A School of magic, as I demand it here, is not simply a group of vaguely-related spells. It has a tradition, it has purpose, it has history. It may be an actual school, where the elders teach the youngsters, or it may be a half-free tradition handed down in families, it may be something more or something less.
A school of magic needs not to be only for the typical wizard, other magic-users may have their own. There can actually be schools of magic for non-spellcasters, with magic (one example of sorts is the Cantrips to change the world idea), or without - those fake wizards and charlatans may have some tradition, too.
One thing I would be little pleased at, are schools with the singular purpose of equipping their members with bigger and badder spells. In my opinion, a school of magic should have character. Wizardly sages fascinated with a single topic are slightly cliche, but fine. Wizards that just invent new ways to kill stuff are plain boring. Try to be unique, please. (Oh, do I need to say that here? Strike that.)
Article Codex

Systems • Mystical • General
-The last thoughts of an adventurer who crossed a Spelldancer.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
The young priest had been healing in the market place for free. Someone seeking bounty gold had told someone at the temple. "Hut. Hut. Hut" The Temple Knights in formation came marching down from the temple.
The young priest stood up. He reached into his pouch. With a smile he put the top into the Bey. With a spin, the 1000 prayers to the spirits came forth. The spirit responded. The wind whirled and buffetted the troops. They fell into each other and were having trouble getting due to the wind that only they felt.
The priest picked up his top and ran away. They would not catch him today.

Organizations • Technical • Regional
"I walked through the poor's quarters, and my eye was not harmed. All functional, and simple, and crude, made on the whims of fate and delivered by immediate need.
I walked through the merchant's quarters, and my eye was bored. Pretensions where nothing backed them, striving for appearance without substance, evidence of changing wealth, too much only began, too much never finished.
I walked through the place where the powerful lived, and my eye was tired. Too much of attempted beauty turned hideous, and a lack of taste was made worse by willing lackeys.
But then I've seen the treasure of the city. A cathedral, that was part of the sky, columns, and arches to carry the weight of the world, shapes to let your mind fly along, and ornaments to stop by. A place to ponder, to be pleased to be alive, to accept suffering, and to realize your mistakes. This is a place I could learn from."

Systems • Mystical • Defining
Millenia ago the Gods changed how the mystical forces on the world were governed and used. No longer were the mortals able to pluck the power from the very air and use it. So they altered it, thinking the mortals were not clever enough to find a way to use it again. The God’s crystalized the magic and placed the power in the four elements of the world. Now mortals did indeed determine a way to use magic again, albeit at a much lower proficiency. Magic users now require a focus staff made of the very essence of magic. These crystal staves store the mystical energies required to cast spells, needing to be recharged over time. The magic users scribe, etch, or carve the spells symbols directly on the staves and focus the energy through the symbols.

Locations • Establishment • Any
Conosca abbastanza per essere impaurito, molto impaurito
Motto of Cinque-Parte Polygnostic

Systems • Mystical • General
Folk magic is more of a magical tradition than a school of scholarly research being as old as the hills, some say as old as time itself. It is as deeply ingrained to the psyche of the country folk as the changing of the seasons and has been passed down from father to son and mother to daughter for countless generations.

Systems • Mystical • General
Not all magic is pretty, or fair. Some is cold and exploitive. This is that kind of magic.

Systems • Mystical • General
It is said that dwarves have problems with using magic (maybe they cannot cast spells at all). This is an attempt to create a distinctly dwarwen school of magic. The way you use it is of course yours.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
Here, fantasy meets science-fiction. Little green men have built automated outposts for the research of this planet.

Systems • Mystical • General
The Seeker was a mystic guardian from long ago. He was a hero and a companion to Greater Heroes. To ensure the Realms would be protected, he charged his apprentices to teach others.

Systems • Mystical • General
Deep forests hide many secrets, and traditions older and stranger than civilization itself.

Systems • Mystical • Specific
The School of Jundera is the most ancient school of Amandaeanic magic. Few know it's history.

Organizations • Mystical • Regional
The Comet is a herald of things of importance, normally on the field of battle.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
Magic is a living entity, simple and non-sentient, but reactive to large-scale emotional states. Its name, like we might call a dog, 'Dog', is Garan. It is better to think of it as a huge astreal vine like plant, rather than an animal.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
The followers of this school specialize in the control of the Fog phenomenon. In a world where most magical effects have only a short duration, theirs can stay active for hours, even days in some rare cases.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
A form of magic whereupon talismans are grafted to the skin in order to grant power.

Systems • Mystical • General
The school of Entwiners is formed around the art of creating magic with rope and knots.

Systems • Mystical • Specific
BlenderofSixElement's Way is the system of magick known to all the known world of Arth. There may be native minor magic systems, but the only effective system is BlenderofSixElement's Way.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
The Tower of Troubles is a Mages guild where young wizards and sorcerors are trained in the Art. It arose as a compromise between the gods of Bareel and the human practitioners of magic.

Systems • Mystical • Defining
The Zoimorph School of Magic is a school of magic specialized in altering and creating variants of life, sometimes referred to as Arcanaeugenics.

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? Responses (12)

Good compiled list of different magic systems. Good idea.

I like this thread. It is a good resource.

This is an interesting codex which most people are unaware of. So here it is, worthy of attention. Everyone should add to it.

which nobody does.....

Only because it's not so easy, I guess.

Another of those subs I gotta add to, when I get a Round Tuit!

And we are looking forward to it!

wonderful collection!

It's beastly, it's large, and it has some really neat things in it. Deserves some bumpage

Are you into pigs? no? How about ropes? Is 'aroma' your thing? Do parasites get you excited?
We've got a school of magic for you!

Have there been no new schools added? Inconceivable. Find those schools that have been created in the last few years and add them to this thread.