Not losing by Goto Author View Single
Hold pieces close to the board for the chair swivels and the head naughts.
Encounter - Any
May 9, 2024
Look into the eyes of a stranger and he is your father.
Encounter - Any
May 9, 2024
Not a Pony by Goto Author View Single
Outside should Inside for kilometers are routed through plagiarism.
Encounter - Any
May 9, 2024
Not the Kings English by Goto Author View Single
We pour the crown and sell it twice.
Encounter - Any
May 9, 2024
The creatures in this dungeon will not become hostile so long as you do not cause any trouble inside. If you provoke them though, you aggro the whole dungeon. If the players are smart, they can complete the dungeon crawl without having to fight anything.
Encounter - Any
April 20, 2023
Daedalus Station by Goto Author View Single
Daedalus Station is a 550-meter long space hulk drifting in trans-Uranian space, reduced to a derelict by the catastrophic failure of its dimensional reactor. The failure of the short-lived Paradigm VI reactor created a stable dimensional bore, a three-meter wide disc in the engineering section.

What is on the other side of the rift?
Why is the rift anchored to the ship instead of a point in space?
Encounter - Any
January 13, 2022
In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.
Encounter - Any
April 5, 2021
In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.
Encounter - Any
April 5, 2021
The Life Cycle of the Gnoll by Goto Author View Single
Eat your sister
kill a goblin
plunder a human farm, kill the farmers, eat the dog
Get killed by first level fighter
breed with ghosts
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Some thoughts on Mundane weapons in D&D by Goto Author View Single
I've never been happy that almost every player picks long sword and greatsword, so I made a special chart to make them more unique. I use this in OSR and Pathfinder. I use 20 only as crit threat(Pathfinder speak),double damage.

dagger +2 to hit, D4 damage

short sword +1 to hit, d6 damage

long sword, threatens critical(see below) on 19-20, D8 damage

battle axe, ignores one Damage resistance( some monsters have resistance to damage in the form of knocks damage off before you do actual damage)(scale at higher L?) D8 damage

Mace, 0ne damage on a miss(Scalable?) D8 damage (Ok , should prob only be vrs Metal armor but not looking for that kind of complexity)

spear D6 damage, d12 damage vrs large creatures

great sword 2d6 damage

military pick d6 damage, x3 damage( triple dice damage) on crit(20)

great axe D10 damage, +3 to confirm crit ( in pathfinder if you roll a 20 you then reroll your attack and if you hit the targets AC, you get a critical multiplier)

quarterstaff(2 handed) D6 damage +1 bonus to AC (to the better)

Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Some thoughts on Healing in D&D by Goto Author View Single
What do you do for overnight healing?

I usually do Level plus CON bonus as overland healing, x3 if you rest the whole day
How about you?

Do you do binding?

I did d6 binding of woulds after a fight that you must take at least one, but I have had a lot of variations on this
Only so many times a day
Must be done by clerics
must have the medic skill
d4 instead of d6
don't need to take a min. of one

Some ideas
d4 from taking one strong drink once a day(crypts and things)
heal d8 from taking a second wind(D&D4th)
acupuncture (varies on technique) mine
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
The Single creature game> Where there is only one type of Creature to fight other than humans
Werewolf> This is one I've worked on a little>there would be one common one and then regional variation
Gnoll> racial differences like humans only a little more severe.
Dragon> you could make them more common and w a lot of younger ones
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
For D&D> An Item by Goto Author View Single
11) Animated Broom> 9 out of 0 of these just sweep, but the 10th is combat capable.

The Broom is considered a Human fighter in all ways with the following stats
8 HP
not fixable
D4 damage
Follows simple verbal commands and can be instructed on who (including pets) not to attack. Will respond to "fight" but will attack the closest thing that it has not banded with.
(post 18 for the day,I'm shooting for 20!)
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
9) Heating Fork(or spoon). Food placed on these are heated to perfect eating temp. Will ruin anything that should be eaten cold or room temp(ie cake or ice cream). A good way to introduce these is to have them where ice cream is to make the adventurers think they are cursed MUWHAHA
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Your Pillow> This magic pillow is "+2" comfort and remains cool despite the temperature. It also shrinks to the size of a cigarette box for easy transportation. These are WILDLY popular wth those who have to travel(especially adventurers) . They command a huge price far outside it's true value , sometimes selling for thousands of gold pieces in a world where stating fighters are often equiped w +2 Swords. The method of creation is lost but sevral enterprising mages are trying to recreate this, with no success.
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
1)Comfy Boots> does not leak and keeps feet at a balmy 72 degrees, does not function if you put anything other than feet in it.

2)Cloak of Stability> wind hitting you is considered 35 MPH less.

3) Belt Pouch of Hiding> any single item of up to 50LBs my be held weightless in it. object can be on width but must be a single piece
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Wondrous Carrier Pigeon> Is capable of transporting up to 1 pound of material over any distance after a recipient is named. Will take 1 week to get anywhere on a single plane.In addition to messages, an enterprising Amazon alchemist has a vibrant delivery service
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Magic Guitar> allows the user to sing and play as if moderately talented for 1 hour a day. These are EXTREMELY popular w adventuring groups as(if you think about it) it gets very boring while travelling long distances
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
Everfull Peanut> This item looks exactly like a normal peanut but will refill up to the point of a 1/2 days rations.Resets at dawn

(I love, love, love this item, but it is not my creation. I have lost track w where it comes from. I think it is from White Dwarf magazine but am not sure)
Encounter - Any
October 22, 2020
No Names by Goto Author View Single
All of the townspeople have forgotten each other’s names, only able to refer to people by their profession, rough age, gender and physical descriptions. They likewise cannot learn new people’s names either.
Encounter - Any
July 7, 2020