During their travels through a dense wooded area the high pitched sound of a scream tears through the peacefulness of the forest.
During their travels through a dense wooded area the high pitched sound of a scream tears through the peacefulness of the forest. The intensity of the scream made it seem like it was very close. Traveling towards the scream the forest seems normally active and they find nothing. When they believe they are near where the scream originated from ,off in a different direction another scream rips through the woods. Following the scream quickly they find themselves again not being able to find anything. This could continue indefinately.
The sound of the scream is actually made by a bird the size of a large fist. It is mating season and that is how the bird tries to attract a mate. The bird is territorial so will generally stay in the same area so return visits here may have a repeat of the scream if they don't find it on their first search.
A character with good wood lore or perhaps an animal lore background may soon understand what it is, never actually experiencing it himself till now so the experience was quite unexpected.
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? Responses (8)

It may happen later, a long time later, that they need to break some glass, enchanted or something. Funny way, no magic or weapons can harm it, but this little bird can!

I find it funny, especially for a higher level campaign. Build an aura of suspense by having all about them fall silent, then a few padded footsteps...
And a little bird about the size of a fist. The perfect thing to remind PCs that sometimes a rabbit is just a rabbit.

He, he - very silly - this is a complement - 4/5

Fluff. Woo.

When I was young, I had a parrot. A monstrously noisy parrot. While I loved my pet a great deal, some of our neighbors thought that we had an autistic child shut up in our house. I can imagine that situation in a fantasy game:
GM: 'You hear a sound like someone screaming, 'Help, helllp!'
Adventurer: 'I kick open the door!'

A nifty little encounter.

I am quite fond of this bird, it's a nice idea with some good applications. Perhaps if it is not local it was repurposed by some other creatures to attract unwary do-gooders, like the inverse of the shrieker fungus.

What was that? It's over there! No, wait, it came again back there!