Cheka Man's Hall of Honour Submissions - ( 52 )
Cheka Man
Spear of Light By: Cheka Man
The Spear of Light is a potent weapon, but those who steal it or do not treat it with the proper respect soon wish that it had never ended up in their hands. |
by Cheka Man
replies4406 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Systems of Justice By: Cheka Man
Thirty systems of justice-or the most rank injustice, in some cases. |
by Cheka Man
replies5216 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
Trotter's Wand of Unfair Trade By: Cheka Man
Day in and day out the library and labs Robert was always about. When questioned of his motions, he explained he was fetching his master's potions, but secretly crafting a wand is what he pained. In the end an ebony wand was made, it would be known later as Trotters Unfair Trade. |
by Cheka Man
replies7555 views 2 HoHs |
Cheka Man
Lawbane By: Cheka Man
I had me a dream once. Just after I *acquired* this here knife. Only the knife was a bit shinier and I was in an alley somewhere. I dunno, maybe it was Brie or Holsten, someplace like that. Anyways, I'm walking down this alley when I comes across some dumb bloke trying to shortcut his way to market. Like *my* alley is a god-d**ned thoroughfare for just anyone! |
by Cheka Man
replies5231 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Ways To Be A Good Strolenite By: Cheka Man
If you follow this advice you will be able to get the best out of this site that it can offer you and you might make some new friends too. |
by Cheka Man
replies4122 views 2 HoHs |
Cheka Man
VirginsBane Beetle By: Cheka Man
The VirginsBane Beetle has ruined the life of many an innocent girl. Many a forced wedlock or an honour killing has been caused by it's sting. |
by Cheka Man
replies7625 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Rangers By: Cheka Man
Here are the thirty Rangers of the Bushland National Park-the good the bad, the clean and the dirty. |
by Cheka Man
replies9937 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Books By: Cheka Man
Thirty books, some the kind you could pick up in your local library, others that are carefully hidden away from the general public for good reasons. |
by Cheka Man
replies4061 views 2 HoHs |
Cheka Man
The Staff of Silence By: Cheka Man
This beautiful golden staff has caused many a man or woman to become lost for words... |
by Cheka Man
replies7159 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
The Crystal City By: Cheka Man
A thousand years ago,the Red and the White mages almost exterminated each other in a magical war so great, that the very mountians were turned into quartz.Centuries passed and the magic died away enougth for humans to visit the area and remain in human form. And a city of quartz was built upon the site, which is the most magical city in the whole world... |
by Cheka Man
replies12891 views 2 HoHs |
Cheka Man
The White Knights By: Cheka Man
The children of some of the murdered City Guards formed the 'White Knights', their stated aim being to help the City Guards crack down on crime. |
by Cheka Man
replies8781 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
Ring of Heaven By: Cheka Man
As Sir Uthman lay dying, after a long and not allways well-behaved life, his wife placed onto his finger a Ring of Heaven, to ensure that if his soul was indeed dammed, the demons could not take it and instead it would enjoy the blessings of it's own personal heaven for eternity. |
by Cheka Man
replies7255 views 2 HoHs |
Cheka Man
Heal the Kraken By: Cheka Man
A mighty Kraken, the beloved of Big Red, has been infected by a horrible polar parasite, and the PCs have to find a way to cure her before it is too late... |
by Cheka Man
replies3711 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
The Pool of ............... By: Cheka Man
The Pool of (add the name of the God or Goddess of your choice) is well known as one of the greatest holy places of the world. It is said to be full of piles of gold and jewels, a place where wishes are granted, wounds are healed, prophets have dreams that come true, and suspected criminals are fairly judged. Pilgrims from the other end of the world have been known to travel for more then a year, braving the perils of disease, brigands and bad weather, just to reach it's holy waters. |
by Cheka Man
replies8061 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Treasure Traps By: Cheka Man
So you have vanquished or at least temporarily defeated the Big Bad and got control of the treasure and think you will be rich forever, do you? From cunning traps, to spells and curses, here are some problems that you might face. |
by Cheka Man
72 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
7 More Big Goblin Knockers By: Cheka Man
Seven more romantic relationships between humans and goblins. |
by Cheka Man
reply188 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
30 Base Commanders and their Bases By: Cheka Man
Thirty commanders of military bases and why they ended up there. |
by Cheka Man
590 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
Queen Yocasta By: Cheka Man
Queen Yocasta was until recently, the very capable if autocratic ruler of Valermoore, but recently, she has changed. She is allways seen with a young woman, always wearing a heavy veil and gloves, who never speaks or moves. She claims that she is her daughter,Princess Chrysta, but a faint noxious smell comes from the veiled woman... |
by Cheka Man
replies9848 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
Time-Wine By: Cheka Man
If you sit down for a drink of Timewine, be careful to remember just how many drinks you have consumed, or it might turn around and club you on the head when you least expect it. |
by Cheka Man
replies11755 views 1 HoH |
Cheka Man
Flowing Death By: Cheka Man
The Flowing Death is one of the most feared monsters in all of Vallermoore's rivers and ocean, not because of the numbers of people it has killed directly, but because of the semi-starvation it's visits bring, and because it cannot be seen until it attacks it's prey. |
by Cheka Man
replies7922 views 2 HoHs |