Interesting Weapons- Non-Magic
Every item does not need to be POWERFUL... EXOTIC... MYTHIC, but it does need to be interesting or useful. After all, if the item is not useful in some way.... why did anyone take the time and materials to make it?
Every item does not need to be "magic" or "powerful". Many perfectly mundane (in the non magical sense) weapons have:
*) Interesting back stories. Perfectly non magical weapons can be noted weapons with a place in history, part of legends, or associated with great heroes.
*) Important places in their cultures. Katanas for an example. Heraldic shields for another. These weapons are often symbols of some group, social class, or culture. These are normally a type of weapon post.
*) Just a detailed weapon. These weapons are not your everyday weapons list kind of things. They have more to them than some simple specifications. These are not common weapons you have seen on a half dozen weapons lists. They will have elements of shape or descriptions that makes it special and different. These are normally a type of weapon post.
That is what these threads are for. Perfectly normal, non magical weapons have a place here too.
One Caveat. If the weapon you are thinking of is "funky", having some odd combination of blades or chains or pointy things, the question we have to ask... is this weapon feasable and practical? If it is not, then do not add it, it will be deleted.
Almost every possible combination of weapons have been tried in a variety of cultures. Useful weapons were kept and more of them made, while those that were not really useful were ignored. So you might have a "cool idea" for a weapon, but you need to think hard about if it is really useful (doing a little historical weapon research might be useful too.)
Article Codex

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
Some call the Khawarezmians primitive. Paperswords are not made of paper or parchament. They are made of thin sheets of bone laminated together. It takes expert craftsmanship to make them. They are anything but primitive.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
The weapon of choice of the royal guards, the Danamax rapier is a symbol of an enduring dynasty.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
"So it is old," I said.
"Older than you know," The White Beard murmered.
"I have never seen a blade of this type," I said swinging it experimentally.
"It is a Middle Blade. They are made not in these times, but in Albinion Era after the fall of the Empire, made, they were," The Wise One said.
"It is truly old then, almost as old as you..."
The White Beard just sighed.

Items • Other • Non-Magical
A simple net made of strong jute,this otherwise innocous looking object when combined with the amazing Ahal paste used by the tribsemen of the Powi,can be a serious threat to any warrior who finds himself menaced with this traditional Powi wepaon.

Items • Ranged Weapons • Combat
A firebow, though no longer the staple weapon that it was during the era of it's modernity, is still a powerful and versatile missile weapon in it's own right.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
A mythic sword thats only power is legend.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
"How did you lose your arm?"
"Well you see, I fought this one bloke with a bizarre sword..."

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
A collection of unconventional weapons

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
The traditional weapon worn by members of the Maul Rats Regiment.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
A simple knife, designed to hold its poison far longer than a blade with poison simply smeared over it.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
This weapons has been made popular by several heroic and near mythical adventuring types that have served the Empire over the last three centuries. They are large, powerful weapons, with a distinctive look to them, suitable for Heroes and those who think they are heroes.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
A spear that reflects the life of it's owner trough small Haiku like poems. As the soldier lives his life the spear casts a shadow of his great exploits. Small runes are carefully etched in the ash shaft after a great battle or another important event in the warriors life.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
Khartand is the oldest and most characteristic of the Taklamar knife weapons.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The Tree-of-Blades (along with the infamous dragonsword, with which we are not concerned here) is the signature weapon and symbol of the Dragonfighters of Mount Taris. It is also known as the Dragonfighter axe, or as the txarian (this name, pronounced 'char-EE-ahn', comes from Txarian Tapolosthes, the feared Chilliarch of the Dragonfighters, who led the his people in a series of short but vicious wars against the Mysians).

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
In most places, weapons are designed for ease of creation and practicality of use. In others, various weapon designs are developed to meet certain philosophical criteria. Wind and Fire Wheels are of the later type. However, they augment many unarmed combat styles, so in the end, they are an effective weapon.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
Normal small knives modified to give fast attacks. Enchanted versions are even more deadly.

Items • Melee Weapons • Combat
This is it. The one that started them all. The very first flaming weapon.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
In the North West Province, Bats are considered Evil (as they are creatures of darkness and bring disease), but are still a sign of good luck. The presence of bats around one (as many locals dig out caves or put up bat sheds) shows a Sly Dark One's Luck. (In reality, Bats eat locusts, locust pupae, and many other disruptive pests, so farmers with bats near by have better crops). The people of this province have a love hate relationship with these creatures.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
Cursed swords that bring bad fortune to whoever wields them. Or are they?

Items • Equipment Listing • Non-Magical
The Axe has long been the symbol of Ozea, and the weapon of choice from the common footsoldier to the one time King.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The Ghollish Wide-axe was a design of axe popular a few decades ago in the southern provinces of (insert kingdom), especially among peasants involved in the Sickle of Justice rebellion (though these favored sickles to axes).

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
One Hundred tiny prayers for luck.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
A Ryder Spear is the quintessinal Kerrenese weapon. It is used by Ryders in combat and in tournament, the two most important parts of a Ryder's life.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The Wei-Jai were carried by Chinese soldiers during the anti-piracy campaign in the mid sixteenth century. Chinese sword blades were inferior to the Japanese blades, so there was a period when the Chinese government purchased Japanese made blades fashioned in the Chinese design.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
'When I strike at you, I am not alone. I have the courage and skill of my entire family. You do not have a chance!'

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
In most places, weapons are designed for ease of creation and practicality of use. In others, various weapon designs are developed to meet certain philosophical criteria. This staff was initially designed for philosophical reasons, but has become a very effective weapon in which several martial techniques have been built around.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
Haio-Mano means 'A shark's lei'. These Ankorillian weapons are particularly effective and devastating.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
This sword is unique, made only for the Merchant Prince of [insert city] and his loyal band of mercenaries. The Cruaunte is a hand and a half sword, capable of being used with one or two hands, and from horseback or on foot. Thus, the merchant can save both time and money equipping his men with a universally usefull weapon.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The Ducal Retainers of Urania who patrol the ever moving Twilight Zone, carry special swords that only they may legally carry.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The sight of a war forbici on the battle field makes some laugh, others fearful, and some simply confused. In well-trained hands, however, it can be a lethal weapon.

Articles • Resource • Gaming - In General
This is an article about designing and creating new weapons and armaments that are nonetheless realistic. If you've ever wanted to make your own unique medieval weapon for a campaign, this will hopefully come in handy.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
To wield such a weapon is to ensure long life and enough luck to have it.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
It is called the Spring and Autumn sword because it brings new beginings and new endings.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
A Woodsman Blade is a useful tool for those who ply the woods. It is often the primary weapon for a variety of Woodsman Organization.

Items • Melee Weapons • Heroic
Sovereign's Swords are the distinctive weapons of the Sovereign's Finest, the upper ranked members of the Kingdom's forces. These special agents are the Sovereign's hands, imparting justice and rulings when needed, being embassy, or doing special duties.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
In the north west provinces, the locals used an odd design for their shovels. The blade part is a flat 12' (30 cm) cast iron half circle with a small extension in the back to facilitate mounting on the handles. Like many farming items, they were adapted to be used as weapons by those who had them and had no others.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
The Ghorish Maw is used by the Ogre Tribes which live in the Ghor Mountains, named after a legendary Ogre Chieftain who once resided there. Known for his love of eating, these are the weapons he armed his warriors with.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
Just like with the sharks they so revere,a wrong or inappropriate action can provoke a lethal reaction from a Shura. As the other mer-races are so fond of saying among themselves,the only thing more unpredictable than a shark is a Shura. This is a prefered weapon, simple yet deadly.

Items • Ranged Weapons • Non-Magical
A bundle of Tyrnithi arrows. Rare and highly prized by Archers in this Lands.

Items • Melee Weapons • Non-Magical
This heavy iron war-pick is was common in the the Pretender Wars

Items • Ranged Weapons • Combat
Not a bad weapon, but don't miss. It takes about six minutes to reload...
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? Responses (9)

If you want to add things to this codex, might I suggest reading Incarnadine's Weapons and Realism first? This way you will get a feel for weapons that could really exist. We like historical variations of weapons as well. Firearms also work, but we stick towards melee and missle weapons here.
If you don't want to follow the link, simply put 1802 in the search box and it should come up.

5/5 for this brilliant weapon and it's backstory.

Weapons are mostly a yawn factor to me, but this Codex offers a great collection of them, no magic also a plus.

So now I ask you to come back to our regularly scheduled thread. Take a look at how special, regular weapons can be. I think you will find it fascinating.

A scroll with very useful potential. (Now if I could just get my hands on some more research material to finish my weapons projects...)