Full Item Description
Though the Malachrite Falcon would appear to be a crudly carved falcon made of a black lead one cubit tall, the black covers the soild gold statue underneith it. The gold is extremely valuable, but it is the historical worth of the Falcon, because of it various owners, that makes it more valuable. The item is said to have magical powers, but what those powers are is vague.

There have been dozens of forgeries and vanity copies made of the Falcon over the centuries. If you encounter a large black lead bird, it will probably be one of these (though some are almost as famous or infamous as the original).

Magic/Cursed Properties
There is a reason so many organizations have vied for this object. Inside of it is the bound spirit of the great Wizard Seer Quiro Vran or 'The Black Wing'. This legendary Malachrite (his nationality/ society) wrote several of the most important early thesis on Magic. If one can speak to spirits and possesses the statue, you can ask the Black Wing questions about magic, the past, and sometimes the future. The Falcon has become a powerful tool used by the Great Orders.

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