For modern or pulp campaigns, with little trouble can be adapted to Ren+ Fantasy

Jonn is an above average looking guy in his middle thirties. He is good shape, but nothing spectacular. He has dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a strong chin. However, you would miss him in a crowd. His dress is erratic. He can be found wearing a fine suit or a torn t-shirt and jeans.

Jonn has a knack for machines and craftsmanship. It could be a meta talent; but if it is, it is a minor one compared to most meta-techs. No, most likely he just is good at what he does, creating one of kind devices for special purposes. He likes the challenge of making what no one else can (or has or would). He will make weapons (he does not make bombs and mass destruction weapons... only personal devices), tools, and even odd devices.

His elderly next door neighbor actually got him 'into the scene'. He was a purveyor of special clothing. Jonn started making items for the criminal set. These things were for climbing, or deflecting laser grids, or opening locks. Once the word spread, he had a variety of clients: more criminals, meta criminals, espionage agents, and mercenaries. From there, he was tapped to provide items for meta heros. (Movie companies, magicians, and racing teams round out his client list). He has been 'in the biz' for twelve years now.

He often meets clients in a storefront that provides 'sprockets and widgets'. He can arrange for just about anything to be delivered to you on short notice. He does not install things. It is all cash and carry.

He is often just a voice on the phone. Someone else does the drop. But if the client is interesting and safe, he will do 'in person' meetings.

He can make vehicles, weapons, tools, and just about anything you need. While this may or may not be meta-level, he is quite quick about it.

He can actually utilize meta technology, so forcefields, blaster, and powered armor are possible.

Roleplay Notes...
He has some scruples, but mostly he is in it for the challenge of making some of the more outlandish things. He knows some of his clients are 'outlandish' and sometimes need things for asthetic purposes rather than sheer function. It is all part of the challenge. But he has some scruples. That is why he won't make bombs or mass death devices. He also does not do psycho mentallic devices as well. Most of his weapondry sold is non lethal. If it is lethal, it is normally just modified existing stock.

He actually prefers to make toys for the 'side of the angels'. He actually extends credit to heroes and agents of good repute. Good guys get a discounted price. Everyone else is cash and carry at the drop site.

He likes the challenge of helping people execute their 'ideas'.
Nobody crosses him, if these are the toys and tools he is willing to sell... imagine what he has for his own personal use!!!

He is always on 'the right side of the law'. What he does is not illegal, per say. Nobody wants to turn him in because he has their information as well. If leaned upon, he says he will deadman drop his entire client list (heroes and agents included) to tabloids and real newspapers. That could be embarrassing for some.

Plot Lines
Need that special item? Tracking that bad guy?

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