MoonHunter's Locations - ( 180 )

The Main Sail Smiths By: MoonHunter

The Main Sail Smiths is a business of renown in the Known World. The shop is the premire sail maker for the Northern part of ThirdLand.

by MoonHunter
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Cashmirius's By: MoonHunter

Cashmirius's is one of the finest cafes in the city. It is does not have a large indoor seating area. The small tables with their crisp creme linens are crowded with stools. If you sit inside, the host will often sit other people you don't know at your table. This is great for meeting new people, but it is tough if you are trying to have a private talk.

by MoonHunter
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Establishments By: MoonHunter

Every city, town, or large village will have businesses. Some will be inns, some stores, some people providing a service. They are all places for characters to get what they need, spend money, and a chance for the GM to hook the PCs into a new plotline. So we are looking for distinct establishments, ready to be pushed in a not-yet-complete place.

by MoonHunter
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Aviansis By: MoonHunter

The wind blows out of the West. It is warm and gentle. It rolls over the rough terrain. A man is standing, one foot on the soft sandy ground, the other stepping on the ruin of a once great column. He has a hawk upon his outstretched gloved hand. It takes flight. This is Aviansis. This is the Wings of Sand.

by MoonHunter
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The Dark Oak Forest By: MoonHunter

The Dark Oak Forest is a place of darkness, danger, and Evil. For reasons best not talked about, the Dark One has visited this place, twisting it forever.

by MoonHunter
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Caraguis By: MoonHunter

Caraguis is an idylic little village, deep in the wine country. It is like the traveller was walked into a Maxwell Parish picture. It is on what was once a main road, but the newer road takes you to the important places quicker. Yet if you are taking in the beauty of the hills and valley or avoiding people on the main road, you will encounter Caraguis.

by MoonHunter
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Aviontix By: MoonHunter

Aviontix is designed to be an "ancient kingdon" to be inserted into a game world as history. However, you can make it a current game world, if you want.

by MoonHunter
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1 HoH
WheatSword By: MoonHunter

Wheatsword has the reputation of being the dullest city in the world. It is surrounded by miles of flat farmland. The buildings are big, square, and boring. The streets are well paved. It looks like someone in the Military designed the city. And they did. It is the largest military establishment in the world.

by MoonHunter
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Manor Home D'Marsarac By: MoonHunter

An island of stone above the valley, the Manor Home D'Marsarac sits upon a green promotory above the farming valley below. From this island in the sky (an illusion created by the thick morning fog) various noble families have administered to this fertile valley for centuries.

by MoonHunter
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Basilica of Kestidel By: MoonHunter

In the great town plaza the magnificent edifice of the Basilica of Kestidel has stood for many generations. This elaborate gothic structure is the hub of power of the clergy. It has been a bastion of faith for the surrounding lands. Not only have the spiritual affairs of the populace been governed here but also it is a centre of the community that has proved resolute in time of crisis, whether through war, pestilence or famine. In the myriad of crypts beneath its sanctified grounds lie interred many thousands of bones of the dead, as these crypts are the place of burial for the worshipers.

by MoonHunter
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The Ellis of Kestidel By: MoonHunter

The Ellis of Kestidel is the main building to register as a citizen of Kestidel. It is located outside of the city and thus must have its own defenses.

by MoonHunter
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Neptune's Court By: MoonHunter

Below the white spumes of the wind blown sea, in the inky depths of the oceans vast domain, lie fantastic cities and civilizations undreamt of by surface dwellers. While most think tales of such are legends, the sea faring folk know better.

In the Great Blue Bay, there is a deep undersea drop canyon that leads to a great aquatic plain. Both surface dwellers and sea dwellers utilize the great aquatic forrest and harvest its bounty. Here the Lands of Men meet the Kingdom of the Deep. The place that they meet is called Neptune's Court.

by MoonHunter
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The Road By: MoonHunter

The Road... traverses Time—Time past, Time to come, Time that could have been, and Time that might yet be. Some people have the ability to access the Road and travel it from Time to Time and world to world.

by MoonHunter
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1 HoH
Zaradee By: MoonHunter

This small centrally located country town appears to be another sleepy hamlet deep in the farm country. The buildings are idyllic. The farmers appear to be more properous than most. Everything appears perfect. There is a secret here that even people in the know would not suspect.

by MoonHunter
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Bromine Lake By: MoonHunter

Bromine Lake is a lake that is almost a very small inland sea. It is also special for other reasons. It always has the warmth of a living Human, no matter what the season. It is not a hot spring with its sulfuric chemicals. There are hundreds of theories, but no answers.

Even if they did, they would never believe it, as it has ties to the time of legends, to the time of Corvus.

by MoonHunter
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1 HoH
Merideth By: MoonHunter

This is a city deep in the hills of old Aviansis. The path to Merideth is magically obscured, so only those with the pathfinder's gift can find it. The city is still bustling with souls after all these centuries. They trade with each other, make deals, sell things, and even send messages. Unfortunately only a few of them have warm bodies or heartbeats.

by MoonHunter
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Skyway By: MoonHunter

If you follow the wide well traveled mountain road, you eventually find your way to Skyway. Nestled among the clouds, perched upon the mountain side, this tiny town is the key to many puzzles.

by MoonHunter
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The City of Caulderon By: MoonHunter

The city of Caulderon is the mythic flying city. Once a magnificent city on a cliff, it was saved from being lost to the sea by being lifted by alchemical means. It was filled with impossibly tall shining spires standing above golden domes. The sunlight striking it is said to blind those who come to invade the city. The people lived in this magnificent city in health, wealth, and safety. They rode Griffons and created all sorts of creature. Caulderon was known for its magic, its alchemy. In the old tongue, the word Caulder means alchemey, from the word Cauldron. It is from their alchemey that their great wealth and comfort is derieved.

Legends (and Elven History) states that the floating city would visit The Lands once every few years, blown by the winds. They would trade for things and sell their magikal goods. After a year or so, their cities would be be blown to other places. It has been over four hundred years since any credible source has seen the floating cities. It is the thing of legends.

Then why has one been seen over the Land?

by MoonHunter
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Corvis By: MoonHunter

Corvis is a western region of The Land, comprising several small counties. It is a magical place, filled filled with fruitful farms, green rolling hills, low stone walls built up over centuries, and a number of small forests. The people are happy and content. It is an ideal place.

Most of the time. And it depends on what you think is ideal...

by MoonHunter
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The City of Asylum By: MoonHunter

Something occured and those in the grand city went mad. Was it a curse, a prophecy, a spell gone wrong, or a magik item opened? Nobody allegedly knows. The city guard on the city walls, saw the madness and were apparently not touched. They tried to keep the crazy ones inside, by blocking the gates and sealing the entrances to the large city wall. The region's leader, eventually sent the Army there to reinforce the city guards, to hold the mad ones in. Since the mad men are incredibly strong and immune to pain, if they escape it would be a plague upon the land. There is still hope that someday they could be restored (perhaps a royal heir or a royal household was in the city). Perhaps they are nearly immortal. The city guards who occasionally decend into the city to drop supplies and stop fires believe that to be true.

Now it is a small town, with its own walls, that rings the old grand city. Over the years, the army and guards, have created a town that supports them. They think themselves immune to the madness, yet their proximity to them, means they are only slightly odd... perhaps becoming mad. The crazed watch over the mad. A running joke is that someday, someone will man their walls to hold them in.

by MoonHunter
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