Human/ Male/ 40ish
Helioglyph is a man of moderate height and build. His eyes are an odd golden green color. His nose is quite large, hooked and hawk like. His hair is blond threaded with a great deal of white. His skin is soft and fair, showing he has not worked hard, except for his hands which are scarred and calloused.

Summer Word was a simple young apprentice to a gold/ silver smith when he became interested in magic. It seemed the man next door was a wizard of some minor repute. Summer spent much of his free time with him. Though disappointed that he did not have 'The Gift' to any real degree, he still studied the interesting symbols and patterns associated with magic. He incorperated patterns into his works when he became a journeyman. They were unique and well received. Since magic is such a touchy subject, most smiths avoid it. Since He made a wizard's set as his master work, his identity as a magical jeweler was cemented.

He eventually moved into the magic quarter because his clients were either there or expected him to be. Like all 'workers of magic' he took on a magename, Helioglyph. Being a non-magical worker of magic, he was able to go places and do things that most magical workers were unable to do. Thus he has become a 'community leader' in the magic quarter.

Special Equipment
Dozens of charms... and many of his work.

Roleplaying Notes
Think: Nice Guy who is too responsible for his own good. He takes on his own problems and the problems of others.

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