1. Adventurer's Quay

The Quay is a massive stone pier built out over the mouth of the Gygaxian Gyre. It occupies a chamber under the castle of Terrasquestone roughly the size of a high school gymnasium, and is where almost every delve into the dungeon proper begins. Delvers tie off onto one of dozens of iron rings to help them descend the first verticle plunge into the dungeon. These rings are important because they are also used to belay cargo and exhausted adventurers back up to the stone pier extended over the yawning abyss of the Gyre. The platforms around the Quay have solid railings, and there are several stations for returning adventurers to declare what they won from their challenges, and in purely bureaucratic fashion, have those assessed in value and taxes levied against them.


The Lords and their sponsored delvers have first run and pay a 10% tithe on what they recover directly to the coffers of the Castle.

Members of the Adventurers-Upon-Return have second choice and pay 15% to the Lord, and somewhere in the vicinity of 20-25% to their guild in tithes.

Members of the Champions Guild and the City Guardians Guild have an equivalent third choice, with the Guards tithing 20% to the Lords and 10% to the Guild. The Champions Guild pays 20% to the Lords and 25% to their guild, leaving many Champion Guilders pressed to get enough gold to cover their magic items, wondrous items, and other loot recovered. Most other guilds in the city are assessed at this rate as well.

Non-Guild adventurers and others who want to try the Dungeon come last in line, and pay a 50% tithe on the value of what they recover. This isn't too far off what the other official non-prestige guilds tithe, the difference is that membership in the guild means the cost can be deferred to the guild and paid later. Thus a hero who finds no gold but magic items can be issued a bill due, return to their chapter house, swap and sell what they find, and their tithe is paid through the guild. Non-Guild heroes have to cash out at the Tithing station, and there are buyers and interests present, but the worst place to sell loot is the Tax Stand at the Quay. Coppers on the gold, coppers on the gold.

The Quay Chamber is well protected. Not from the outside, but from the maw of the Gyre itself, in case monsters decide to surge up from the depths. Thick reinforced magically warded doors can be closed, and seal the Gyre and the Quay off from the rest of the Castle. 

2. The Sorcerer's Garden

The Sorcerer's Garden is one of the unimaginable treasures of Terrasquestone. The Garden is filled with iridescent sand and enclosed so that none of it is blown away. This material is extracted from the Gyre and commands a price in excess of its weight in gold. The sand is maintained like a Zen garden, and it is kept meticulously clean. While it is certainly a wonder to look at, its real power is what it can do for magic users. A magus can use the sand to increase the amount of power they channel into a spell, and by making arcane sigils in the sand while practicing their rituals can ensure that the spell being cast cannot fail, and more importantly, cannot be botched.

The handful of Lords who had the ability and the will to use the Sorcerer's Garden have done so to terrifying effect. Such uses have included casting wards and palings over the entire city, divinations to tell the distant future, necromancies that have not brought a dead person back to life, but restored life to entire villages, entire wards of the city, and the most egregious abuse of power in the DungeonVerse, summoning and controlling the Numinous Road. No other civilization has harnessed this power, few have even realized the purpose of the Road, and because of this, the Road has not been able to equalize Terrasquestone by flooding it with monsters and enemies to reduce its level.

3. Tavareanis Plaza

Tavareanis Plaza is located within the castle, on an elevated platform well above the regular ground level. The plaza has a single permanent feature, a massive Elfwood tree, also known as silverwood, moonwood, or mirrorwood. The tree was a gift from the ancient elf lords of the east and was given as a bridegift when the High Lord of Terrasquestone stepped down, wed an elf maid of royal blood, and set up a massive prosperous kingdom to the East of Terrasquestone, forming an alliance with the Elves of Chimerawood, and a line of High Men, descended from human and elf pairings.

The plaza remains as a testament of the pact between the men of Terrasquestone, and it is used as a location for super formal ceremonies, typically coronations and marriages.

4. Nostarenca Hall

Nostarenca Hall is the orphanage of orphanages. The hall itself sits in the outermost ring of the city and is not enclosed by any of the great walls. It has its own wall to keep the children inside. The structure itself is made of stone, four stories tall, and has a pitched and gabled roof studded with chimneys and vents. Laid out like a typical college or school, it mixes classrooms with dormitory wings, a small number of administrators and caregivers, and an almost Lord of the Flies vibe. The population of Nostarence varies between a few hundred and several thousand, depending on conditions around the region. During famines, wars, and other tribulations, this number rises as many regions dump their orphans off in the city. During times of peace and prosperity, this number drops.

Nostarenca and there are several other small orphanages have several important roles to play within Terrasquestone. The orphanages allow the city to take on uncared-for children, or unwanted children, meaning there are plenty of bastards, half-breeds, mixed race, and other 'bring shame to the family' children who have been dumped off. This, combined with childhood trauma from surviving wars, pestilences, and famines, creates a valuable recruiting pool for almost all of the Civic-oriented guilds. Orphan Guardsmen have no allegiance but to the city, and the same for other civic guildsmen. The adventuring guilds, the thieves, and associated guilds also find these waters to be rich pickings.

Orphans make PCs out of NPCs

The Dungeon ADORES orphanages. It uses the locations to send its experiments, creations, and accidents to see what they do or can do. So what if a half-orc daughter of a blood elf appears, orphans are orphans, no one is out there power-gaming breeding programs, certainly not a glowing rock under the city.

5. The Equidrome

The Equidrome is technically outside of the city proper and is not enclosed by the encircling walls, but it is very much a part of the city in spirit and energy. The Equidrome is a huge arena devoted to the purposes of racing and can manage everything from racing dogs up to pegasus races. The structure is relatively young, almost all of it is made of wood, and in the case of a siege or attack, would probably burn in less than a day. That doesn't detract from the spectacles that occur within the equidrome. There are races for a hundred horses at a time, chariot races, and as mentioned, races for flying animals. There are three concourses for the venue, one leading directly from the eastern gate of the outer wall, known as the Lord's Causeway. It is lined with high-end wooden shops and stalls for vendors to hawk their wares to the crowds going to the races. The Peerage Causeway runs south, away from the Equidrome down towards the coast and the coastal road. Visitors and river traffic come along this road since the river itself doesn't pass near the city. The wealthy and the elite who live south of the city will use this concourse to drive their horses, carriages, and palanquins to the races. The final concourse loops down from the north and then connects back to the Market Gate of the city, cutting through the farmlands and pastures north of the outer walls. During races, traffic goes to the Equidrome, though most of the time, the Farmer's Causeway is a major flow of food and consumables into the city.

6. Princess Avenue

While actually named Rosehill Ward, it is commonly known as Princess Avenue. The only thing accurate about this is that there are a very large number of princesses who live in Rosehill, and the main path through the Ward is a boulevard, divided into two opposing lanes with a row of trees and gardens between them. The main boulevard is made of palaces owned by the most wealthy and influential of merchants and businesses devoted to the upper crust. The ground floor will be a clothier, jeweler, goldsmith, or other sundry good dealer with the family living above. The backroads through the ward wend and wind through tall spired palaces belonging to the royal and noble families. This isn't restricted to the denizens of Terrasquestone, but the wealthiest and most powerful families across the region might hold a mansion or palace. As a neutral city-state with an emphasis on education, finishing schools, magic education, and all the rest, it is a foolish family that doesn't want their worthy sons and daughters to spend some time present. The difference is that the daughters live in staggering opulence, surrounded by magic and mystery, and chase after the gossip and rumors of Firethorn's Tea

7. The Hall of Armor

The Hall of Armor is part storage and part museum. A number of former blacksmiths and armorsmiths have found themselves Lords and they continued their craft after being raised. The Hall of Armor was created to store their works and to display the best of them. These are not mundane suits of armor, but rather the personal suits worn by present and past Lords, their generals, and heroes. This is not the armory for the Civic Guard, as the Guard has its own mundane sources of the light and medium armors they wear.

Protection of the Hall has been granted to a squad of Animated Armor monsters.

8. The Bottomless Vault

Located well beyond the outermost wall, the Bottomless Vault is the ruins of a large tower and an incomplete castle structure. The fact that it is flooded and none of the walls are intact leaves the broken fortress as a place of zero value strategically. People who try to explore the ruins vanish. Battles fought within the ruins see most of both sides lost without explanation, and most wise people avoid the ruins and the eerie pit contained inside the centermost and main tower.

The Bottomless Vault is a Devouring Deep, and things lost in the Vault, people injured or slain near it, or just the hapless and unwary can quickly find themselves drawn down through the darkness and mud into the waiting maw of the dungeon.

The Core uses the Bottomless Vault as a bridgehead to the surface and when it sends minions to the surface, this is one of the main access points.

9. Whisperwind Tiltyard

Whisperwind is the largest and most prestigious of the tournament greens within the innermost wall of the city but outside the Castle proper. Jousts are held at Whisperwind, and knights who do well at this green are held in the same regard as athletes who win at Wimbledon, Churchhill, or Pebble Beach. The largest portion of the Tiltyard is the Green proper, where knights have ample space to spur their destriers to full speed before slamming into each other, and then having room for missed runs to slow, turn, and come around again. What is less obvious is that Whisperwind has permanent seating for 15,000 people. There is also a causeway that runs underground from the Tiltyard to the three great stables of Terrasquestone; Artax, Ranyhyn, and Mearas. This allows the horses and knights to handle their business without being sequestered too close to the stands, and not being forced to parade through the streets of the city before a tourney.

There is totally a separate full-dress regalia parade for that before the Whisperwind Tourney.

The passage runs under a quarter mile of the city, with the Artaxian stables being at the far end, and near a dumping point for waste, the Yarolox Sump. This area is a lesser Devouring Deep that sucks down horse manure and other waste, including a number of people who crossed the Valta Otornasse, the Brotherhood of Luck, or the Guild of Gamblers. The Mearas stable is the largest and most prestigious of the castle stables and is in the middle position on the Whisperwind Passage. Ranyhyn is the closest to the Tiltyard and the smallest, most expensive, and houses the horses of foreign nobles and royals. In the game of lances, pedigree, and blood don't matter so much, so there isn't as much prestige attached to the stable, though the horses are of tremendous quality.

The Concourse at Whisperwind is where the real action is at. Spectators to the Great Tourney show up at their best, showing off their fashion, jewelry, great hats, and other ostentatious displays of wealth and absolute disregard for fiscal sanity. Feasts are held, various lords hold their own viewing boxes that are parties unto themselves, and the city turns itself out to celebrate knights, great horses, and the pomp and pageantry of the entire show, complete with a full festival put on by the vying merchants guild.

10. The Tobacconist

The Tobacconist is a humidor and tobacco shop found in the Great Market in the middle ring of the city. The shop is large, three stories tall, with a rooftop smoking bar. The ground floor is a coffee shop and dispensary for regular tobacco, other smoking herbs, and accessories. The second floor houses the humidor rooms that keep the well-made cigars aging properly, and a small workshop where young women work rolling the cigars, many chosen for how attractive they are, and then are taught rolling. The third floor is an invitation-only gallery where only the best and rarest tobaccos and herbs are still hanging and drying before being selected by discerning buyers. The very top of the palace-like building is an open bar where expensive spirits are poured while well-heeled guests sip, puff of stogies, and generally put on airs about how wealthy and important they are. The Tobacconist and other smoke shops across the city maintain a number of farms and estates outside of the city for the cultivation of their plants, and some even go so far as to distill their own special spirits.

11. Rubens

To refer to Rubens as an inn is an insult. There are no battered bars, heaving bosoms, and no scent of stale beer and tobacco smoke. The common room is never crowded, and the entertainment is the best that can be found. The flooring is plush, the rooms are requisite, and the bill is out of this world.

12. The Toshagne Gallery

Also known as the Toshagne, the Tosh, or just The Gallery. The gallery is a massive hall with three wings and it is located within the inner wall of the city, between the Lord's Garden and the Lady's Garden. It is the largest art gallery not just in the city, but in the entire realm, and displays the personal collection of Toshagne Naevia, the Emerald Sovereign, a green dragon of no small amount of power. The dragon is well known for being a hoarder of art rather than gold and has amassed a collection of paintings, murals, sculptures, and other objects d'art. On top of having a collection that rivals the Hall of Gifts, and having gifted one of Chadarnook's portraits to the Hall herself, Toshagne is a patroness of the arts. The dragon supports a number of art communes and supports not just the artists, but challenges other wealthy and influential people to do the same and make this patronage a contest, from painting to architecture, and everything in between.

13. Malik Square

Located in the middle ring of the city, Malik Square sits easily at the upper end of the great market, not far from the Grand Plaza. The Square is not large, but it is ringed with palaces that have all started a long but steady growth upwards. The tops of the palaces can afford a view over the walls, and the only things that rise higher are the observatory, the Lord's Watch, and the castle of Terrasquestone itself. The square is the domain of the notaries, scribes, and luxurious offices of the different Axiomantic Houses. The art of Axiomancy was pioneered many centuries ago and remained a small and relatively unimportant art until the merchants and nobles of Terrasquestone found the magic of creating legally binding contracts to be really really fucking useful. Kings, queens, emperors, merchant lords, and the like really don't like something like a neutral, independent city-state anywhere around them. The actions of the early Lords earning goodwill with their neighbors, and then making covenants with them ensured the long-term independence of the city. The Great Covenant is held in high regard throughout the city, and it lays out the indelible rights of the folk of the city, and the city's relationship with its neighbors

Axiomancers range in skill and quality and are popular in the legalism of Terrasquestone's internal organization. The tenets of the city are sometimes nebulous, and there have been dark periods in the city's history, but even when black flags flew over the city, it remained a non-aggressor and a neutral location. Axiomancy binds both ways.

14. The Low Markets

The Low Markets are all located within the outermost wall of the city and are generally considered the sort of junk, pawn, and clearance section of the city economy. There are technically three separate markets: Myriad Plaza, Legion Square, and Skipper Row. Myriad Plaza is fairly heavily invested in arms and armor and is connected with the outer ring of smithies. What it lacks in quality, it makes up with quantity and innovation. The plaza is a popular place for arms merchants who are more than willing to purchase the weapons that have either been made in the city or the low-value pulls from the dungeon and export them. Legion Square's primary product is manpower, specifically mercenaries. The mercenary companies all have their hiring halls and taverns located around Legion Square, and in the past, when Terrasquestone was under much different ideological leadership, Legion Square was a hotspot for the slave trade. Skipper Row is superficially a sundry market, but it is also very much low-brow and mean in its demeanor because, under the selling of basic and sundry goods, it is also the largest front for the Tarasceen black market.

The Low Markets are important to the city because this is where the entry-level heroes are kitted out. It is also basically the supply side for the Guild of Heroes, and the main avenue of the black market trade.

15. Gobbo-Town

Located well outside the outermost wall, Gobbo-Town is about the only place in Terrasquestone where goblins can be found, an oddity as they are completely absent from the depths of the Gygaxian Gyre. The dirty ward is notable for its architecture being designed for an average height of four feet, and being of uniformly solid but very poor workmanship. Visitors can expect to find open air stalls where goblins sell their amulets and charms, incredibly spicy food, and almost anything that can be skewered and fried on a stick. There are a few places of interest, but the most prominent is a ramshackle attempt at a goblin bath house that ended up turning into a laundry.

16. The Calnagod Orrery

Also known as the Observatory, the Calnagod is the third tallest structure in Terrasquestone and perhaps the most phallic looking. The tower rises well above any of the walls and faces to the East of the citadel itself. The top of the tower houses a collection of dragonbrass astrological tools, including a sort of telescope that uses crystal spheres rather than lenses, and a clockwork orrery that tracks the movements of objects in the heavens. The Great Clock is also kept within the tower, ticking out the cadence of absolute time. 

17. The Wizard's Cache

The Cache is well known across the region, across the continent. The Bank of Wizards has a lot of power and a lot of sway, and there is no way that it would not have its claws in Terrasquestone and the flow of wealth coming out of the Gygaxian Gyre. The Cache operates three branches in the city. The main branch is located in the middle ring of the city where it services the economic activities and needs of the mercantile caste as well as floating loans and handling finances for the various guilds. There is a lot of consternation here since the Wizard's Cache operates on a base 10 number system, but Terrasquestone retains its base 7 mathematics, having caused more than one wizard to lose a few points of sanity. The most important branch is located inside the castle, where the Cache operates a series of ultrasecure vaults, the bank storage boxes of the elite and the Lords, at least those who don't have their own means of protecting their valuables. The last branch operates in the outermost part of the city and is a pretty unsavory loan operator that has gotten crosswise with the city and the guilds over its loose lending policies and draconian collection measures, 

18. The Parmassecombe

The Parmassecombe is an unusual place deep in the bowels of the castle, easily dating back to the first stone walls being laid and the first cellars being dug. What makes this location of note is that it is the ass end of the extensive libraries and archives of Terrasquestone. The castle has a number of libraries, and it is haute couture for the Lords, and the nobility to keep their own libraries, the various adventuring guilds have amassed their own book collections as well. The various magic academies are famous, or infamous for their respective libraries. Terrasquestone is literate, and it loves it books, scrolls, and manuscripts, and have gone so far as to have created the printing press, more on that elsewhere.

The Parmassecombe is a mausoleum for old works of literature, great and vast iron-bound tomes, scrolls as large as a halfling and literal great heaps of mouldering grimoires litter the chamber. There are tables, thick and heavy as roofing trusses, and meandering paths worn through the detritus of centuries of discarded books. The thing about the Parmassecombe is that it can reward those with the patience and focus to look and keep searching.

The Dungeon Core loves books, books of all kinds, and it is more offended by the destruction of arts and literature than it is of mortal death. Paintings can't have children and cannot heal themselves. The other side of this is that if someone searches hard enough, they might get the Core's attention, and it might reward them with a JUICY lost and forgotten work. Who would have thrown away a battered but serviceable copy of an Old World grimoire? No idea, but after six weeks, a wizard needing a certain enchantment spell certainly found one.

19. The Grand Plaza

Located at the western gate of the city, the Grand Plaza is large enough to hold military parades. The focal point of the Grand Plaza is the Numinous Gate. The gate is massive and made of an astounding amount of dragonbrass. When the sun sets, it turns the gate into blazing fire. What makes this area important is that it is where the Numinous Road is anchored to Terrasquestone. This is a deeply unnatural thing as the Road was never intended to be tied anywhere and was always intended to be a whimsical thing, moving as it felt the pull. This anchoring is one of the fundamental strengths of Terrasquestone, as the road cannot disconnect from the city, and draw the flow of traffic and energy away from it, as it would have centuries ago. Likewise, being tied as it is, it is almost impossible for the road to bring negative forces against the city and its dungeon to run down its power. Good luck and energy flows into the city through the Grand Plaza, along with fresh heroes, adventurers, and the road's gifts of magic and prophecy. 

20. The Tabernacle of Discrete Amusements

The brainchild of Prince Willem Cobalt, the Tabernacle is a boy's club notable for its super exotic entertainments, peerless alcoholic beverages, and unimaginable ...amusements. Cobalt was a prince who lost his throne, took up adventuring, and quickly found astounding wealth, retirement, and then boredom. He now collects exotic females, rare spirits and potions, and other things that distract him from his melancholy boredom. He has gathered a clientele that is very wealthy, very influential, and damned jaded. The Tabernacle isn't just a posh tiddy-bar, it is involved in gambling, dungeon speculation, and investments, as well as being interested in scandals, both causing them and avoiding them.

21. The Lord's Watch

The Lord's Watch is the second tallest structure in Terrasquestone and rises from the middle wall at its northern gate. When erected, there was not a third and outermost wall yet, and the tower, slim and elegant, was built for the watch. Soldiers would man the soaring platform at the top and had a commanding view of the surrounding land. When war came against the walls, the Lords could top the tower and guide the actions of the Guard, or use it to enhance the range of their attacks. Outside of war, it is considered a fine place to visit for contemplation, as it gives a magnificent view of the entire city and more than half of the great Citadel.

22. The Grand Hall of Levram, Motherhouse of the Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return

A study in excess, the Grand Hall, or 'The Guildhouse' is one of the most prominent features of the city, and practically a fortress in its own right. The Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return functions as one of the branches of government in the city, and only grudgingly accepts dignitaries from the other adventuring guilds in the city, but holds them in very low regard. The master of the guild is a savvy merchant, axiomancer, and hero-promoter known as Sir Stanleigh, and with the other guildmasters, he husbands the heroes of the guild like a media producer, MMA consultant, and kindly grandfather figure, all while taking a hefty cut of their earnings to fund the Guild and his own lavish lifestyle.

The Grand Hall is a small castle, with its own wall and inner courtyard, a single gate, and four towers around the main keep. There is a great deal more underground, as the Guild has burrowed down since the Lords placed limits on how tall structures in the city can be, as a fortified position taller than the city walls kinda undermines the point of the walls to protect the city. There are dormitories, training centers, arsenals, treasure vaults, and a secret passage down into the Dungeon proper, though this is not for the Guild, but rather for the Dungeon Core to keep an eye on the most dangerous people on the surface, and if there is an issue, it can use this to let horrors in, or get things out, like monsters or its minions that might have been abducted from the Gyre.

23. The Maitulie

Also more commonly known as the Great Market, the Maitulie is outside of the city walls and is the open-air market of the city. The farmers and ranchers bring their goods in to sell, and the craftsmen from the surrounding communities do the same. Terrasquestone has strong appetites and more importantly, deep pockets when it comes to coin. The market sprawls over several acres of ground, with everything from permanent shops operated by guilds in the city to the stalls and stands used by the agricultural sector, to just an absolute pell-mell of flea market/yard sale vibe. The center boulevard of the Maitulie is city famous for its variety of street foods, with fry carts, lap laramastas, and aeswinvaia carvers.

What is a laap laramasta? Who wants to go get some laaps? I'm always down for a folded smooth bread ... taco

What about the aeswinvaia? The vendor with the vertical spit of meat that turns slowly, schwarma, delicious. 

24. The Shrine of St. Astumnos

Astumnos was a city guardsman during one of the darker chapters of the city, when the thieves and criminals all but ran the streets and the Guard was almost a part of their organizations. He was a stolid man who had no patience for criminals and the soft-handed manner the officers were expected to have with members of the criminal guild or the brutality they were expected to dole out to beggars and people who threatened the status quo. He served with valor and distinction before eventually being killed in a brutal riot. It wasn't the riot that got him, it was the steel shank of a thief tired of having his turf patrolled by such a heavy do-gooder. It wasn't long before a brotherhood rose around Astumnos and a few found strength invoking his name in the pursuit of justice and criminals. The Brotherhood of St. Astumnos still exists as a fraternal order within the City Guards, and they made a shrine to the man who was willing to stand alone against injustice.

25. Zumolo Arcade

The Zumolo Arcade is a large market notable for its long arcaded walkways, brightly colored awnings, and the often pungent nature of its offerings. The Zumelo is the place to go for potions. More than just potions really, this is where the apothecaries, herbalists, and alchemists ply their trade. There are other places where these services can be found, but Zumolo is the biggest concentration, and where the most prestigious shops can be found. There were attempts made to move this lucrative practice into the inner city, but the alchemists tend to catch fire or blow up on occasion, and the places that make tonics, potions, and tinctures can end up producing strong fumes, sometimes have unpleasant side effects. Now, the Arcades, in the middle city, are the place to go for any sort of chemical goods. 

26. The Nibbenthaim

The Nibbenthaim is a whispered name given to a room that exists in myth and rumor. By the rumor, the Nibbenthaim is a small very secret, very protected room within the heart of the castle where the High Lord meets with his secret advisors who really govern the Castle and the city, and they give him their dread instructions. The room is allegedly decorated with implements of torture, demonic idolatry, and the sort of opulence that makes regular people sick to their stomachs and sets a fire in their hearts.

The ACTUAL Nibbenthaim is a gazebo sitting in the Lord's Garden within the innermost ring of walls. Surrounded by manicured greens suitable for a variety of gentlemanly games, dog shows, and falconry displays, the gazebo has charms of quiet, secrecy, and protection from eavesdropping. When there is business that needs to be handled without debate in the Council of Lords, the interested parties will maybe do a bit of lawn bowling, bocce, or anything else and the Nibbenthaim serves as the watering hole where they can discuss matters of importance away from the eyes of servants, guests, and the like.

Sort of like how deals are made on the golf course or in the clubhouse.

27. Caffodre District

Terrasquestone is notable for its large demihuman population. There are plenty of enclaves like Gobbo-town, and similar locals where dwarves, elves, halfings, tieflings, and the rest congregate. These are mostly similar to anywhere else in the city. The Caffodre District sits outside the main wall on the edge of the city and borders the Caffodre plains. This is important as the primary occupants of the district are minotaurs. They are larger than humans, and they don't follow the same sheltering conditions. Most of the buildings are great halls, split into a variety of functions. The market hall is used for bartering and selling minotaur goods to the city with the most popular being minotaur milk and cheese products. There are creameries and cheesemaking operations, so Terrasquestone enjoys the luxury of butter, not just from cattle, sheep, and goats, but that of the minotaurs.

The minotaurs find it strange that humans seem to strongly desire their milk, something that they never go back to after they're weaning as yearlings. 

28. Goontown

Goontown is almost indistinguishable from any of the outer wards of the city, with dense residential housing stacked on top of itself, narrow and winding roads, and a slightly higher than average number of low-end taverns, flophouses, and the city-wide infamous Darmy House, a brothel known for just being a bunch of glory holes cut in one wall, and the other walls having women 'secured' for faceless use of their genitals. What makes this squalid ward even slightly noteworthy is that there is literally no better place to pick up some goons, bullyboys, or henchmen. Goontown is attached to the dungeon so the goons never really run out no matter how many are recruited for dangerous jobs and don't come back.

29. 30 Encounters Near Terrasquestone

As per the submission, 30 Encounters near the Capitol

30. The Citadel of Terrasquestone

The Citadel, the heart of Terrasquestone, sitting nestled inside three concentric ring walls, is currently one of the greatest castles in the realm. Armathaine in the Castledom is larger, but it is also not a tenth of the population and a twentieth of the economy. The main keep of the castle has a twisted appearance as if it were built, and then something heated and pulled the stone like warm taffy. The keep has multiple wings, several towers of note, a single gate, and the top is terraced stone, creating a series of large platforms atop the keep large enough to host a gala or land a wing of dragonriders.

The Tower of the Sun - the eastern tower, capped in dragonbrass and holding a large dungeon quartz. When the light of the sun fades, the great crystal in the tower will start to produce light. This provides some light to the city below, but it also acts as a repellant for ghosts, undead, and incorporeal beings.

The Tower of the Moon - the northern tower, capped in bright silver.

The Tower of the Bells - the Southern tower, the great bells ring out roughly every two hours, with the quietest being a single peal at midnight, and the longest being a minute-long carillion at noon. Different songs are played out on the bells, and during holy days the bells will ring for longer performances.

The Tower of Night - the western tower, made of black stone.

The Tower of Ravens - a central prison tower used to keep noble or royal-blooded prisoners. Breaking in or out is extraordinarily difficult.

The Tower of Princesses - a central tower near the plaza of the tree used for sequestering noble and royal daughters for their weddings and then consumation of their marriages.

The Tower of the Plume - the tower of the plume is a long, thin tower that is almost completely inaccessible from the keep. It goes straight down through the core of the keep and the mass of the citadel where it opens into the chamber that houses the Adventurer's Quay and the mouth of the Gygaxian Gyre. It is a vent for the dungeon, and channels the miasma of gases that might build in the gyre out and away from the citadel and the city.

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