No natural cause of death by
When people die of "natural causes" they are not really dead even if you see them in the casket they are still alive in a certain state that they find pleasurable so they pretend to be dead and are laid to rest and rest they do for they are vampires and they will wait in their resting place until the time of their returning to us a pledge has been made with them that if they wait until Christopher Ryan Garrison is one of them for he will not die of natural causes like them they will be nice to them.
Ideas - Society/ Organization May 9, 2024 |
Resolver problemas matemáticos usando una calculadora by
Las matemáticas, una materia a menudo temida e incomprendida, son una parte esencial de nuestra vida diaria. Ya sea que nos encontremos con problemas matemáticos en la escuela, en el trabajo o incluso en las tareas cotidianas, una calculadora puede ser un valioso aliado para hacer que las matemáticas sean más accesibles y solucionables. En este artículo, exploraremos los beneficios de usar calculadoras para resolver problemas matemáticos de manera eficiente.1. Exactitud y precisión Las calculadoras están diseñadas para realizar operaciones matemáticas con un alto grado de precisión. Eliminan el riesgo de error humano que puede ocurrir durante los cálculos manuales, asegurando resultados precisos. Ya sea que se trate de aritmética simple o cálculos complejos, se puede confiar en que una calculadora brindará respuestas precisas. 2. Eficiencia del tiempo El tiempo es un recurso valioso y las calculadoras son excelentes para ahorrarlo. Pueden realizar cálculos mucho más rápido que la mayoría de las personas, lo que permite a los usuarios abordar más problemas en menos tiempo. En un contexto educativo, esta eficiencia del tiempo es crucial, especialmente cuando se trata de pruebas y exámenes estandarizados. 3. Resolución de problemas complejos Los problemas matemáticos a menudo implican ecuaciones complejas que pueden resultar difíciles de resolver a mano. Las calculadoras equipadas con funciones avanzadas pueden solucionar estos problemas con facilidad. Esto es especialmente beneficioso en materias como cálculo, donde resolver ecuaciones complejas es un componente fundamental del aprendizaje. 4. Comentarios instantáneos Las calculadoras ofrecen comentarios instantáneos, lo cual es invaluable tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales. Esta retroalimentación ayuda a identificar y corregir errores rápidamente, facilitando una comprensión más profunda de los conceptos matemáticos. Aprender de los errores es una parte esencial del proceso de resolución de problemas y las calculadoras hacen que este proceso sea más eficiente. 5. Versatilidad Las calculadoras modernas son herramientas versátiles que pueden realizar una amplia gama de tareas matemáticas. Pueden manejar operaciones básicas como suma, resta, multiplicación y división, así como funciones más complejas como trigonometría, logaritmos y análisis estadístico. Esta versatilidad hace que las calculadoras sean adecuadas para diversas disciplinas matemáticas y aplicaciones del mundo real. 6. Fomentar la exploración Si bien las calculadoras pueden simplificar la resolución de problemas matemáticos, también pueden alentar a los usuarios a explorar y experimentar con diferentes conceptos matemáticos. Los estudiantes pueden usar calculadoras para analizar datos, crear gráficos e investigar varios escenarios matemáticos, fomentando una comprensión más profunda del tema. 7. Cerrar la brecha hacia las aplicaciones del mundo real Las matemáticas no se limitan al aula; Tiene numerosas aplicaciones en el mundo real. Las calculadoras ayudan a cerrar la brecha entre las matemáticas teóricas y la resolución práctica de problemas. Ingenieros, científicos, economistas y muchos otros profesionales confían en las calculadoras para resolver problemas del mundo real, lo que destaca la relevancia directa de las matemáticas en la vida diaria. 8. Enseñar el uso responsable Si bien las calculadoras son herramientas poderosas, también enseñan a los usuarios la importancia del uso responsable. Es crucial lograr un equilibrio entre el uso de calculadoras para lograr eficiencia y confiar en las habilidades de cálculo mental. Los educadores desempeñan un papel fundamental a la hora de guiar a los estudiantes para que comprendan cuándo y cómo utilizar las calculadoras de forma eficaz. |
Ideas - Articles October 13, 2023 |
Steampunk campaign by
I am in the process of planning a complete steampunk themed campaign world. The underdark will not be made up of caverns or caves, but huge, interlocking gears. The gears will be constantly moving and are basically a gigantic mechanism. Part of this underdark is controlled by an insane analytical engine (mechanical computer). Stay tuned for more details |
Ideas - Locations July 20, 2023 |
gdfgdf by
Ideas - Articles June 17, 2023 |
The punishment for a wrongful death is prison or paying for the funeral in full.
Ideas - Society/ Organization May 10, 2023 |
All estates, manors, castles, fortresses, and palaces are required by the King's Law to be converted into civilian shelters in the event of national emergency such as a disaster or attack. This includes the Royal Palaces. It is an act of treason to fail to comply such an emergency order.
Ideas - Society/ Organization April 15, 2023 |
History is Drama, not Lore by
While it is within your purview to write long-spanning histories of your world, it is largely unnecessary. If you are running an RPG, do this instead: make a bullet point list of important events that affect the world today, and mysteries that people still don't know. Let these fuel your adventures.
Ideas - Articles February 4, 2023 |
Non-orientalist Arab cultures by
When creating nations or cultures that reside in your desert regions, consider pulling inspiration from the Berbers or Bedouins, rather than the easily-mishandled Iranian/Persian/Arab convention
Ideas - Society/ Organization February 4, 2023 |
In this dungeon, the monsters will not be hostile unless you take something without permission. If you do take something, the monsters inside will consider it stealing and attack you.
Ideas - System February 23, 2021 |
A nation state has a hardline tradition of transparency in government. So much so that any and all information held by their military and intelligence services is immediately declassified and published when the said information is no longer relevent to current and ongoing activities. Even if such information might be diplomatically toxic.
Ideas - Society/ Organization January 16, 2021 |
A traditionalist nation that scorns ranged combat is famed for its innovations in body armor and shields capable of blocking all kinds of projectiles and withstanding explosions. The purpose of this armor is to allow one to get close enough to an enemy for melee combat. Conversely it is also famed for its innovations in melee weapons capable of destroying all kinds of body armor and shields to effectively defeat its enemies.
Ideas - Society/ Organization January 1, 2021 |
In a miltaristic nation, the ownership of proper (improvised don't count) weapons and armor is mandatory for all citizens under penalty of inprisonment or death.
Ideas - Society/ Organization December 2, 2020 |
Double Bulwark Shield by
This is an idea for a basic weapon which I have adapted partially into a fighter subclass. Let me know what you think, because if it's any good, I may post the subclass.Double Bulwark Shield Melee weapon (martial, shield) Category: Items Damage: 1d6 per hand, 1d4 together Damage Type: Bludgeoning Item Rarity: Standard Weight: 6 When wielding the Double Bulwark Shield in two separate parts, you gain +2 to your AC, +1 per hand. When wielding two separate parts of the Double Bulwark Shield, you can take an action to bring the two halves of your shield together. Your movement is halved as long as the shield is brought together. If you move or attack after bringing your shield together this turn, you receive a +3 bonus to your AC. If you don’t move or attack after switching this turn, you and an ally directly behind you receive a +5 bonus to your AC. This action is known as Steadfast. Once the shield is brought together, you may take a bonus action to become Steadfast even if you attack this turn. However, you may not move or attack after becoming Steadfast. Taking apart your shield is considered a free action. |
Ideas - Items December 1, 2020 |
A modern kingdom still strictly adheres to ancient traditions due to their long forgotten deity getting annoyed at the moral decay, appearing as an AI Singularity and forcefully correcting everything it sees as morally wrong. As such, even though the weapons and technology have improved, the culture hasn't.
Ideas - Society/ Organization May 12, 2020 |
In a society, people who are in a higher postition of authority have a bigger incentive to stay on the right side of the law since the more authority you have, the punishments for criminal activities become much more severe. To the point where the most powerful face defacto death/life sentences for every crime.
Ideas - Society/ Organization May 3, 2020 |
Escape your time by
A society or country has a unique method of correction. Criminals are imprisoned in a dungeon with two options: Serve their time, or try to escape. Those who manage to escape alive, their crimes are forgiven early.
Ideas - System February 2, 2018 |
Escape your time by
A society or country has a unique method of correction. Criminals are imprisoned in a dungeon with two options: Serve their time, or try to escape. Those who manage to escape alive, their crimes are forgiven early.
Ideas - System February 2, 2018 |
The 'Temporary' Monarch by
The monarch used to have absolute powers until the disappearance of King Henry V. A 'temporary' replacement was put on the throne to hold it until King Henry returned, and he would have only one vote on the governing council of nobles and no other powers except persuasion. More then 50 years have passed since then and everyone knows King Henry is almost certainly dead-but the nobles don't want to go back under the rule of an absolute monarch, so the kingship is only 'temporary' until King Henry V returns to take back his throne.
Ideas - Plots November 11, 2017 |
Bramble-Beasts by
The forests, the swamps, the lands lost to wilderness, fang, and willow. These lands are home to the creatures of wiing, tooth and claw. Some far more capable of fending off the hominids, others still, are less fortunate, falling prey to spears, arrows, and dogs. As the hominids encroach upon the sacred woodlands and miry bogs there are times that the thorns and vines are animated by the spirit of the land in order to fight. In this way the mysterious guardians are formed. In the shapes of wolves, bears, and many other greater and more terrible beasts, each with eyes of glowing emerald. Fiercely defending creatures of burrow and glade.
Ideas - Lifeforms November 7, 2017 |
Mimic Blade by
A Mimic in the rather unconventional form of a weapon, can be used as a weapon and grows more powerful over time. If introduced to the party early it could make an unexpected betrayal. Skittering around like a terrifying insect.
Ideas - Items November 5, 2017 |