This is a codex I have been threatening to create for quite a while now. This is a codex and scroll were we can post (either directly or by link) lists for all those minor races/ race ideas that we all have, but do not want to set up a full thread for. These could be races in the background of the world, races that are not appropriate to PCs, "monster races", or ideas about a race you want to put down but are not going to make a whole thread to flesh out. (An example would be a variation you want to do to basically traditional Elves...)

Note: If the species should be in a different codex or part of a specific world, please keep the species there and not here.

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Living amongst the branches and brambles of the Grand Trees are the Keeet. While balancing on the Grand Trees, the perfected a balance Traditional (hunter/gatherer/eco tied) and Industrial (technical and artificial) cultures and lifestyles. They weave smaller branches and reinforce them with artificial means to create buildings in the branches. From there they have developed a sophisticated chemical, plastics, and biochemical industry. The Grand Trees provide for them, and they assist the Grand Trees with support and healthcare.

It is only in the last two centuries that they have colonized the flatlands of their planet. (The local flatlanding creatures are quite aggressive and powerful.) At contact, they had reached orbit flight.

The Keeet are protovulpids avatari by classic definition.

They are 2 feet (.6 meter tall) foxlike creatures. (Yes think of standing cartoon foxes, with cute tails). They are full grasping being, with dexterous thumbs. Their hand claws are usually trimmed back by males, painted and shaped by the females, foot claws are shaped by both sexes.) They are spry and friendly, having adapted from low bramble life to everywhere on the Grand Trees through organization and technical expertise. Their squeeky voices can manage Standard Tongue quiet elequently. The Pop sensation Jayaliii is a Keet.

Note: Their size, low G origins, and technical expertise, make Keeet first class spacers.

The Genligra

From the submission of Verden and Otraverden comes a species with two homeplanets.

Verden is the point of origin. The Genligra are standard chemistry and proportion humanoids with slightly longer legs and shorter arms than normal. Their avataristic ancestors were avian-saurian mixes. They descended from larger fliers that opted to run and walk to avoid the megaflyiers and survive a meteor strike that descimated the early life population.

If one is aware of such things, one can see their ancestory in them. They are light stepping digigrade (toe walking) feet. They are alert and graceful in their motions. They have a crest (where head hair is) of downey soft psuedofeathers of a creme range coloration. (Think a mass of cremey brown fluffy flyway hair that both genders keep quite long.) This crest runs along their shoulders as well, leading to a lot of off the shoulder draping clothing for them. There plain skin is a variety of darker browns (lighter if they are from Otraverden stock). They are quite striking to most species' asthetic.

Their face is dominated by their two main features. The first is there large and wide eyes. The are quite dark in coloration, but quite expresive. The second is there large but narrow nose that runs from just above their eyes to just above their narrow lips. They have no beak like protofeature.

Yes, they are human's in bird suits. Take a human, put them in lifts, and give them cool costumes, prosthetic hair, and large narrow latex noses. Blame my upbringing on Dr. Who and Star Trek Origina series.

The Genligra hold the record for fastest advance from protocivilization to spaceflight. The secret of their success is obvious to those who know their homesystem; they have another planet that is close enough to see details of with the naked eye most of the year. This other land or sky land inspired them to reach for it. While they bypassed certain technologies along the way, they shifted from rock chippers to civilization, achieved airflight (and were quite adept at it) and spaceflight, in a mere 5000 cycles. They had explored their entire system by the time starflight contact was made.

As a species they are not any more technically capable than any other, they simply have more motivation than most. Their specialties tend towards vehicles, construction, and song, as do most proto-avians. They tend to be gregarious and adapt well to aliens.

Small Folk

These slender folk are roughly 4 to 5 spans tall (4 feet and some). While they have large child like eyes and faces (to Human eyes), they have slender, athletic bodies. There ears are large, oddly shaped, but not pointed (despite some old tapestries depicting them that way). They are inhumanly fast and agile (i.e. faster and more agile than humans). They can climb and leap in ways that a Human would be hard to match. They also have an aptitude for magic charms and such. Many of their basic skills include small magics as intrical parts. They are a touch insular, more comfortable with their own type than the Giants (Nords and other Humans) to the South.

The Small Folk live in the North Woodlands. They are masters of woodcraft and woodcrafting. They make their way and living through the Woods: Hunting, Trapping, Harvesting, Crafting, and Managing the Great Green Living Sea (as they call it as it is bounded by the Great Blue Sea i(Artos Sea) to the north and west and the Great White Sea (the North Sea) to the North). The Northern Territories are nortoriously poor in metals (copper only) and the local stones are either insanely soft or too hard for anything but the most refined iron tools to use. They make their world from the Woods of the North Woodlands. Their family lodges are mostly wood and a bit of stone. They are intricately carved with incredible detail and put together with such care that without a nail or plaster they are fully tight and sealed. Many tools that Nords or other Humans would have made of metal are made of wood or hardened bone or carefully crafted stone.

They are careful harvesters of their lands, often pulling trees to their camps over very long distances. Each of the nine clans has several lodges that they move between through the year, following the resources and game.