'He's a nice enough fellow, but you don't want to be around when he's been drinkin'!'

For all the complaints that moralists have leveled at the indiscriminate drinking of strong spirits, few have experienced the evil power of the distilled ichor that is Demon Rum. Created in an alchemical quest to gain supernatural power and untiring strength, this vile liquid has distinctly mixed effects on its drinkers.

Demon rum has a vile taste, described by some as 'distilled road scrapings'. The first time that some is consumed, it produces a pleasant euphoria, heightens strength and eliminates fatigue. Few negative effects are noticed, but the drinker's inhibitions are slightly effected. This may lure the drinker into consuming more, despite the liquor's disgusting flavor.

Additional drinks of the deceptive libation will have the same effects, but the drinker will become increasingly brutish and grotesque. The drinker will become convinced that they are a seductive paragon, even as the revolting beverage causes their hair to become thicker and matted and their odor becomes pungent and rank. The drinker additionally becomes short-tempered and lecherous, but none of this is apparent to the intoxicated drinker, who feels ready to fight or begin some heroic quest, and is increasingly dominated by impulse and caprice. Unlike normal liquors, however, demon rum doesn't impair reaction times or coordination. The drinker is fully capable of fighting, even as his judgment goes straight to hell (somewhat literally).

This revolting liquor is found most often in military camps, where its ability to inspire soldiers entering combat is legendary. Troops facing the enemy as a 'forlorn hope' will be 'demoned up' to produce untiring power and boldness at the same time that it makes the fools unable to realize that they are about to be slaughtered.

The day after drinking this foul liquor, the drinker will experience one of the worst hangovers known to man (If they're lucky, they'll get killed first). Incapacitated, they will suffer migraines, vomiting, disorientation, and shakes. The easiest cure for this is 'the hair of the dog', but soldiers succumbing to this may begin down the path toward addiction. In as little as a week or two of regular use, the drinker can become desperately addicted. Even worse, after a few months of regular use, the negative effects of the drink may even start to become permanent.

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