If you have not read World Building 102: Environment building the MoonHunter way or Getting players information... World Packs, you really should. Once you do that, this will make sense. If you are coming to this from It is a Small World, then you are going to need to stretch some, but you can take the basics.
Worksheet settings can be for any "scale". While it is normally for "worlds", it can be for continents, countries, cities, or any region that you foresee your game occurring. And Worksheets nest, so you can make them up for small groupings (countries, cities, neighborhoods, etc)

To post a Worksheet setting, it must be fairly complete (or complete in short order). You need to have at least one round top bottom and bottom up to really qualify. If you have a swiss cheese (i.e. blank in lots of spots), your sub will be scooped up, PMed to you, and deleted from the scroll. (Feel free to resubmit it once you finish it).

Feel Free to add extras such as "trailers" and "blurbs" to your worksheet. They do add quite a bit.

Setting to Date

Rythor World of Power Stones
Tyrrhen A world of very different cultures
Skretos D'ontos Ser: Chronicle of the Legendary Isles

For your convenience, here is a listing

The checklist is here to increase your verisimilitude, by reminding you what to cover when creating a setting. As you remember, your job as the builder of a game environment is to give the environment the illusion of completeness. You do not need everything, complete and whole; you need "just enough" for you and your group. In the aspects of the environment that the players will interact with, you will need a great deal of detail. Conversely, in aspects the players don't care about, you need very little... just one or two vague ideas will suffice. Everything bit you do ahead of time and is logically connected to the world will save you effort and hassle the characters interact with it. The checklist is here to make sure you cover every aspect of the environment.

Themes and Images: Major controlling ideas, visual images to be incorporated, small important ideas, key bits, the most important world themes.

Worlds Specs: Planetological lists... if needed.

Terrain: Major terrain features, environment, climate, appearances. Remember that cities and even buildings have terrain.

Flora/Fauna: All things alive (or independent ambulatory) be they domestic, wild, predators, or just important to people.

Resources: Things both renewable and non-renewable.

Races and Peoples: Descriptions, coloring, profiles, and modifications to any rule mechanics. This includes ethnic/ subtypes of peoples as well.

Cultural Overview: This is the culture in broad simple strokes. Major themes of the culture. Languages/ Morals/ Common Beliefs/ the Unknown/ Needs

Calendar/Standards: Weights, Distances, Measures.

Institutions-Major: Areas of control and Power. These should be the important groups for both the setting AND the adventuring characters.

Laws and Morals: Legal rules/ responses/ punishments/ and manners. Social and moral rules are often more strictly enforced than laws.

Family: Types/ Sizes/ Values

Social classes: Formal and Informal/ Birth and Earned.

Political Power: Institutions and groups of political/social power, control, and who enforces the control. The power structure of the area.

Economics: Money/ trade/ value/ subsistence/ working/ monopolies

Religion: Beliefs/ Organizations/ Groups

Technology and Common Power: (Using Clarke's law and that power is just a technology in many environments)

Military Weapons and Tactics
Industrial/ Production
Math and Science: Math Engineering, Algebra. These things are the foundation required for other cooler sciences and building projects. Many "primitive peoples" had more complicated math abilities than we have today.
Information: Writing/ Printing/ Processing. How does it get moved?
Other Knowledge:

Holidays: Historical, Cultural, Religious, Political

Transportation: Land/ Sea/ Air(?) and other

Arts/ Literature: Forms/ Usage/ Needs/ Ideals

Shadow: Criminals/ Assassins/ Deceit/ and those on the margins of society.

Power: Magic per type, Psionics, Other. Notes on users, attitudes towards it and practitioners, and prejudices.

Paranormal: Weird beasties, supernatural entities, spirits, demons, Gods, the Unknown.

History Brief: Every world has two histories, the actual one and the one that people believe is true.

Rules: Special modifications in game system needed to accommodate the world. This could be a power system, special skills and races, and items.

Cut and Paste from here down

MoonHunter's Worksheet V2.2
7Cs: Consistency, Connection, Chrome, Cycle, Conflict, Control, Continuity

(__) Conception
(__) Bits
(__) Sift and sort
(__) Top down process (__)(__)(__)
(__) Bottom up (__)(__)(__)
(__) Polish


Themes and Images:

Worlds Specs:



Races and Peoples:

Cultural Overview:



Laws and Morals:

Social classes:

Political Power:



Technology and Common Power:
Military Weapons and Tactics
Industrial/ Production
Math and Science:
Other Knowledge



Arts/ Literature:




History Brief:


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testing, testing...to be deleted soon.


From this stage I would generate a more complete write up, including sheets for important regions and such. This would does need a bit more chrome and some interlord conflict to be truely ready, but it is about 70% complete for what it is.

Oh and if I was running this world, it would probably be in Hero System so I could custom all the Noble Powers.

(XX) Conception

(XX) Bits

(XX) Sift and sort

(xx) Top down process (__)(__)(__)

(XX) Bottom up (__)(__)(__)

(__) Polish


Themes and Images:

The world is built upon the seven elements, each represented by a gem/power stone. (An 8th element exists, as alien force invaded the world). Each stone type glows slightly. It has a base color, with overtones of the second color. Magery is built upon the stone elements, requiring foci. Noble houses are bound to one of the elemental powers, having innate magical abilities.

1) SunStone: Yellow and White swirling mass

2) GreenStone, sometimes called LifeStones. Anchor that of the Sphere itself.

3) MoonStone: White and White

4) RockStone: Brown and Red

5) LightningStone: Yellow and Blue

6) WaterStone: Blue and Green

7) Cloud Stone Blue and White

8) NightStone Black with Blue. An alien stone. Alien invaders from another realm came with this power. Aka DarkStone and BlackStone. Shadi or Shadowstones as well. Anyone who has one can wield a NightStone's power. No binding rite required. More powers can be generated if binding is done.







Worlds Specs:



The world has three continents. The first two are north south axis Asia sized, the last is Australia sized. The last one is the 'new world'

We have a variety of terrains in each of the lands.


Fairly Earth typical.

Dragar: Larger than horse sized Dragon creatures. Quadropeds that can run on two legs. Only Cloudtype can fly. Each type of Dragar is alligned to an element. Can be used as warmounts.

There are some other species that are stone alligned. Gembirds (large Falcon) and GemCats (tiger sized) are also elementally alligned.

There might be some other NightStone spawn still in the hinterlands. NightStone monsters were used as shock troops by the Invaders. Some survived their master's retreats.


Other than stones, pretty standard.

Only exception: Orchium, a magical metal. In rawer form it can disrupt magic. In an alloy similiar to steel Oristell, it enhances magical effects.

Races and Peoples:

Each Noble House has its own distinctive coloring and look because of its association with a given stone. Each house will give notable attribute bonuses (and negative mods) as well.

Each region (which each lord-dom will have two or three) will have its own ethnicity. Each region is based upon old kingdom states. Most of these are cosmetic, but some will provide skills emphasis, and a rare one or two will have attribute mods. Yes this is 21 country areas to fill out

One must remember that the Champions originally came from one of these 21 areas.

Yes these 21 areas will be thumbnail sketched. If I was doing this world completely, each would get it own worksheet.

Wizards, those of the magical ability, are a seperate sub-type of human. You are born a wizard, or you are not. They are bald, odd eyed folk, with a thin build. They tend to live in their own quarters. Magic ability is double recessive, so unless both parents are wizards, you won't have magic.

Cultural Overview:

Magical Fedualism. There used to be dozens of kingdoms. After invasion by DarkForces, the set of champions selected by the Grand Wizard became the first StoneLords. They rule by a combination of tradition and mystical might. They are ruled by the GreenStone house. Note: The Dark Forces can only access the world (allegedly) when there is not seven StoneLords.

The world has the late Medievalish set of social classes of Growers, Makers, Wizard, Warrior, and Noble.

Each of the 21 regions has its own little flavor.


There are six months in a year (each Month is two terrestrial months). The year has four seasons. The world has approximately 336 days.

The Moon face changes and revolves in an eight week period. It takes four weeks to move between new to full.


GreenLord's Council- StoneLords (and occasionally their heir or represenitives) sit and debate what needs to be done. Then the GreenLord does it.

Guild Council- every area, region, and lord-dom has one. They run business and business concerns for everyone. They have to defer to GreenLord's council for anything that effects the world.

Fedual Structure.

Wizard's council- The real power behind the world. They are the councillors of every Guild and Noble. They are managing the flow of the world to keep it prepared for the next Shadi invasion. (Of course the public face is that they will never come again, but the wizards know that is a total fabrication).

Laws and Morals:

Moral law: Never wear black. Only those truely EVIL would wear that color.

Laws are fairly standard, punishments vary: Crimes against lower class- fines and embarassing slaps on wrists, crimes against same class- notable fines and minor servitudes, crimes against higher classes- major servitudes and maybe death. Note: Crimes against wizards hold death penalties and worse. Nobody messes with them because they are generally respected and revered by everyone. If you do, well it had better of been worth it because you will wish you had not.


Usual family situation is one or more grand parent, husband and wife, their children. If the family is noble, there might be brothers and sisters of the husband and wife along.

Social classes:

The world has the late Medievalish set of social classes of Farmer, Crafter/Merchant, Wizard, Warrior, and Noble.

You are born into your class. You can only change classes under extraordinary circumstances. After completing training or achieving adulthood, the wizards brand you with your class guild affiliation.

Growers: We Make Food. Tied to your given parcel of land, trading food for protection or craft goods. Farmers also include herders and gatherers. Woodsmen associated with a given green, are generally of the Growers.

Makers: We Make Things.

You are tied to the guild of your birth. You might slide to another guild, but it is unlikely. Some of these folks work villages, but most are in towns. A few are noble retainers, but they are few and far between. After all, hanging around nobles is a good way to get attacked.

Wizards: We Do Wisdom. General magic users. They function as priests, advisors, councilors, and occasionally magic users. While most are associated with nobles, there should be one in each town/ city.

Warriors: We Enforce Order.

These are non powered nobles. They come in two flavors, Sheriffs and Knights. Sheriffs are retainers to Nobles, running a given plot, keeping order, protecting growers, crafters, and towns.

Some are retainers to Sheriffs. These Knights act as the strong arms of the given Sheriff.

Nobles whos bloodline has shifted from the Prime become Warriors by default.

Nobles: We Make Order.

These are the bloodlines descended from the original champions, first StoneLords. StoneLords are SuperHero competitive. Their family and first blood relations have powers, but about half. Two blood steps away have a touch of power. Three or more are nothing but honored warriors. (Bloodline is set by the gender of the StoneLord).

The symbol of their power is their StonePowers, super powers they receive from their association with a Stone's force. The closer your blood tie is to the StoneLord, the more notable your powers. It is easy to spot nobles here.

Stones (as apposed to StoneLords) are normally assigned to supervise the Sherriffs of a given region. In addition some Nobles become Sherriffs.

Note: If someone else was given the ritual of marking/ accension, they would become the StoneLord and their clan would be given the power. While people think the bloodline is important, it is not.

Note that the StoneLords owe fealty and support to the GreenStoneLord. He coordinates their efforts.

Political Power:

Knights keep local order

Sherrifs control areas

Stones control regions

StoneLords control Lord-doms

GreenStoneLord controls the stonelords.


We have a feudal economy. Silver coins find their way to peasants as their basic 'rent' in food is minimal per GreenStone Law.


Religion, not a big thing here. One Universal Force/ Diety, wise and unknowable. A vague father figure. The world is nothing more than the interplay of the seven cosmic forces. Wisdom comes from understanding the interplay of the cosmic forces. We have a zen/taoist religion view.

Wizards (who are effectively priests) use their understanding of the flows to do magic, but more importantly guide people to be in harmony with the cosmic forces. Wizardborn (half wizards) and humans who act as acolytes to support wizards.

Wizards are divorsed from worldly affairs. That is part of their problem. They give good theoretical advice, but very bad specific advice. They also view the world with 'rose colored glasses.' (note, future dramatic element).

Wizards perform Marking ceremonies, where people are magically tatooed with class and or guild symbols. That way you know what everyone is supposed to be.

Technology and Common Power:

Military Weapons and Tactics

Fairly standard fantasy fare. Plate and Chain at best.

Dragar are higher up warmounts.

Orch steel swords are used by Stone and elite warrior (usually of noble clan) units. This enhances their power.

GreenLord has a unit that is equipped with Orchium shields and swords. They are designed to stop rogue wizards (very rare) and nobles.

Industrial/ Production

Pre-industrial production. The population is not large enough and the economy under developed to have an industrial revolution. Things are created in shops with a couple of guildsmen working together.


This is where the world gets tough. It only has non-magical healing. The wizards are good at this non-magical healing as educated folks. Green Cloaks are the healers here, all taught at a central accademy (at the GreenLord's lands). They are actually better healers and medical personal than one would expect given the world.


Crop Rotation and some land management skills. The world is not quite at full occupancy given its food production.


Wizards have a magical way of communicating (telepathy). Other than that, it is couriers.

Math and Science:

Solid Greek Levels of science. Seems advanced, but really isn't.


They like big flashy structures. Welcome to a world with lots of flying buttresses.


Books. Literacy is standard in the upper classes and very common in the Makers class. Growers tend to be illiterate, but some do know.

Other Knowledge

Geography and survay work is actually very competent. The GreenLord, working with another lord to be named later, wanted a complete survay of the world.


Solstice, Equinox, and the birthday of each StoneLord in their own lands. NewYears is on the Spring Solstice.

They don't really have a religion to spawn more holidays.


Horses. They have the wheel. We have carts and carriages.

Dragar are used for warmounts as they are too violent for every day usage.

Wizards can teleport themselves and under dire circumstances others great distances (wityh vague targeting).

Wizards run the gate system. This is about as common and as frequent as transatlantic flights in the late 20s. That is to say, not at all, and very expensive.

Arts/ Literature:

Songs very common. A Bardic class may be appropriate

I need to work out some classic works. Many sing the praises of warriors who defeated the Shadi.


There is occasionally an organized crime guild, but that is rare and more a thing of myth. They are normally small crime families.

There are still those alligned with the Shadi, those of the DarkStones. They are secret cultists, trading power and position (now and in the future) for assisting the Shadi


The StoneLords will have minor 'super powers' based upon their Stone Allignment. Those of NobleBlood will also have weaker versions of these powers, the farther away they are from the Lord by blood. The family chooses the next StoneLord, and in a wizardly ceremony

Wizard can perform minor powers of all stone allignments, in addition they can do meta-magic or things that effect power. They have mental powers (and magic that simulates it). They can sense the future, look at the present, and snoop on the past. They work Orchium and Oristell.

Magic StoneSwords enhance the cosmic magics of the Nobles. If you have a touch of blood, the sword can help you.

NightStone power is somewhat limited due to a binding done by the original StoneLords. It is still there and can be quite effective, but it is nothing compared to its full power. The full power can only be accessed by breaking the binding. That can only be done in a time of transition, between the accension of new StoneLords after the death of another. (SO you can imagine their Shadi agents are working to forment issues to causes power struggles and even civil wars.)


The Shadi are still around in very limited numbers. Those that are here are trapped here. (any travel to the world is one way). They are odd people with green grey skin and huge eyes.

Their monsterous shocktroops were mostly killed off, but a few were left behind when the Shadi pulled out. This monsters still occasionally come out from the hinterlands (or lost eggs) and wreck havok.

Elementals are small handsized critters that reflect the stone cosmic forces. Pretty but have little practical application.

History Brief:

World developed.

People developed.

Big War. Other races killed. BlackStone badies invade.

Wizards bring together champions. They allign with the powers of Rythor's stones, and defead the BlackStone badies.

Establishment of the StoneLord's rules.


All the elements have allied powers and antagonistic powers which they have bonuses and mods against. GreenStone has a slight advantage against everything except DarkStone.

Gonna' try my own hand at a little semisetting using Moon's worksheet.

(XX) Conception

(XX) Bits

(XX) Sift and sort

(XX) Top down process (XX)(__)(__)

(XX) Bottom up (XX)(__)(__)

(__) Polish


This world was inspired by a long time of playing Phantasy Star Online. The language I'm using is an actual language, Etruscan, to which I have a small lexicon in a history book on them that I recently got.

I have no intention of fleshing this out, so if anybody wants to take this and make it their own, fine by me.

Themes and Images:

There are two super-advanced cultures in this world, and all the other people are basically late Stone Age to middle Bronze Age. The two cultures are the Spurethi and Tmial; they are the declining, hedonistic descendants of a human colony-ship that crashed on Tyrrhen thousands of years ago. The barbarians around Spurethi (from the Etruscan word 'spur' meaning 'city') and Tmial (from the Etruscan word 'tmia', meaning 'temple') are also human, but they are not from the colony-ship. They were present at the crash.

The Universe this takes place in is not ours, but it is certainly not a total fantasy. There are gods, the Ausar, extradimensional psychic beings who the Spurethi and Tmial worship; the leader of these gods is Tin, the Lord of the Arch of Heaven, and his husband/wife is Ausel, the Sun. The barbarians worship members of a shapeshifting alien race called the Thersu. Various Thersu factions war over the control of the barbarians, hence, the different barbarian pantheons and cultures. I do not assert that the Traveling People's ship was necessarily a 'star'ship as we would know it. Their universe may be different altogether from ours.

The barbarians utilize 'magic' (psychic abilities that the Thersu have infused in them); the Traveling People (the Spurethi and Tmial) utilize their light-based photon technology. They can freeze energy and light to build things out of. They recieved much of their technology from the Ausar before the Crash.

Worlds Specs:

Semi-Earth. It has been somewhat terraformed by the Traveling People to match their own planet, so in the regions of their empires it is a planet of lush purplish-jungle similar to Earth. But in the nonterraformed areas, it is vast forests of neon-glowing fungus. The oceans are the same, though the sealife is more protoplasmic and jellyfish-like. The Traveling People jungles are populated by Earth-like animals (though not exactly Earth's); the alien zones of the barbarians are populated by massive armored slugs, masses of tentacles, land-jellyfish, and other strange alien animals.


There are two huge continents (now called Spurethi and Tmial), connected by a chain of islands and a narrow bridge of land called the Path of War (due to the many battles fought between Spurethi and Tmial on it). There are two or three additional smaller continents. The interior areas of Spurethi and Tmial are Traveler-jungle (Purple jungle, Earth-like animals), but all other regions are indigenous fungus-forests. There are two major deserts on the Tmial continent and one of its satellite landmasses. Much of the land is threaded with rivers. The world is a very volcanically-active one.


In Traveler jungles- Plants much like those of Earth's tropical rainforests, though it is purple rather than green, and grows to much larger sizes than we would be used to. Much of the jungle contains the ruins of old Traveler settlements, such as power gates, energy walls, old outposts, and ancient light-trams.

Animals are Earth-like but subtly different- there are saber-toothed cats with red fur and black stripes, green-furred monkeys that howl, brilliantly-colored birds, very large insects (mostly the centipede and caterpillar-like bugs), deer with huge curving horns instead of antlers.

In the indigenous fungus-forest- Bizarre forests of fungus. The trees are huge pillars of fungus, bridged by giant ruffled fans of the stuff; there is fungus in every form imaginable here. The underbrush is smaller fungus.

Animals are bizarre. There are huge, silicon-armored slugs, land-based jellyfish-like 'slurpers', and six-legged animals of all sorts; most of the animals have armor of one sort or another.

-Clickers: These are the indigenous version of wolves. They have six legs in a splayed shape around them, all connecting to a central, anvil-shaped pod/head/body.

-Screechers: Six-legged furry animals who eat by osmosis. They are large and fat, and some barbarians use them like cattle.


Earth-like metals. Lots and lots of iron and lots and lots of silver, but very little gold.

In Traveler forests- Earth-like standard.

In fungus-forests- lots of fungus can be used as food, or is poisonous. When a certain species of fungus dies, it crystallizes and crumbles into a metallic sand.

Races and Peoples:

There are two basic races of humans on this world:

The Traveler People- These are the descendants of the humans who crashed here with their colony-ship in the ancient past. They speak the Traveler Tongue (If I were fleshing this out, I would use Etruscan). There are two Traveler ethnicities- the Spurethi and the Tmial. The Traveler People are superadvanced, and use technology based on solid light and frozen energy. They worship the Ausar (extradimensional psychic beings with near-limitless psychic power).

The Barbarians are a variety of ethnicities and cultures, ranging from Stone Age to Bronze Age technology. They did not arrive with the Traveler People, they were on Tyrrhen before; it is one of the great mysteries of the world. There are as many different Barbarian cultures as the GM may wish. They worship the Thersu, shapeshifters who pretend to be their gods.

There is one non-human race on Tyrrhen (though the Ausar are technically everywhere at once, but we won't go into that), and that race is the Thersu (Thersu is the Traveler Peoples' name for them; Thersu is Etruscan for 'mask' or 'masked person'). The Thersu are a shapeshifting alien race, who, like the Traveler People, are not aboriginal to Tyrrhen. They claim to have come thousands of years previously through something they call the Great Door. Thersu are colony organisms made up of thousands of tiny bubbles of fluid substance. They can rearrange themselves in practically any shape imaginable, and they can change their color and texture, et cetera. They can give themselves the appearance of greater or lesser mass, by swelling their bubbles outward or discarding some.

Cultural Overview:

The Spurethi and the Tmial are individual semi-republics. There are no real laws in Traveler culture, only suggestions, and even these are losing their power. Their cultures are falling into decadence and hedonism as they lose their drive. This is the last stage of losing hope- most Traveler People now believe that the rescue ship that their ancestors watched for will never come.

The Barbarians dwell in hundreds of different ways, but most are monarchies or tribes.


There are 325 days in a Tyrrhenian year. There are no months as we see them in the Traveler calendar. Instead, each week of five days is marked with the name of one of the original 65 Traveler families. All Traveler People know these weeks by heart.


Spurethi and Tmial nations, and the Barbarian lands.

Thersu Factions-

The Red Phylum- these Thersu advocate the extermination of humans.

The Blue Phylum- these Thersu advocate ignoring humans.

The Phylum of Humans- this small group advocates helping humans.

There are hundreds of thousands of Thersu factions, this is just a sample.

The Ausar Priesthood- The Ausar temples in Traveler cities are not staffed by human priests. Instead, the Ausar utilize Snenath (Etruscan 'maidservant, female companion'), energy beings from the Ausar dimension who take the form of beautiful women. The Ausar manipulate the politics of the Travelers, war against the Thersu, and basically influence our dimension through the Snenath.

The Warrior-Travelers- The Warrior-Travelers are those of the Traveler People who have turned their backs on the hedonistic, fatalistic Travelers and gone out into the wilderness. Some seek to help barbarians gain technology. Others attempt to destroy the Traveler nations. Others look for lost Traveler or Ausar technology so that they can signal a rescue ship.

Laws and Morals:

Pretty much like our laws, but they are not actively policed anymore in Traveler cities. Crime is high, and the motivation to stop it is very low- the Travelers have pretty much lost hope of doing anything and fallen into a hedonistic swoon. The only people doing anything about policing or good deeds are the Warrior Travelers.


Traveler families don't exist. The children are raised by the Parent Machines, and are turned loose at the age of 14.

Barbarians have all different sorts of family types.

Social classes:

The Travelers have a supposedly democratic society, but in actuality, most keep barbarian slaves.

The leaders of the Travelers are the Politicians and the Directors (presidents). These form a pseudo-aristocracy. Below them are everybody else, except for slaves. There are various sub-classes based on economic status.

Political Power:

In the Traveler nations, political power is in the hands of the Directors and the Politicians. The Ausar Priesthood also has considerable power.

In Barbarian lands, who knows where?


(Don't know what to say)

Religion: The Travelers worship the Ausar (Etruscan for 'gods'), extradimensional psychic beings. Travelers strike a strange balance between science and technology- most scientists are also devout worshippers. Temples are usually at the bases of the supercomputers that administrate cities.

The Ausar are-

Tin- Lord of the Arch of Heaven, Master of the Stars, Creator of the Sky

Uni- The Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Universe

Menerva- Creatrix of Civilization, Weaver, the Artist

Sethlans- The Ausar of the Forge, Toolmaker, the Innovator

Turms- The Quick One, Lord of Speech and Thought, Carrier of Messages

Turan- The Lady, the Lady of Beauty, the Lover

Maris- The Bloody-Handed One, The Lord of War, the Firer of Beams

A sample of Thersu 'gods' worshipped by barbarians (Note, most names are Thersu names corrupted by barbarian renderings)-

YaarBaalaag (original Thersu name)- the Leech God, the Firebreather, the Invincible One

Gilyish- the Lord of Thunder, the Lightning Thrower

Micz-Fahtagh- the Lady of Passion, the Giver of Ecstasy

HaacsPaar (original Thersu name)- the Brilliant, the Giver of Gifts

Gul'tac'gun'tal- The Roarer, the Defeater, the Night Strangler

Vaax (original Thersu name)- The Darkness in the House

Technology and Common Power:

Travelers are advanced in all respects, save communications, wherein they are strangely defficient. They use inefficient, power-sucking photon transfers for messaging. Their weapons use frozen energy for melee weapons and Masers for projectile weapons.

The Barbarians are Stone-to-Bronze Age level technology.


Probably special days for every Ausar.


Mysteriously, almost all of the old Traveler light-rails and air-cars ceased to function several hundred years ago. Therefore, most travel is done by walking. Some light-rails still function, and a few of the transfer-gates that teleport, but for the most part, Travelers must make due with walking or carts. They have experimented with ground cars, but such cars require roads, and most Travelers are too lazy to put that much effort into traveling. Some don't even travel at all.

Arts/ Literature:

Traveler art is mostly light-sculptures and light-patterns. Their literature is a lot of gloomy poems and Bacchanal songs.


There are always the Thersu lurking about, plotting and such. In addition, there are the Eiser, second group of 'gods' similar to the Ausar, who have thus far proved hostile to humanity.

The Traveler society is crumbling. There is a ton of crime.


Many barbarians have psychic powers which they call 'magic', given to them by Thersu manipulation.


Nothing we would deem supernatural, per se, though in the case of the Ausar, this is debatable.

History Brief:

(Distant distant past) Thersu arrive on Tyrrhen.

(Distant past) Traveler Peoples' planet/world/plane/whatever is destroyed. Colony ships are sent out.

Traveler People crash on Tyrrhen.

Argument between the families on the ship. Half go east, half go west.

East goers form Spurethi. West goers form Tmial. Barbarians first encountered.

War between Traveler nations.

(many years pass)

Most travel technology ceases to function.



Players can be barbarians or Warrior-Travelers.

Traveler Tech breaks down over time, and breaks down faster the farther one goes from the Traveler cities.

Chronicle of the Legendary Isles or Chronicles of the Three Isles

This is an interesting campaign world with a celtic trifold twist. I have been tinkering with a celtic campaign setting for a while, but have yet to make it work. This finally moves through the issues. This is not done, but I need to put it somewhere for the moment.


Consistency ***

Connection **

Chrome ***

Cycle **

Conflict ****

Control ****

Continuity ***

All should be 5s in the best of situations

(X) Conception

(X) Bits

(X) Sift and sort

(X) Top down process (_X_)(__)(__)

(X) Bottom up (_X_)(__)(__)

This needs more process before it even comes close to being done

(__) Polish


Themes and Images:

Rolling green hills, rocky clift and jutting buttes, wild seas.

Three large islands in close proximity. Between them there are some easy to traverse paths, but lots of rocks zones (Giants Causeway and Fingals caves)

Such are made when formed when Basalt Lava erupted from the floor up filling the valley (which existed at the time) to nearly 400 feet. the Basalt cooled at a uniform rate causing it to form five or seven sided post like columns. (See Devils Postpiles)

Celtic in orientation. This is the big paint brush, if you dont have an answer, paint in the one from the Celts. Implications of this are:




A magical world view

Low Magic: little magics- cantrips, hexing, and so on. And lots of it. Everyone can learn them. Illusions are options

Sorcery is possible, but does things beyond the normal realm.

Fairy There are mostly going to be tiny fey (goods) and monster fey

Easy to move between the fey side and world side. The Barrier is The Mists.

You can

It is a world of legends and reputation. The greater your legend the greater your power so to speak.

Invading by Talians (Those of the Empire thus bad) and their religion (good)

Their New Religion (New Faith) is somewhat at odds with their old one/

We have a throne of High Kings. Helps you unite the peoples and makes you a great king. It came from an ancient temple from elsewhere and moved here. The Romans want it. They also want some other magic dingi (plural of dingusu) that have been hidden here. This is one of the last magical places in the world. Thus people have stashed a number of great magical things here, to keep them safe for the future.

Other Dingi could include

Equivalent of Holy Grail

Equivalent of the Spear of Longeres

Godly Weapon

Key to the Templar's treasure (or equivalent).

Gate to another realm.

Drama for the game

Clans vs Clans

DNane vs DNarn: (human blood vs fey blood) Humans are starting to embrace the new church.

Druids vs Druids Prophecy of how the Creator Deity will return, well the new church follows that deity so they are thinking of turning over the reins. Some druids do not want to do that. Thus we have .

Druids vs New Church

Celts vs Empire Disorganized vs hyper organized. If the nobles of the campaign were doing less politicking between themselves, they would of conquered the thing.

Perhaps they are looking for mystical dingus?

Orc Invaders vs Celts

Orc Invaders will join the Celts to fight the Empire.

Magic Vs Order: The mystical/ magical vs the mundane/ thortic.

Remember to play cool music (Celtic/ Neo Celtic music) during the game to set the mood.

Worlds Specs:

Earth like, just a bit warmer than Earth (much like todays temps, but this is their status quo). Geography is roughly like Earths, but different in details.


The campaign is centered on a Northern/Westerly island group from @Europe. Little farther south and west than England off of Europe. The Three Isles, the Islands of Legend, are there. Each one a bit smaller than Ireland. Each one is full of rolling hills and basalt buttes. The seasons are pronounced, hot in the summer, green and cool in the spring, colorful and cooling in the autumn, and nasty cold in the winter. Generally, the islands are lush and green, full of grassy fields and clover, or oaken forests.

There are basalt towers between them in many places. You can almost walk between them at low tide. There are many clear sailing channels at higher tides.

@AAA Topmost

*The northern segment is the least hospitable of any part of the Three Isles. It is the home of the Dark Fey. Also there is a small Norgeth colony here.

*The isle is broken into three triangluar regions, the dividing lines of which start as mountains in the north, descend into serious hills, and have larger rivers run through them. The regions in these triangles are called "The Dales" by the locals. They are rolling planes that are fertile.

*In the northern part of the Middle Dale, there is a monestary here for the New Faith, where the monks teach the faith and transcribe scrolls and books from beyond the isles. They also may have a magical dingus.

*Rainbow Falls occurs in the Eastern Dale

@BBB Right Most (lower):

*This island has permanent Empire forts and an Talian town. Here the locals skirmish with the Centurions.

*There are many mines for iron and gold here.

*Sky pavers: A long set of basalt towers.

*It has a three large lakes in its northern region. These lakes are said to be magical and have paths "Through the Mists" into the lands of the Fey.

@CCC Left Most

*This isle has the tallest mountain of any of the isles. It is riddles with caves.

*It also has a grand butte. On this large island in the sky is the Great Circle - where the Druids operate from.

*In the Southlands, there is a "town" - though the locals call it the City of @DDD. It was here there the High King ruled, when a High King ruled.


It is your standard mix of creatures of Europe, pre-Roman predation. Thus you will have lions with the bears, etc. Europe had more African creatures before the Romans. The wild creatures are more intense than players will expect.

We should have dragons, well big reptiles. Big Komodos. These things are semi-aquatic, so they spend some time out in the seas.. returning by instinct to the isles. They, like people, have fey equivalents, the Dragons.

The Flora is fairly mundane. Thinking of a great legendary plant: Scarlett Wound might work. Also Autumndale Trees. Thought they will not be explained to the

Now there will be Fey Creatures as well

Black Dogs


Most of the Fey Beast Folk are really D'Idlea.


We have a good mix of resources. And they have coal, which they have yet to discover its real uses. The druids use it for pyrotechnics.

Races and Peoples:

D'Nane: Humans (+Metaphysical)

D'Narn: Humans with touches of the Fey (++ to Metaphysical)

They are both the same, in terms of basic looks. They are remarkable in their height (6' in an age of 5' people), muscularity, fair skin (milk=white), blue yes, blond to red-gold hair.

The large drooping moustaches. Neck Rings of gold/ silver - torques. Colorful cloaks and clothing.

women have long hair and equally impressive statures. Make up of herbs and berry juice to darken their eyebrows, redden their cheeks, and hair (with bronze mirrors) in a variety of coiffures.

D'Idlea: Wild Folk. These are the primitive tribal peoples that hide in the hinterlands. Though they have great powers due to evoking animals spirits (combined with glamor shell to look the part.. and getting a legend bonus), they are too disorganized and few in number to really prove to be a threat to the Civilized Folk.

+Physical or Dexterital -Mental +Metaphysical -Charismatic

More tribal look, furs, less cloth, and blue paint :)

DPol: People from the mainland related to DNane. They share the Druidic faith of sorts. Base stats.

Talians: People of The Empire

Shorter, tougher in terms of endurance. Smarter. (+PHYsical/endurance) and +MENtal and -Metaphysical)

These people have defeated the DePol and made them tributaries to the Empire. They have defeated all the "semi-civilized" people in the middle and norther @Europe. (as well as most of @Africa and the Middle World (Our "Romans" came out of roughtly what would be Lebanon).

Norgeth: Orc/Humans From across the seas Raiders (Vikings)

They are not quite human, but close enough to interbreed.

Cultural Overview:

Celtic: Honor, Balance/ Spiritual/ Mystical, Dedicated to excellence, Word.

I have a book on Celtic Culture. I need to dig that out for this.

*Keep in mind that women had total equal rights. They own their own property and fight alonside their men.

Remembers: The Celts were a nation, not a state. Three things kept them together: their common language, their beliefs, and their material culture of metal craftsmenship.

Talians are people of The Empire. They have conquered most of the Known World. They are all about: Discipline, Honor, Order, Glory and Power for your family and self.

Well, that is the ideal. Mostly they are about Hedonism, Power, and Order that suites them.

The Empire is in control of The Great Land (Europe to the Steppes), the Middle World (Middle East.. where the Empire comes from), and the Lower World (about half of Africa). The Empire is on the verge of waning. Various tribes of Barbarians have rampaged across the Great Land (@Europe). The Nobles are becoming more and more hedonistic, sensual, and ignoring "the Empire" to focus on their own powers and positions. This is a recipe for disaster.

The Emperor wants some new conquests, but really does not want to go to all the work of conqueroring things. So he has set the task to the Other Grand Families.

The Empire or Empireal (@celtic corruption of the word) has five "nobles" in charge of this campaign to rule the Three Isles. Each one has their agenda.

1) Conquest, but he is weak in terms of strategy

2) Searching for the magic supposedly stashed away here.. and wants to learn the local ways.

3) Hedonist escaping "issues" back home. She is the most cunning of the bunch, playing them all against each other.. allowing her to be in charge.

4) Sycophant floating from one to the others. However, he has access to the money. He is also superstitious. He sees magic everywhere. The Druids are using him to get at their enemies, including anyone who would be High King.

5) Wants to destroy the New Faith. The Old Empire Faith is decadent and polytheistic. He dislikes the new faith and does not want it to take root here.


They mesure time by the nights, rather than the days, like modern hotel people. Fortnight, the measure of 14 nights.

Lunar Calander: Druids adjust it every year to match the solar one.


The succession of night and day and of Winter and Summer were deeply important to the Celtic peoples. The times between these day- and year-halves were considered auspicious for contact with the Otherworld through divination and also for kin-group purification and protection. The commencement of these two seasons was celebrated with the fire festivals of Samhain and Bealtaine, the beginning of Winter and the beginning of Summer, respectively. Two additional festivals were Imbolc and Lughnasa. Imbolc signaled the beginning of Spring and Lughnasa the beginning of the Harvest season. Likewise, the day also was further broken down into mid-day and mid-night, all of these being liminal turning-points of the day or year. The Celts were may have been aware of, but did not necessarily celebrate, four additional solar events: Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. Many of the stone monuments associated with these astronomical events were constructed by the Neolithic peoples who preceeded the Celts and so their importance is not clear. The Celtic practice of celebrating festivals between these solar and lunar events coincides well with their penchant for liminality.



The Druids are what hold this society together..

They are a combination of religion and temporal power.

They are supposed to be advisors, but they have practically taken to ruling directly in some sections. They are begining to tax the population, rather than receiving gifts. Their time is ending.

There is a prophecy about the coming of the Golden Sun. A new spirit will come to supersede the Druids, teaching the people a better way. Well, the New Faith (of the Talians) seems to fill that prophecy.

The Druids are fighting it out about if they are supposed to be giving everything up to this new faith. Some want to throw them out, as not to give up their power. Some want to just walk away, and the the new faith take over, some want to stay and merge with the New Faith, and have them still take over.

The Empire is invading here. Slow Emperial progress.

The Keepers: This is a whispered organization. Few think it is actually real. They are the ones that protect Humanity from things they are not ready for. Thus they are the people keeping all the magical dingi hidden. Various groups came together and formed The Keepers. The Keepers are also responsible for curtailing certain Fey activities keeping the humans safe from Fey incursions.

Laws and Morals:

Pretty Standard. Exile or reputation marking as a punishment.


Clans and Clan halls are prevalent. So you know and live with your family and your cousins. Each Clan has its own clan spirit. It could be a great Hero of the past, it could be an animal spirit, or it could be something odd. Every clan member could have accesses to power based upon that spirit. (Each individual could have their own animal spirit).

There is a clan spirit and individuals will have their own spirit.

Social classes:

Higher Blood Those whose families can claim heroic lineage.

Lower Blood Those that are.. not.

Druids are effectively the highest class in this system. They are all supposed to be equal, but reality says they are not.

Political Power:

The Druids have people under the thumbs. They have leaders, but the real power comes from the druids.

The Celtic banquet was often a ruler's way of returning at least some of their people's hard won material wealth back to tohers. It is also a way to celebrate an important visitor, a political coup, or other victory. Low Tables, people sat on skins or mats. Bards played. Bards entertained with sone, poetry, and reporting great deads of their host (or sometimes roasting them (or other worthy) with satire). Thre is a serious protocol for who sat where.

Pork, beef, fish, bread, honey, butter, cheese, along with game. Mead beerm etc.

The Meal is also culturally important, as is the hospitality. Only after you have joined in a meal were you allowed to ask who they were, and what they stood in need of.

Hero's Portion (the choicest piece of meat: the boars thigh. Usually reserved for the bravest hero present.


Mostly Barter, but Tals (coins) are used as well.

Tals are simply oblong pieces of gold with a stamp on them and usually a stringing hole, stating that they are more or less the right weight and size. In fact a Tal is often fit into a groove that people have to make sure it is the right size.


Of the Green Spirit: The Druidic faith is the cornerstone of People of the Three Isles. The Druids act as advisors to all. They help educate the people in the "ways".

Druids were the learned priest of the Celts. They officiate all the services, direct or impromptue. Sacrifices are important.

They were healers, judges, teacters, poets, priests, and foreseerers. They were honored for their role in society. While immune from taxes and military service, they helped hold the society together. They were not a closed or hereditary caste. Initiates were accepted from all walks of life. If they could survive the training and memorize pretty much everything (training took 20 years supposedly). While they have an alphabet, they are forbiden to commit their teachings to writing. It is to show the dedication and understanding in all things that marks a druid.

They are the glue that holds the Celts together. They are not a poltiical force, but a cultural one.

Druids name: Dru, emphasizes the oak tree. Wid, to know.. so the combine dworld is "knowledge of the oak". Trees of Knowledge and trees of life are symbolic in many cultures.

They meet once a year in regional and once every 3 to 7 in grander councils.

They can banish you from proper society (and remember their reach is long, and a bard's tale is longer). So you become a godless outlander.

They have an understanding of The Universe and science that is unparrallelled in the ancinet world.


In the last two generations, the Druids have begun to do more than advise, but basically ruling in all but name.

Druidic faith is having internal conflict about the prophecy of the Golden Spirit. The New Faith of the Empire and the Talians fits the prophecy perfectly. The Druids are split. Some want to drive the New Faith away, so they can continue to rule. Some think they Druids should just step away and leave things to the New Faith. (This would cause a generation or two of chaos). Some want to bring the two faiths together, helping the New Faith take on the role of protector for the Peoples.

The New Faith: It is a Christianity Analog. This is early faith before all the dogma and crap brought things to a ritualized structure.

Technology and Common Power:

Keep in mind that Celts were extraordinary miners, artisans, traders, sculptors, and inventors. They make strong roads, good ships, and strong walls (when they build them)

They have advanced ironworking when compared to most European cultures until nearly 700 years after their time.

Some things attributed: chain armour, horse shoes, mechanical harvester, the iron plough, and the rotary flour mll. They perfected the spoke wheen, and a seemless iron rim for it, so their wagons and war chariots could fo faster and farther than others.

Their northern lands have good metal resources.. as do the islands.

Military Weapons and Tactics

Chain armor,

Spears, Staff, shortsword, martial arts. Chakrum (Throwing circles), Bows

The Spear is the primary weapon here. They can do all sorts of Wuxia-esk feats with them.

Martial arts comes next.

Staff is the retired fighters weapon.

Industrial/ Production

Master Craftsmen per clan


These people invented soap.

Druidic healing: First aid mostly

New Faith Healing.

Really both of these are just first aid, but with different applications. In some cases certain techniques are better.


They use fertilizer and crop rotation. They do intensive farming. They also have the Iron Poughshare. While they do farming, it is minimalized below its importance.


Runner. Messenger

Math and Science:

Complex math actually. It is used to any number of astrologic calculations. The Empire could learn from them.


Simple and trinkets


Vast body of knowledge hidden here in the stories, songs, and poetry. Memory tricks are common

Other Knowledge


Celtic/ Wicca Holidays

Lunar Calander: Druids adjust it every year to match the solar one.


The succession of night and day and of Winter and Summer were deeply important to the Celtic peoples. The times between these day- and year-halves were considered auspicious for contact with the Otherworld through divination and also for kin-group purification and protection. The commencement of these two seasons was celebrated with the fire festivals of Samhain and Bealtaine, the beginning of Winter and the beginning of Summer, respectively. Two additional festivals were Imbolc and Lughnasa. Imbolc signaled the beginning of Spring and Lughnasa the beginning of the Harvest season. Likewise, the day also was further broken down into mid-day and mid-night, all of these being liminal turning-points of the day or year. The Celts were may have been aware of, but did not necessarily celebrate, four additional solar events: Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox. Many of the stone monuments associated with these astronomical events were constructed by the Neolithic peoples who preceeded the Celts and so their importance is not clear. The Celtic practice of celebrating festivals between these solar and lunar events coincides well with their penchant for liminality.



No horses. Only the Imperials have them.

The roads are usually nothing more than well traveled foot trails. There are main paths, using basalt capstones used as loose paving stones.

Oxen are used for pulling, but they are much bigger/ meaner than Earth Oxen

Arts/ Literature:

Song: Lyres, Harps, Flutes, and Drums are the musical instruments of choice. Songs are song with or without musical accompaniment.

Poetry: tons of it. There is wisdom and positive reactions in knowing the Poetics.

Craftsmanship: Everything should be as asthetic as the maker can make it.

Everyone is supposed to be a poet-warrior. So everyone has a cultural ability to do poetry or song, as a basic ability. Poetry/song empowers/ compliments magic, so many charms are sung or spoken.


There is no organized crime or really much crime at all here. Most of it is crime of opportunity, but it is shameful so they tend not to do it.

Assassins, tools of the Druids do exist. They seemingly are regular people in the clans, but have special training (an assassins spirit) added to them.


There is no blastum magics here. Everything is subtle.

Magic is ever present and subtle. If you follow magical precept, you get magical blessings. If you go against them, the penalties. If you ignore magic, you get neither which can be a problem.

Everyone can learn spells, usually they are simple probability changing things

Hexing/ Skill Bonus/ Evoke a spirit (bonuses to stats/ skills, with psych disads or requirements). Covers (fragile mask magics)

Illusions/Glamour are possible, as the higher end spells.

Note: Evoke animals spirits and other spirits. Thus bonuses for actions and stats. You can learn to evoke other spirits if they are bound to you (thus the druidic assassins).

Magic is on a manna system. If you dont have a manna system, spells are cast with a fatigue check. You can cast a spell of your top level until fatigued, then top level -1 (plus penalty to the next fatigue check).

Magik is unclear, so use double rolls (in fact you can use double rolls for anything appropriate)

Plyr/ GM

Y / Y You succeed and are confident you are.

Y / N You believe you succeeded, but did not

N / Y You are unsure of success, but did manage it

N / N You fail and know you did

Bigger Magics are fueled by Legends. Otherwise, you pay your own magic points to get a little effect.

The Item must have its own legend, or be associated with a legend. This determines its maximum effect. Now your bonus with it are based on your understanding of the legend and others knowing the legend. Thus a Lore Roll is handy.

Also Bigger Magics require props and such.

Many legendary items have been stashed on the Three Islands for safekeeping. It was far away and had its own innate magiks. The Keepers are an order used to protect the world from things they were not ready for.


Along the rivers, one can occasionally find a rounded, greenish stone. They easily fit in your hand, and are warm to the touch. They hold magic in them. They are manna batteries. They have some power innately and will slowly recover if left alone in a strong natural place long enough. Or you can put your own manna in them over time. The presence of DragonStones on an item is a sure sign it is magical.

Paranormal: *To be Expanded* 04/15

The Mists. They are the barrier between Human Lands and Fey Lands. The world is easy enough to cross, with either Fey blood/ D'Narn

The Fey are everywhere. They can exist for limited times outside their lands (unless they are anchored to the world with some object. If you possess their anchor, you can own them).

They all start out as little glowing balls of light.. about the size of a cricket/ baseball flittering around. If you look at them carefully, you can make out the little fairy creature, wings and all.

All of them can fly (to some degree), shapeshift (to some degree), work fairy glamour (to some degree), and Afase pass through things/ invisibility. The more powerful they are, the brighter their light, the more they can do (at one time)

We are mostly small

Sprite Good flying 1-2, with their nobles being 12 tall (have a season)

Boggens Ground crafters.

Water Sprites

Fire Sprites

Leprecahns without the whole gold thing

Goblins. Goblins are bigger, 12-18, but no flying and minimal other powers.

Animas: Animal sized creatures

We can get bigger if simulating other things.

There are greater nobles, that can be short humans. These should be scary folk, as they have massive power.

We will have a Seelie and Unseelie court, using different names. These are not Good and Evil, but based on if one should treat a human with special respect or are they something to be scorned.

Either way, they are creatures of honor, word, and ettiquite. Break any of the above, and even the Seelie can be your insane foes.

History Brief:

We walked here over the water. The Waters have protected them from the worst of it all.

Empire is crumbling under external assault. Rationalist and hedonists. Some of the mystical bend are looking for magic to save it or improve their own positions. In addition new conquest provides new money/ power/ prestige to the Empire.

The New Faith got here a few years ago. The Abbots have set up places of worship and spread the faith. It is a good faith, without being under the thumb of the druids.

Now the Empire is invading the Three Isles.


*Milieu: Of the Isles with a subsection for island/ island region

*Species See Races


Warriors COM+ATH+SUR+1 2pt AoE

Foresters: SUR+COM+ATH+L-DEC



Wise Ones (magikers) POW+KNW+

Crafters/Farmers CFT+stuff

Wild Ones: People who live closer to the wilds without metal and such. See Forester for skills. However, they are without much if any wealth and do not need anything other than wood and stone.

They tend to be changing folk, more fey blood (DNarn) with a heavier price and tie to their evoked spirits.

Of The Empire

Centurions COM+ATH+S/T

Nobles GUL+S/T+INF


Scholar/ Slave KNW+CMU+PRF

Norgeth: COM+F-COM+SEA+ATH or

*Expanding pieces

Clan you belong to (Determines Clan Spirit you can take)

Wild One - primitive tribal person.

*Developing pieces

Bloodlines: Important as they help you pull against legends or have reputation.

Heroic: *

Honored: High Family *


Wylde: D'Idlea blood runs through our veins. Your family came out of the Wylds and joined the civilized people. Though you are D'Narn now, your blood leads you to the animal spirits and charms of the D'Idlea. If you are of The Wylde peoples, you don't need this.. you have it automatically.

Norgeth: You are a child of violence allowed to live through the intervention of a druid. You can learn no magic, but simply have the Norgeth attribute sets.

Other/ Outsider: penalties

Some have required expanding trait- clan trait

Animal Spirit: You have your own personal animal spirit as well

Elemental Spirit: You have your own personal elemental/ natural spirit

Without magik: No magical bonuses or minuses. Fey things take a negative mod. While this grants you a seeming boon, you are also without any magical spiritual edge. Note this stops things against you, not things put on themselves that are applied when they act against you.

Of the Faith: Grants the appropriate pluses to will and reaction rolls when testing against a sin or tennet of faith. It also provides resistance again Fey power, Demonic power, and any malicious magic. Acting against the tenets of the faith grants negative mods until atonement.

Wayfinder: You not only have a knack for direction, distance, and navigation, you can also travel between the mists if you are so inclined (and in a proper spot)/

Backgrounds: These are periods of experience that the character has had that grants them other aspects skill sets based on other archetypes. Characters with the same archetype are assumed to have these backgrounds. If they take them, they gain bonuses to their archetype skills.

Background: Hearing the Green's Calling: Druidic Training

Background: Living for the Green: Druidic Priest traning -advanced

Background: Song of the Heart: Trained in the Bards ways of music and oration

Background: Wisdom of the Ages: Knowledge of the old lores

Background: Changeling: You have spent time on the otherside of the Mists in the Fey Lands. You know of their ways and they have an understanding of you.

Background: Lived in the Empire. You will probably be called a @Roman Lackey, but you have spent time off the Three Isles on the Great Land and in the Empire. You know of the world outside and have a greater understanding of things than your peers.

Background: Walker with the Wylde: You have spent time interacting with the D'Idlea. You understand their ways and have learned something of their magics and life. You should have the Runner of the Green background as well.

Background: Touched by the Magick: Wiseone's experience

Background: Hallborne: The character has apprenticed in the craftsmen arts.

Background: Embraced by the New Faith: Basics knowledge of the initiatives and lay members.

Background: Trained in the new faith: Knowledge to become a priest of the New Faith and has knowledge of the "World's knowledge"

Background: Rider of the Wave: Familiarity with the water going crafts

Background: Lived the Long Battle: This is warrior experience in a protracted clan war, that trains them to be a true warrior.

Background: Runner of the Green: Experienced in the ways of woodcraft.

"Thinning Blood": YThough born of D'Idlea or D'nar parents, you do not have the "gifts" of your people as strongly as most. You are D'Nane in blood (with that mod class), though not in training or spirit.

Talian Lackey or Empireral Lacky: You know of the @Romans and do their bidding for either honor, glory, or gold.

Claneless: Cast out from their clan, they are fair game for anyone who wants to mess with him.

Vagabonds: People look down on rootless, restless, travelers. If you are not part of your clan, doing your clans works, you are most likely trouble. Thus your average fantasy game adventurer is in trouble.

Battle Frenzy:

Mark of Judgement: The mark is one eye being slightly different than the other, without being a witch eye. You can judge people carefully and are known for prudence.

Fierce Gaze: Intimidating

Eagle Eyes:

Ranged Pin: Ability to pin a target down with arrows or other ranged attacked. Target has to be against a tree or wall or some such. Normally the target is pinned down by his clothes, some might take this twice and pin them through the body to the wall.

The Shout: Ki shout to the extreme. Gains bonuses

Spear Catch: tough to do.

Many with one blow

Memory Gift: Handy thing to have in a non-literate society.

Womanly Gifts




Silver Tongue

Voice of a Goddess

Great Wisdom

Lots of knacks or edges.

Other systems

*Honor System: Honor Points used to measure the honor, gains and loses as appropriate.

Pluses/ minuses to all important die rolls.

*Fame/ Reputation Points

These provide pluses to your reaction rolls (or penalties) and pluses to peoples knowledge/ lore roll to know who you are.

*Legend Level: This is a gestalt of your fame/ rep and honor. Actually it should be something completely separate.

Your legend level is your undying fame base on your legend. Now it is a combination of the popularity of your events/ adventures, the widespread knowledge of it (hire bards), and how it applies.