Cheka Man's Lifeforms - ( 62 )

Cheka Man
Dog Spiders By: Cheka Man

A fully domesticated dog spider makes a very good pet and almost never bites, but a wild one is greatly to be feared.

by Cheka Man
Cheka Man
7 Changelings By: Cheka Man

The Changelings are an often hated race, somewhere between a sapient pony and an insect, that feeds on the love from others, and has to remain hidden to survive.

by Cheka Man
Cheka Man
Wave Spirits By: Cheka Man

Be careful when go go swimming if you notice what appears to be small waves when there is no wind, or you might find that you never get out again.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
30 Horrors of the Jungle By: Cheka Man

Thirty dangers that await you within the tangled forests of the jungles of your world.

by Cheka Man
Cheka Man
7 Mermaids By: Cheka Man

Seven Mermaids, some of them living their lives in the deep ocean, others, willingly or otherwise, on the land.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
The LifeStealer By: Cheka Man

The Regal Tombs of Orbis were the place where the richest of the rich were buried, and Bert was sure that if he could break in to a recent two-month old burial he would be wealthy for at least the rest of the year. Since tomb-robbing could get somebody the gibbet, he had gone alone, and now he cursed as he fought hand to hand with the bulbous, distended, decomposing corpse that had leapt up when he tried to steal the grave goods and now beat and clawed at him and swiped at him with a rapier. Every wound it inflicted on his body, he got a little weaker and to his horror, it grew a little stronger and a little less rotten. Not long afterwards, a seemingly living man left the tomb, leaving the body of a grave robber behind. A body that would soon rise...and walk...

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Seven Scuttling Scary Spiders By: Cheka Man

Seven Scuttling Scary Spiders for the arachnophobic adventurer to face.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Slow Death Cap By: Cheka Man

The Slow Death Cap looks, to those who don't know what they are looking at, like an edible mushroom, but eating it is one of the most unwise things anybody could possibly do.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Changeling Wasp By: Cheka Man

The nobleman was out on horseback when he came too close to a nest of Changeling wasps. The first sting made him scream and sent him falling from his horse. When he felt the second sting and was close to passing out with the pain, he thought Whatever happens now, my life of freedom is over. Even if I am not stung again,and escape being paralysed or killed I will be a girl. I will no longer have the right to choose who I marry, to carry a weapon, to join the army or to have control over my own finances.My life is ruined now.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
30 Genies By: Cheka Man

So you want to rub a lamp, do you? Here are many mighty Genies, beings of great magic who might turn out to be your greatest boon or your greatest bane.

by Cheka Man
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1 HoH
Cheka Man
30 Maggots By: Cheka Man

30 squirming maggots, worming their way through dead and decaying flesh.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Musher Bugs By: Cheka Man

"How is he? Will my son ever recover from the bugs that turned his brain to mush?"

The doctor pointed to where the thirty-seven year old was playing with toys on the floor. "It's been five years now and he has the brain of a child, give it another five and we can start the basics of teaching him magic again. He knows who you are but...but he will never have the same personality again, and by the time he regains all his magic skills at their former levels he will be in his sixties."

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
30 Vampires By: Cheka Man

30 various vampiric varieties

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Eye Flies By: Cheka Man

The eyes came closer and with them came a growling sound, and the warrior swung at them with his sword. They flew around it, revealing themselves to be harmless insects. The warrior was no Cave Bear or Giant Spider but a pair of Eye Flies out looking for insects to eat that were smaller still.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Xarloccians By: Cheka Man

The rotting ghoul sunk it's teeth into the girl's throat, tearing it open, and then laid her down, and as she died, so the rotting body that had murdered her ceased rotting. Milky white eyes became green ones with normal pupils. Maggots swarmed out of the body, the damage they caused healing rapidly,and the stench of flesh gone bad vanished. The Xarloccian swore to itself that it would always tread the path of Evil from now on, just one earlier act of Good had nearly rotted away it's body and sent it's soul to the Nine Hells.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
The Dumuzid By: Cheka Man

He raised his sword to fight the foul undead thing in front of him, which was when it threw something only just glimpsed in the beam of his torch at him. When he blocked it with his sword, the resulting explosion both shattered his sword and took off his hand. As he turned to flee, screaming in pain, the Dumuzid he was facing stabbed him again and again until he fell dead to the sandy floor of the tomb.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Army of the Lost By: Cheka Man

The first sign of the Army of the Lost are the legs. Blown off legs, hopping along wearing their military boots. And not long afterwards, the rest of the Army arrives, and the horizon from left to right is filled with the decomposing bodies, many of which carry weapons. Unless you can outrun them or fortify your position, you will soon be joining this army of the Undead.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Atissi Worms By: Cheka Man

It may be wondered why packs of wolves, Giant Spiders and other such animals would attack PCs, when said PCs are normally armed to the teeth with deadly weapons and spells. Surely it would make more sense to attack weaker prey? Sometimes it is because the PCs are threatening the animal's territory or cubs or egg sac. Sometimes the animals may be crazed with hunger. Or it may be because the animals have become infected by Atissi worms.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Wangadi Fruit By: Cheka Man

The fruit of the Wangadi tree should be treated with respect, because if eaten at the wrong time it can be mind blowing.

by Cheka Man
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Cheka Man
Fire Flies By: Cheka Man

Some people might call them cute, but unlike fireflies that just glow and look pretty, Fire Flies can give you nasty burns if you mess around with them, so look but don't touch.

by Cheka Man
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