The Red Flower Society is a secret society that dates back to the time around the burning of the Great Temples of the South when the Churians invades the Great Civilized Land from the North, conquering the ruling dynasty and setting up their own. The Rebels consisting of ex-military and warrior monks of the Great Temples were forced to take refuse in local monasteries. There they formed the Red Flower Society. It is a secret society where members could identify themselves by wearing a red flower or by quoting random poetry that includes a red flower in it.

Secret societies have long existed for a number of social and political reasons. The Red Flower Society members pooled their wealth of knowledge and years of experience in hand to hand combat for the purpose of creating and teaching their revolutionary troops. Their goals was to be undetected by their enemies, moving as common folk. They would then strike and melt away into the crowd.

The Rebels created the first fighting system with a true understanding of tactics and timing. The Society members had two objectives 1) to create a system that could be learned quickly; secondly, it had to be extremely effective against the fighting systems known to the Churians.

The Red Flower Society specializes in Strategy and Tactic skills, analyzing styles, a variety of poses designed to take on specific options, and skills options that increase striking speed. It is all about the timing of the gates opening and closing, a feel for time/ space/ energy. To those not prepared to deal with this style, it is lethal in the extreme.

The society has been somewhat successful in opposing the Chorion dynasty and its huge military for the last hundred years. They will someday throw down the oppressors.

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