Even today the People of the Coral are in decline but once things were even worse as they were under attack from all sides.From the polar seas came constant raids of Seelies, seal-people, who not only slaughtered and maimed the People but kiddnapped large numbers of their women and dragged them away to their icy waters where they soon perished in the cold.

From the other direction came the Shura,and they took possession of many of their caves, coral reefs and kelp groves cutting them off from their main food supply and places of safety and leaving them exposed to the attacks of Aquan Man-of-War jellyfish, sharks, Giant Octopuses and other predators.

King Amalric prayed day and night to Ulmania to save her children from the extermination campaigns being waged against them and his prayer was answered when a hand came up from dry land holding a beautiful many-coloured coral trident and threw it into the sea for him. Armed with this he faced the Shura army that was advancing on the last of his people.

Every weapon of coral or stone that came into contact with the trident shattered into pieces and where it wounded anybody the spikes broke off in the wound and grew within it, so that even a flesh wound became deeply pierced by fire coral growing within it that had to be pulled out quickly, otherwise it would tear up the internal organs. And a head or chest wound was fatal as the coral pierced the brain or the heart. As the spikes broke off they instantly regrew.

Seeing this even the Shura retreated and the People followed their King and routed the Shura, something that was very rare in Shura history. Seelie raids were dealt with in a simerler fashion, and the People were able to hold on to a small part of their former Kingdom.This weapon had truely been their saviour.

Magical Properties:

The spikes of the coral will break off in any wound and grow inside it, causing great pain and, if they are not quickly removed, death. Non magical coral and stone weapons and rusty iron weapons will shatter in combat with this fearsome trident.Non rusty iron weapons will not break but they cannot break the Saviour either.

The Saviour will not heal wounds inflicted on it's owner, nor can it warn of danger,so it's owner is certainly not invincible and should be careful in battle and preferably have fellow fighters to back him/her up.

If it gets totally dry and remains so for more then 24 hours, it will become brittle and then crumble into dust and coral shards. The user of the Saviour should take great care not to be injured by the spikes or they will grow inside him or her-the Saviour does not care who or what it harms.

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