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Người đàn ông nhận tin trúng số giải 3 xổ số miền bắc sau khi bị ói vì ngộ độc thức ăn

Anh Viện, một người đàn ông đầy nghị lực và kiên định, đã trải qua một trải nghiệm đầy bi kịch nhưng cuối cùng lại mang lại cho anh một niềm vui không tưởng, anh đã trúng giải 3 xổ số miền bắc một cách nhanh chóng và ngoạn mục. Điều đặc biệt là anh nhận được tin này sau khi phải chịu cảnh ngộ độc thức ăn và bị ói mửa liên tục.

Systems • Mystical • Specific


7 Dungeon Wight Magic Tattoos

The wights of the Gygaxian Gyre like to enhance their dungeon fighting ability through the use of large full-body tattoos

Dungeons • Underground • Ecology


The Chained King

The Chained King and Aheth Silareth

Items • Clothes • Magical


Panoply of the Bride

A ridiculous panoply that combines the aesthetic of Brazilian Carneval and a wedding dress, intended for a Charisma build seduction character

Items • Jewelry • Cursed

Cheka Man's

7 (Mostly) Cursed Gems

Seven jewels that mainly hold dark secrets within their beauty.

Hall of Honour
No current Hall of Honour Subs.


War is coming!


Winter is a Character


Boots Too Fine for the Earth


Cool Fight Scenes


Markus the Black
Legacy Quest
Legacy Quest
Quest - Five in One

The Five in One Challenge. The time to honor yourself will soon be at an end...Highness--Russ Crowe, Gladiator

The idea behind this Quest is to use five random submissions and craft one masterpiece from them. The point is to celebrate some of the forgotten posts of the past, dredge up favorites, and highlight your peers and colleagues' works.

Rules - Thou shall not use any of your own submissions.

-Thou shall have 1.5 months to craft your 5in1 submission. Yes, multiples are allowed. You cannot begin, until the Quest is officially posted on the main site (any hour now).
- The Five shall be picked randomly, ideally with the aid of Murometz, who will gladly generate them for you. However, those impatient of you may choose and contact any Citadelian of your preference, who shall thence produce them for you - the 'Random Submission' link on pretty much any page of the main Citadel being a good source. Refresh and enjoy.
- The chosen submissions shall not have a higher vote score than '4.5'. Even the seemingly less perfect submissions deserve love and companionship. Please, help them shine!
- (Optional) A sixth submission may be generated if you so desire, to swap it with another that you desire less.

Other than these guidelines, anything goes. The person who wins the Quest, will be awarded a set of customized Citadel-dice in addition to the usual laurels! If you can help it, try to avoid an epic novel.

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