An Orc tribe that is relativly *gentle* instead of warlike.
Ideas - Lifeforms
March 16, 2005
After a long night of reveling and merriment celebrating their latest victory, one of the PCs awakens with his/her head shaved and a large ornate tattoo on top of their head. Tacky, yes but also a painstaking work of art that has left them with a headache to beat their hangover. The kicker? It is a huge symbol of the god of Evil, Assassins, the Drow, Munchkins, something really really offensive
Ideas - Plots
March 9, 2005
Have a large room that elevates either up or down when triggering a trap. The floor can bring the players to new levels, where a mighty beast roams, or the floor flattens the players into the ceiling or drop into a pit of lava.
Ideas - Dungeons
March 8, 2005
by Goto Author View Single
When night falls, we find peace in the knowledge that daytime will return soon, and vice versa. But what if the world was split: daytime and night are two different, coexistent worlds, each with it's own laws and rules. At dawn and sunset, our soul switches to inhabit our other being, our 'twin'.
Ideas - System
March 6, 2005
A huge moon, with a three-coned volcano which can be seen from the planet when it erupts and is taken for an omen. The planet, smaller than the moon, orbits it, and the planet in turn is orbited by a very small but very hot and bright ball of flame.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
March 3, 2005
A demon that feeds on good feelings, causing those around to feel upset or angry all the time.
Ideas - Lifeforms
February 28, 2005
Stinging nettles with a deadly sting that kills within minutes if the person who is stung cannot be healed.
Ideas - Lifeforms
February 27, 2005
Imagine a person wearing a cloak of invisibility flying a flying beast (e.g. winged horse, gryphon) which was also wearing a cloak of invisibility.
Ideas - Items
February 26, 2005
A potion that makes a person reveal their prejudices in public,however damaging it may be to them.
Ideas - Items
February 16, 2005
The gods hate mages. Upstarts who wield magic without reverence for the gods. So they refuse to allow their clerics to heal mages.
Ideas - System
February 11, 2005
The dwarven gods true names can only be known by dwarves. They are referred to by nicknames in the presence of non-dwarves. I.E. Gudurran( Allfather) Baenna ( Hearthmother) Dudrak ( Ore), etc. No torture or magic or direct intent can reveal their true names to non-dwrves.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
February 11, 2005
Just imagine a powder, that could make thing eatable (like swords or rocks).Try it an it will be verry funny.Just imagine..characters will need to get some information from someone. And if he will saw, as one PC is eating his sword.
Ideas - Items
February 10, 2005
Magic should have side effects, both expected and unexpected - fortuitous and deplorable. Expected side effects add anticipation, while unexpected ones increase the drama of the scene. The result can be comedic or dire, it dpends on which circumstances work best for your game.
Ideas - System
February 9, 2005
Believable magic, like ordinary physicis, operates according to some invariable laws that always result in some kind of cost or 'bounce back'. The grater the magic, the more it should cost the character physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ideas - System
February 9, 2005
village of the damned. A village of people that have been 'raised', from death by priests, too many times. At first glance the folk appear as any other, but upon closer examination, they are pale, drawn, and tired...
Ideas - Locations
February 5, 2005
A master thief is struck by an insanity spell and thinks he is half cat. He walks around sniffing things, clawing the furniture and licking himself in the manner of a grooming cat. This is a major cause of embarassment to the guild and the master thief must be cured of his insanity.
Ideas - NPCs
January 30, 2005
Duck-Billed Bird-Dog. This creature has the hindquarters of a hunting dog such as a Labrador Retriever, and the forequarters of a duck, including webbed feet and a wide beak. It also has the wings of a duck.
Ideas - Lifeforms
January 30, 2005
A city is being plagued by a swarm of winged mice. The vermin can get anywhere, and they can easily avoid their normal predators by simply flying away from them.
Ideas - Lifeforms
January 30, 2005
A breed of small dog has the remarkable ability to talk, albeit in the repetitive manner of a parrot.
Ideas - Lifeforms
January 30, 2005
In one region of a forest, all of the trees are identical, down to the leaves and the twigs. If the PCs carve something into one of the trees, it could mystically propigate until it covered all of the trees, or could vanish since it was not carved into the one true tree.
Ideas - Lifeforms
January 30, 2005