Art Quest Demon by Jack Holliday
An awesome demon illustration by Jack Holliday which was used in our art quest.
First Ever Art Quest!
The streets are alive with talk of all the bards visiting the Citadel this month. Rumor has it that Jack Holliday has a piece of art that is being displayed and the person that can weave the most entertaining story will earn the praise of the Strolenati and prizes beyond description (custom Strolen Dice!).
All are welcome to participate and the top two submissions, that earn the most XP, will earn the top spots.
If there are 10 or most submissions, we will go to a round two where another picture will be offered. During round two, any submission from the first round (doesn't have to be your submission) must be weaved together and continue the story with the new piece of artwork.
Wnner of the second round will be the cumulative XP for their highest first submission and their highest second round.
Multiple submissions are welcome, but only the highest will count towards XP counting.
Second round, top two will also get dice.
For the overall winner (if we go two rounds), I will ask Jack Holliday to illustrate a submission of your choice!
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- Work on submissions in private or flag them for assistance.
- Earn XP and gain levels that give you more site abilities (super powers).
- You should register. All your friends are doing it!
? Responses (2)

I think we should accept Artwork submissions as valid submission types, so long as the work is properly credited.
I'll put a vote on this one, even though Jack is a bit of an insider, because it deserves attention.
And as a comment on the work - it has a huge feeling of scale, but to me suffers a little due to too much dark making it hard to see all the details.

A good piece of art.