orbs - Orbs - ORBS! By: MoonHunter
Thirteen hundred years ago, a mad powerful wizard had an estate in the area that became the county of Corvis. Over his 800 year span, he created thousands of magikal items of various types and power level. While many were "mighty", there were a large number of lesser and trivial orbs and trinkets. This is their scroll |
by MoonHunter
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The Hand (and the Silver Stars) By: MoonHunter
The Hand are assassins and spys of legend. Each member has super human abilities and skills. They have been known to breach the tighest security. They have been implicated in hundreds of deaths, though no proof of foul play has been found for many of them. However, things are not always what they seem... especially when an Orb is around. |
by MoonHunter
replies8050 views 1 HoH |
Silver Stars (and The Hand) By: MoonHunter
The Silver Stars are the premiere healing organization in the Known World. They possess powerful healing magics and tangible medical skills. However, things are often not what they would seem, especially when a secret Orb of Corvus involved. |
by MoonHunter
replies8643 views 1 HoH |
Grand Staff of the Black Dragon Magi By: MoonHunter
This Legendary Item, originally called The Staff of the Elderly Magi, was created by Corvus. It has gone by many names since the voop. For the last few centuries it has been known as The Grand Staff of the Black Dragon Magi, a device that once nearly destroyed the world. |
by MoonHunter
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Bromine Lake By: MoonHunter
Bromine Lake is a lake that is almost a very small inland sea. It is also special for other reasons. It always has the warmth of a living Human, no matter what the season. It is not a hot spring with its sulfuric chemicals. There are hundreds of theories, but no answers. Even if they did, they would never believe it, as it has ties to the time of legends, to the time of Corvus. |
by MoonHunter
replies9043 views 1 HoH |
Watcher By: Iain
Known to the priests of Schiehallion as "The All-Seeing Eye", Watcher is in actuality merely one of the more minor of Corvus's orbs. Little did Corvus guess that such a mundane tool would one day be revered as a fountain of knowledge. |
by Iain
replies7844 views |
Click aka The Orb of Entry By: MoonHunter
It is an long simple key, with a crystal in the turning loop. It seems insignificant, but it is a thing of legend. Every thief in the four realms has heard of it. Scholars and madmen, and those opposing the madmen all quest for it. It is a simple key to lock or unlock anything. |
by MoonHunter
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Orb of Knowledge Absorption By: Shadoweagle
In the center of the great library, seated on a plain pedastal of twisted iron, sits a Grey crystal ball, 30 centimetres in diameter and with a misty interior to it. It is to this ball, that people go to find the whereabouts of books in the library, but the orb is much more complex than its simple task, though few may be aware of it. |
by Shadoweagle
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The Orb of Many Talents By: manfred
Most Orbs study humanoids in one way or another. But only one makes this a full-time job, in its own way... |
by manfred
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Corvis By: MoonHunter
Corvis is a western region of The Land, comprising several small counties. It is a magical place, filled filled with fruitful farms, green rolling hills, low stone walls built up over centuries, and a number of small forests. The people are happy and content. It is an ideal place. Most of the time. And it depends on what you think is ideal... |
by MoonHunter
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GalwaEnchena By: MoonHunter
GalwaEnchena is the name for the ultimate weapon, the weapon said to be able to slay even a God, if the wielder is willing. This weapon appears to be a finely crafted broadsword. It is so much more. Forged by Corvus the Great, for Alyen the Wise, known as Alyen the Bloody, King of Western Marches, it is a weapon so terrible that it brought peace to the land. Note: GalwaEnchena in the old tongue means 'End of Conflict/ End of War' |
by MoonHunter
replies9624 views 1 HoH |
Charlie's Lucky Marble By: MoonHunter
It is a simple child's toy, that has granted its owner good fortune. Unfortunately things are never quite what they seem, especially when Corvus is involved. |
by MoonHunter
replies8556 views 1 HoH |
The Storm Globe By: MoonHunter
The Storm Globe is the avatar of the Druidic Storm God. Besides being the mouthpiece of the God, it allows the Druid council or high Druid to manipulate the weather anywhere in the world. Little to the Druid's know, this orb was created by Corvus the Mad. |
by MoonHunter
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Ring of Fire By: MoonHunter
The Ring of Fire is an ancient artifact that possess great power over fire, according to the legends. It has passed from the fingers of heroes to the finger of heroes many time over the ages. It is a pity the bards don't record the annoying details of this item, another Legacy of Corvus. |
by MoonHunter
replies10753 views 1 HoH |
The Five Glow Lights of the Great Library By: MoonHunter
The Glow Lights of the Great Library. This set of five unbreakable crystal balls provide bright magikal light so people can read among the rare books and scrolls in the Great Library without risking candles. These innocuous items are often overlooked. They would not be, if anyone knew their origins were with Corvus the Mad. |
by MoonHunter
replies11538 views 1 HoH |
The Dragon Carved Egg By: MoonHunter
The Dragon Carved Egg, is a perfect crystal egg, the size of a goose egg, etched with images of a pride of dragons. It grants the one holding it immunity from Dragon. This item is another Legacy of Corvus the Mad. In fact, his signature is written in tiny script in the edtchings. |
by MoonHunter
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The Crystal Sphere of the Throne By: MoonHunter
The Crystal Sphere of the Throne is another expensive knick knack kept in the royal jewels by the force of tradition. Unbeknownst to all but the Ruler and the Heir, The Crystal Sphere is an immortal intelligent item giving advice to the Ruler and Heir. |
by MoonHunter
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The Grand Sword of the Warlord By: MoonHunter
The Grand Sword of the Warlord is a weapon of destiny. It has been wielded by most of the greatest warrior leaders in History. It is their compaion. It is also, unknown to most, a legacy of Corvus the Mad. |
by MoonHunter
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The Orb of Corvin By: MoonHunter
The Orb of Corvin is a powerful, though unwieldy, magik item in the hands of a magik user. It allows one to view the world, see where trouble is brewing, and cast spells on the area being viewed as if you were there. Unknown to most, this legacy of Corvus, has its own agenda. |
by MoonHunter
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The Dark Eye By: MoonHunter
The Dark Eye is an immortal intelligence bound in a mystic staff, a legacy of Corvus. From its hidden place, it influence the world for its own purposes and the purposes of its Dark God. |
by MoonHunter
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