGIC?
How exactly are these weapons created?
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? Responses (9)

Spellcheck, check your spacing, and it never hurts to add more details. I like the notion of the sword's sigils being powered by the love of others for the bearer. I would like to see some sample minor powers that you might have had in mind.
What happens if the patron of a symbol dies? Does the symbol still work or does it become inoperative?
Can a sigil sword be passed to another person, or do they become defunct when the original bearer dies?

Should the one who blessed the sigil die or start hating the person who he or she blessed the sigil for, the sigil will lose it's power.

I also really like concept of the love-based enchantments. And how the sigils power may wax or wane depending on that love.

Simple and fun! More details are always welcome as said, but I like them. And you can easily create more little powers.
Also, the sword can be passed to another person, with the personal blessing of the original owner. It would work for the brother, whom the father loves equally... anyone more distant from the love of those, who blessed the sword, will receive a weaker effect; or possibly a sword that weakens over time, until it loses all power. So it is possible, but not very likely.

Scras and manfred have captured my thoughts on this one. Why no spellcheck?

BUMP! Quest sub!

God, just imagine how hard it would be for a jerk to get his hands on a working sigil sword. "Dammit, why isn't this thing working!? My wife blessed this thing a few weeks ago!" "Your wife got a divorce. She called you a 'worthless scumbag,' remember?" "..... Oh, right. Valentine's Day, my ass!"

Why only a cutlass? If it's for naval warfare only, that makes sense, but wouldn't light cavalry find this useful as well?