“ Go Beyonde
Wiz 1
For one full round, a gate to another dimension is opened. That Dimension is called Beyonde. It is a place of eldritch horrors but if you are careful, movement there for every 10 feet there you cover 1 mile here. It is very dangerous and creatures will attack). near instantaneously upon your arrival. in practice, you can roughly cover about 300 miles(after this point you will be subjected to overwhelming attack.Brave(Foolish?) peeps attempt to send armies through, that is very iffy. you can only get to approx. D^ miles of where you want to come out(requiring another casting of the spell.
Basically you have teleportation available to L 1 Wizard's , this would shake kingdoms to the core, if an enemy army could appear at any moment,D6 miles from a target. Warfare becomes very fluid and much smaller forces are scattered about the countryside.”
“ A certain culture has a curious pass-time- muscle art.
Muscle artists (who are called by a special name) work hard to sculpt their bodies, trying to become as muscular and buff as possible. The best among muscle artists look almost grotesque in their amazing muscularity, Atlas-like giants with shiny, oiled iron arms and legs.”
“ A man was killed somehow and brought back to life. He, uniquely, remembers everything about Death, from the skeleton on the horse that guided him, to the afterlife itself. And the annoying bit where he was wrenched from his jacuzzi. He now has penned the instant best seller, entitled 'To Death and Back: My adventurers beyond the grave.' OR IS IT? Is this man telling the truth, or simply a very good liar? Is it all a fraud?”