Whistling on the sea is bad luck. It is said to mock the sound of a strong wind and will call it so nature can show the true sound. Whistling is only allowed when becalmed or when shrouded in fog.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
Common for sailors to get lashings for punishment. Sailors would then get tattoos of god symbols on thier back so the thrasher was less likely to whip the symbol of the god.

Others say symbols bring bad luck. They draw the attention of the god and it could be wrathful.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
Rats are said to be good luck. In the church if a rat walks over you while praying, good luck will come your way.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
The gong of a bell is said to scare away demons and ghosts.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
The wind Elementals write prayers on cloth and tie them to trees and bushes. The entrance to most temples will be through a large courtyard of trees with white clothes with writing on them flowing in the wind in the hopes that the wind elementals will see them and answer them.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
Elves use nature as strength and borrow from the trees to keep them living. An elf out of the forest for more than a day begins to die and within 3 days is dead without borrowing the strength of nature.
Ideas - Lifeforms
December 31, 2001
A race that are always born as twins and only one recieves a soul. The other is soulless therefore without pity, shame, or guilt. The evil race. Can't tell them apart by looking at them.
Ideas - Lifeforms
December 31, 2001
A village or town's dance was first taught to them long ago by the faeries.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
Good luck to drink out of wolve's paw prints or some other animal. Gives special powers.
Ideas - System
December 31, 2001
A flower possibly in the plains or maybe all over that is always tilted towards a certain place. Sunflowers. Could possibly follow the sun or could be forever facing a certain position because of something that happened, either the air forcing it that way and it staying, the fire was so strong that the flowers faced away from it. It could be that in one spot a large fire was made or a fire war where many fire elementals were destroyed by the True Gods and radiating out from that point all of this flower is facing away from it so no matter where you are you always know where this place is by seeing which way the flower is facing away from.
Ideas - Lifeforms
December 31, 2001
Able to raise body heat by concentration to save themselves in winter. Even to the point of drying freezing wet clothes.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
The devil's wind. Explains why people become crazy. They are caught up in this wind which steals their sanity which in turn feeds the wind. The wind is a leftover from when the air elementals banded together in a mass army at one point to attack the True Gods. The wind is leftover of their attack route and on the anniversary of the battle the wind sweeps through causing the madness.
Ideas - Locations
December 31, 2001
Something lives in the fog in a certain region and travels with the fog. Kidnaps or kills, or is simply heard and 'felt'.
Ideas - Lifeforms
December 31, 2001
Could be used for killing a certain animal...a prized animal. The bones must be carefully buried or disposed of lest a sorcerer get a hold of it. With the bones of the dead creature the sorcerer can kill the hunter.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
People hunting for fish with arrows aim parallel with the water so that if they miss the fish they are aiming at they may hit another by chance.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
A basin type hole in the middle of the plains. Once every so many years the rains come very hard and flood this place. Maybe that is where the tribes congregate for their tribal meetings.
Ideas - Locations
December 31, 2001
There are those as rich as kings but dress as peasants and worry not about funding. To visit their true homes one would see wealth of untold value scattered as dirt is in a hut. They know the monetary value of their possessions but they have long lost any true value to their owners. Experience is their currency and their curse. They dispense secrets of the ages as if discussing the weather. Few things have they not experienced so that very little gives them joy. They are the lost ones looking for new life while humoring the mortals around them.
Ideas - NPCs
December 31, 2001
A game for the poor people. A pole is greased with pig fat and gold and food is put at the top. The object is to climb and grab the food or reach a dangling sausage.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001
A tree was given as a gift at one time to a city. Every year the tree is the center of a large parade as the tree is towed by oxen or large horses in a large wagon through town.
Ideas - Items
December 31, 2001
Leader carries gold into battle with him. When he sees a great feet of bravery or valor he rewards them with the gold, or maybe a token worth some prize if they survive.
Ideas - Society/ Organization
December 31, 2001