“ Silk Armor? The Mongols wore silk undergarments under layers of leather armor. Why? Because silk is very strong. If an arrow hit them and made it through their armor, it would usually not have enough energy to puncture the silk. It could still enter their body but, because the silk would not break, the arrow's barbs could not do their work and the arrow could easily be removed leaving a relatively clean wound considering normal arrow wounds.”
“ The PCs are accosted in a major city containing at least one famous fortuneteller / prophet of the future. They are informed that their as-yet-unborn child will (insert terrible evil), and that, although they are very sorry, the PC must be executed to keep this from happening.”
“ In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.”