The butchery didn't move since its founding, so with all its renown it is located in a quite poor neighborhood. The old house has been enlarged three times, and may grow still more. It is not rare to find dogs and homeless people wandering around, delighted by the scents and looks.

The shop sells the usual kinds of fresh meat of a decent quality, but its fame comes from the various preserved, dried and smoked goods. Few would refuse a fine ham or sausage coming from this house.

Finghaart himself is getting older, and left a part of the business on his assistant, concentrating on what he knows best. Married too late, loosing the wife too soon, and having no children, he is quite the melancholic, forgetting the sadness in work, and occassionally drinking until he is senseless. But, so people say, he is a nice guy and treats his customers well. He likes to keep the shop clean and ordered.

Now the optional, dark part of his business.

Where there are people, there are evil people. And in most cultures, every evil finds sooner or later its followers. One of the sins plauging civilised states is cannibalism, lone madmen or entire cults craving the taste of flesh of their fellowmen. And if there are nobles in the cult, or wealthy men of refined tastes, they may not desire a simple bloody meal (leaves too much traces, anyway). An expert may be hired, someone that knows his job... like Finghaart.

Finghaart himself prefers to know as little as necessary. A body is shipped in (often a homeless, troublesome servant, or personal enemy), and it is processed. Finghaart's policy is to accept only dead bodies; he never kills himself, and leaves even the animals to his assistants. Once all flesh is removed, the bones are shattered into splinters, with most of the remains fed to his vicious dogs. The sausage or ham is then sold in the shop, it is much more expensive however, out of reach for most people. Finghaart claims there are special, exotic spices added (which is true). He will but sell them to anyone knowing the proper brand; people with special connections (like priests and paladins) should beware of eating this meat...

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