'Yes, I am unarmed.'
'What about that glove?'
'What about it?'
'Where’s the second one?'

Full Item Description
Corran’s glove is a single supple brown leather glove. The glove is comfortable to wear, flexible, and very durable. The glove has Corran’s mark on top of the glove, a large crescent shaped C with a jagged, teeth-like inner edge. Raised squares cover the knuckles and fingers, that appear to aid one when punching. The glove is otherwise entirely normal looking. The inside of the glove is darker than the outside.

Being a man of great talent, Corran often used his skills in practical ways. Corran often found himself without weapons, usually through bad luck, and decided after the fifth time he’d been robbed to make a way to defend himself as a last-ditch resort. Corran was a usually subtle fellow, even if his creations were anything but, so he decided his last defense would have to be concealed and hidden. Corran first labored over the designs for his creation, finally deciding on the glove and general use. He then searched far and wide for a good batch of leather from which to craft the glove. After trading a singing dagger and a couple of songs to a bard, he got his hands on a blessed batch of leather that the bard had stolen from the god of blasphemy (which explained the bard’s soprano voice).

Leather in hand, Corran then tried to craft the glove itself. After a couple of failed attempts (saved only by the use of some of his time-altering creations), Corran finally broke, cursing and screaming at the leather until it finally formed into shape.

Glove in hand, Corran asked one of the wizards in his area to kindly contribute to the item. After getting the third leg newly attached to his head removed by another more kindly wizard, the extra-dimensional spaces were added to the glove.

Corran was pleased with his creation. He wore it until the day he passed away, using it often due to his clumsiness. After Corran’s death, it is said the Glove passed from owner to owner until coming into the possession of the royal family, where its whereabouts quickly became unknown. The glove soon appeared on the Lord Renning, the disowned son of the King who left the capital in shame. After Renning, multiple men acquired the glove, although none for extremely long.

Magic/Cursed Properties
Corran’s glove is extremely durable. The glove has three extra-dimensional spaces located just above the person’s knuckles. These spaces hold up to one pound each, with enough room for an item about the size of a bulky TV remote. Items larger than this will not be accepted into the pockets. These spaces are designed to hold and release small hand-held missiles (specifically, darts and daggers) when the user wishes. The glove responds to user’s thoughts, requiring no command word. Three of such items may be stored within the glove, and then all released at once as a single attack when the wielder wishes. The dagger in the middle pocket goes directly straight, while the dagger to the left and right go slightly off center (meaning three targets appropriately spaced apart can be hit at a long range).

Corran’s glove does not cause the normal effects when the brought into other extra-dimensional spaces. The glove’s pockets will rupture, spilling the contents to the ground. Otherwise, that is all that happens.

To incorporate an item into the glove, it must be pressed against the square covering the knuckles of the glove while the person wearing the glove wills the glove to accept the item. When attacking with the glove, a sweeping or punching motion usually goes along with releasing the objects to impart more force to them.

'Well you see sir, the other glove was consumed by a rust monster.'
'I thought they only liked metal.'
'So did I.'

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