King Arkon is aged in his late fifties, with black hair that is just beginning to turn grey, and brown eyes. He wears the white robes edged with gold leaf that the Kings of his country are buried in, with a sword at his side and a silver crown upon his head.


King Arkon was generally a good king, who tried his best to avoid war and keep the wheels of Justice turning. However, he had one flaw-his great fear of Death. He turned to the mages and they told him to build a great Pyramid, and that if it was made large enougth and properly enchanted, it would create a bubble of *null-time* at the top, where he would never age.

Much of the population were put to work upon the Pyramid, but apart from those who were convicts in chain-gangs, they were not slaves and were paid reasonably well for their efforts. Nor was the Kingdom neglected as he was careful never to let the harvest be allowed to rot in the fields. There were some grumblers, however. After twenty years of toil the Pyramid was completed.

Then the engineers were called in to create booby-traps for the King's protection. A couch and plenty of books and other items were placed in his royal chamber and finally the Pyramid was enchanted, using every mage and witch in the Kingdom. In fact, so much magic was used that the Kingdom's Clathrate was destroyed. Magic became very hard to cast, which had a serious affect on the health of the people who relied on their magic users to heal them if disease broke out.

When disease did break out that summer the mages were unable to stop it and one in every thirty people died, including the daughter of the Royal Chancellor, who blamed the King for it, and managed to persuade a servent to drug the royal water one night. The sleeping King was placed in an ornate coffin and woke to find himself sealed alive in the Pyramid, whilst the Chancellor had himself made King in his place, as was the custom if a King died with no adult heir, a custom made to stop instability.

When the King awakened and found himself trapped in the tomb, which was lit by the flames of the torches, he screamed for help and battered at the sealed doors but nobody came. He expected that the torches would burn down in a matter of hours but to his surprise the torches did not burn down. When the small amount of food and water he
had been buried with ran out, he expected to die of thirst and hunger, but the hunger and thirst did not come, nor did he need to sleep or excrete.

He realised that the spell had worked and he was indeed safe from aging. The problem was, he was stuck where he was.He started reading the few books that he had and then a thought came to him. Sooner or later grave robbers would come to rob his tomb and then he could hopefully escape. He settled down to wait...

Special Equipment

The King's Royal Seal, the personal mark of the Monarch.

Roleplaying Notes

How he is depends on how long he has been locked up. Historicly many tombs with treasure in were robbed quite soon after they were sealed up.

One week to one year; He was entombed with several books and does not suffer the pangs of hunger and thirst nor is he in the dark, so his sanity will be intact. He will be very pleased to be set free and will try and get the PC's to help make him the ruler again. A counter-coup at this stage would be quite easy,as he was a popular ruler, and once back on the throne he will reward the PC's handsomely.

One year to five years; By now he has read and reread all his books, and loud noises frighten him, but he still has a weakened grip on sanity. Should the PC's set him free the result could be a violent civil war as his supporters and the supporters of the new king clash in battle again and again, bringing misery and poverty, gang rape and death, to the ordinary people.The PC's might well regret their choice.

Five years to twenty years;By now he has very little sanity left, and very little chance of getting his throne back. He will have to get used to the outside world again.He will be really grateful to whoever sets him free.

Twenty years or more; By now he is an insane freak, a parody of what he once was, driven mad by his long years of imprisonment.He may well attack the PC's,even if he does not, he will never function well in society again.His chances of regaining his throne are zero.

In a *horror type* game, if he's been sealed away for centuries, he could rot and turn to bone and dust as soon as he leaves the tomb, if the GM wants that to happen.

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