Setam, also known as the Mistress of Critical Junctures, holds power in a seemingly innocuous domain that in fact might save or doom a mortal- nervousness. According to records, Setam was once mortal. She was the priestess-princess of an ancient tribe who often hesitates and dawdles over decisions because of nerves. Long before her transcendence, tribe members have a tradition of invoking her name whenever they come to important decision points. In fact, some argue that this ‘belief' is what made her transcend into godhood. Nowadays, Setam is revered by individuals in leadership positions and the indecisive.
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? Responses (14)

I actually really like this one

Me too.

Moi aussi!

I am always impressed when someone manages to fit a complete idea in such a short space.

No room for purple prose, fancy presentation, or beating around the bush.I love it

Thanks for all the positive feedback on this. Personally, I like UU slightly better but I think I can say that personally I fall into one of the categories that revere her, at least at the moment.


Simple, with good execution. Me likes

This is clever, and well done given the length constraint.

true Masterpiece
commenting challange

I want to use this in my current campaign, do you see her as helping or causing the indecisiveness?

the belief is that it depends on whether you pay homage to her, she would aid you in this aspect if you pay proper respect to her and be a disruptive influence otherwise.

oh and pronunciation?(I'm trying to use as much Strolen material in my campaign as poss.
