For a Modern Supers Campaign. However, it could be adapted to any Urban Fantasy setting.

The Chandler Complex is an one of the newest buildings downtown in the city and one architectural marvel. It is a well designed piece filling nearly a small city block, chrome and green reflective glass. The thirty story complex (first floor and some of the second), that contains some high end shopping (ten to twenty stores, nothing large), a Marriott run hotel (the next six floors), and office spaces on the upper floors. The first eight floors are built around a large open air atrium in which The Chandler company brought in full sized trees with supporting undergrowth. (The stores and room rooms ring the atrium.) There is effectively a small park in the atrium, with paved paths and tranquil zen garden design. The first eight levels have intergraded living plants, ivy, shaped trees, and various greens. In fact the fire suppression system actually is used to water the plants. This natural feel is supported all through the building, even among the offices.

Unknown to most, the building has two full time inhabitants: Adel and Chandler II.

Adel Description
Dryad/ Female/ early hundreds
She appears as a comely young woman in her early twenties with bright green eyes, long wavy brown hair (with blond highlights), a slight tan, and a slender build. She always is wearing a building concierge suit/ uniform, though she can wear anything she wants (Has been known to join formal parties in gown). If viewed with more mystical eyes, you will see flowers, vines, and leafs mixed in with her hair.

Adel was came into existence on a tree farm at the edge of an old forest. She slumbered most of the time, as there was not enough magic to keep her awake. Her Tree was moved to the atrium. The confluence of the 'perfect design' of the building and the ley line node under the building generated enough energy to awaken her just at the building was being opened. She finds herself in an unique position, as a guardian of the trees/ forest in a building. She now helps the building's occupants and plants live in harmony. She tends to hang out at the concierge desk to help people with her building. Everyone assumed she is an employee even though she was not. Recently, with some help from Chandler II, she now is an employee according to all records and she has access cards (that she doesn't need), employee records, and is on the schedule, to prove it.

Ability to merge with any of the plants with the building and 1) be able to see and hear everything occurring around them, 2) exit out of them.

Ability to enhance plant growth and manipulate plants in her 'building'.

Immortality pending on the survival of her tree. It is one of several in the atrium.

Roleplay Notes
She is lively, friendly, and fun. Very playful and very flirty. In short, everything you expect a dryad to be.

She could be adapted to a pulp or fantasy game without a problem. You will have to lose Chandler.

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