Human Male Early 40s
His darker skin and large dark mustache always show him as a foreigner. To compound that, he wears Amarian robes despite the colder local climate (Antioch). (To be honest, he wears warmer clothes under them).

He is a merchant of fine wines and due to his connections the only provider of sparkling wines in the region. After working with a caravan company, he moved to Antioch and brought his savvy and contacts with him. His shop has made him a good living.

His wife is a beautiful local woman even after children. He has eight daughters and two sons (4 sets of twins) that are equally beautiful with a touch of the exotic. He is arranging good marriages for them, into more prosperous houses. The sons are still deciding who will run the business.

Roleplay Notes
Fredius is a master of social nicety and politeness. He could teach many a noble the art of manners. Despite his formal politeness making him seem distant, he is a friendly man... who sees everyone as his friend, and his enemies as people to be forgiven.

Fredius does have a less public face. He is a man who never forgets a slight and will hold a grudge for decades. He will always get even, never more... never less. He is mostly a man who wishes to socially embarrass those who have slighted him, but he might hire a few dock toughs to bring the point home.

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