When the Light was young It sought a companion. And so the First World. The Light called this world His Lady. And in time the Light and His Lady gave birth to life, spreading across her verdant soil. As time passed, so this world came to hold the Amar, or the First Children. These First Children were beings of the Light and of the World, at One with All. They knew nothing of Strife, Famine, Disease, or Death.

And as more and more of the Amar were born in the Light of the World these First Children came to live in various city-states made of the trapped Essence of Their Father and the Bones of Their Mother and for a time there was no crime, no poverty, and no one lusted for anything for there was plenty and Sin did not exist.

Thus rose the family of Cristanos, a First Child Born At the First Dawn. With Him came His mate, who went by the name of Cadia. And they were among the first to have a child of their own who was named Ano'cris. Ano'cris was the First of the Evarr and for a time the Amar marveled as They too had Created.

But this war to be Their Curse.

By the time of the arrival of the Second Children, named the Evarr, crime and poverty had begun to settle upon the First World as the Void ever sought to breach the defenses of the Light. And more and more of the Evarr were Cursed with the Crimes of Sin.

Ano'cris, like others of the Evarr, had a Curse. His curse was Ambition. He sought Power in the Cities of the First World while His Father and Mother were forced to ever rely more on the land to sustain them as the world the Evarr increasingly sought was one where the Amar did not belong. Cristanos the First stopped speaking, embittered at the loss of His Son.

An Age passed and Ano'cris had become a Councilman of the City, a Being of Power. But ever He lusted for More. A Great Winter had hit the World and Hunger with Her Fickle Blades was loose. Those of the First Children, who denied the Cities and lived in the Land, gathered together and chose Cristanos the First to speak for Them, to ask Their Children for food. Cristanos the First, despite His misgivings, agreed to help His Brothers and Sisters and traveled to the City and met His Son.

Rather than be moved to pity that His father and His kin were starving outside the city, Ano'cris was wrathful that the Amar would resort to begging. When the Father saw His Son deny Him, He too became angry and in a fit of fury, struck His Son. The Son, outraged and humiliated, took His Staff of Office and beat His Father to death.

Patricide had never been committed and it was especially heinous for Cristanos the First was an Amar. With the death of Cristanos, the Lady screamed and was shattered and Her Children along with Her. Thus ushering in the Time of Makers. Those of the Amar who survived the Sundering became the Elder Makers while their children, the Evarr, were but Makers but millions more, Amar and Evarr, perished and their Essences were consumed by the Rapacious Void.

Of those who survived, Ano'cris was but One of Many. With His sudden increase in Power, he Created First the Titans, primordial beings who built the foundations of the Universe. They took the great dust that drifted in the Black of Their Father's Mind and constructed the Stars which in turn gave Birth to the Planets over time. Their Greatest Creation was the Tree of Life and from the Tree came forth the Dragons.

At first, the Dragons soared the Heavens alongside the Titans. However, as the Dragons increased in numbers, the Titans grew jealous of Their power and War ensued. The First War saw Ano'cris Rising, now as the Father, mighty in Power and wielding Shards of the Lady. Instead of siding with the Titans, he chose the Dragons. For that, the Titans were destroyed or either fled to hide in the Worlds they had built. But Their own children survived.

The First Lords had come.

They would continue the work of their Fathers, separating the Heavens where They would Rule from the Material Plane and watching over the Worlds which had begun to foster Their own Life, Fey and Elves and Men. From Their worship, the Elder Gods were created and there was much Chaos during the Old Ages as a myriad of Gods fought for supremacy.

The Father had returned to slumber and it was left to the First Lords to bring order with the help of the Dragons who had begun to become fewer even in those Elder days. And eventually, as does with all things Great and Small, the First Lords were also forgotten for Mortals are forgetful beasts Cursed to repeating Their mistakes. Their Own Curse.

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