The Leg Suit is a relatively simple machine. It is a pair of thin, almost bird like mech legs attached to a seat, not entirely unlike a bicycle or unicycle. The underside of the seat has a small power pack and the gyroscopic mechanisms that keep the legs upright. 'Wearing' a leg suit generally adds about four feet to a person's height. Controlling the suit is done via motion capture, there is some learning and practice required to use one. Once the user is used to the system, of steering with their hips and 'driving' the suit with their feet, it is as natural to use as normal walking. 

A typical leg suit weighs 150 pounds and they come in a variety of colors and styles. 

The first generation of leg suits were designed for parapalegics and other people who were not able to walk on their own. The control scheme was very different, with a pair of hand controls, one steered, the other indicated the desired direction of movement. The leg suits were expensive, but less so that regenerative therapy for spinal injuries. It was later discovered that the leg suit was fun to drive. It was not long before commercial leg suits were released into the market.

Standard Model: The standard model is a minimalist design, plastic housings cover the moving components, and it is available in a number of bright colors, patterns, and superficial stylings. 

Children's Toy Model: sometimes derided as 'My First Mecha' the toy model is to the Cosmic Era what the pogo stick is today. It's smaller, has a limited top speed, but is still a popular if dangerous toy. 

Sports Model: with an eye towards outdoor enthusiasts, the sports models had larger and more robust joints, a beefier power pack, and stronger mechanisms to move the legs. There are also specific sports models, such as Sprinters, designed more for moving at speed, or rock climbers, that have steel spiked feet instead of the typical foot design. 

Scout/Recon Model: available for paramilitary use, the scout recon model of the legs use low profile carbon fiber panels, and has bullet resistant paneling over the vulnerable points. These legs allow a scout soldier to cross a large amount of terrain quickly, moving as fast as 12 MPH. They are not popular in military and paramilitary use however, as the user is completely exposed, a good deal higher above the ground, and doesn't have any enhanced firepower. Plus real military users have access to real scout power armors and battlemechs.

Urbanite Model: designed for use in major and mega metropolitan areas, the Urbanite legs are ultra light, made of expensive composites, and they are stylish. The lady's urbanite has long sexy legs, while the men's model has strong looking legs. The above models are obviously mechanical, while the urbanite models eschew standardized mechanics and instead actually uses upscaled android legs. Thus the Urbanite Veronica Mk 2 leg suit is designed with legs from the Veronica series android, but have been increased in size and strength 33%

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Military and Paramilitary Legsuits

The military and military organizations have interest in the use of Legsuits. One of the most common issues facing power armor, and hardsuit infantry is the lack of overland speed available to these units. While this is not a major issue when support is available, or in the instance of units mounted on hoverbikes, or armor trooper transports, it is an issue when these vehicles are not available.

The military legsuit is designed and scaled up for a soldier in armor to use, with an according level of attention paid to armoring the components being used. Some military legsuits have additional framework on them and can mount an independent weapon system, typically something larger than the usual power armor weapon system. The most common weapons are either large machine gun mounts or automatic grenade launchers.