How do you measure a year? Interstellar Chronologies.
100 Word Piece of Sci-fi Minutia
The most obnoxious problem resultant from interstellar travel is humanity's need for a nuanced and contextual language to describe time. The most common solution is to define three types of standard years (8760 hours on a radioactive clock). Most star systems use a local standard year (LSY), 8760 hours spent moving at the speed of galactic expansion in a specific location other than Earth. A lived year is 8760 hours experienced by a person, and Earth standard year (ESY) is 8760 hours on Earth. Thus, when discussing age one might be 75 years old but born 750 ESYs ago.
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? Responses (4)
Physics is hard!
Age might be measured in proper time (, whereas the suggested EST and LST sound good for deciding when (and where) to meet for events.
For some reason I find the idea of EMT across the universe based on Greenwich amusing.
See the Forever War where such distinctions become critical.
Interesting, and relevant in a space campaign. There is also the effect of time dilation, prominent in both Ender's Game and Interstellar.
3/5 Sold bit of sci fi ,commenting challange