The Way of the Magical Hand by ArchMage Cragius Archerous
Pg 188, 330 illustrations.

This is his master tract on the use of gestures in spell casting. This three hundred page volume shows every hand gesture that could be used in spell casting. Each gestures has instructions on to properly perform them as well as their their meta-magical meaning, their meanings in ancient and modern cultures, and some of the ways they can be used to enhance spell casting. Studying of this tract will allow a spell caster to learn how to cast silently, with just perfect gestures, or give them bonuses when casting normally and using the perfect gestures. The list of motions includes "showman" motions: used to disguise the purpose of the spell and make the casting of the spell seem more dramatic/ important/ difficult. It also includes some slight of hand tricks to do "magic" without expending energy.

There are hundreds of these tracts in existance, as many guild hall instructors make their apprentices hand copy each page so they will learn the components of magic properly.

As a historical note: He was said to be a master level harpist, a human capable of playing for the Imperial Court as a player, rather than a polite novelty. He supposedly wrote several great works and a tract of harping under the name Curtus HarpCrafter. There is much debate about his being the identity of Curtus HarpCrafter and if he should be stripped from the guild of magic for being in more than one guild.

It is a pity that an experiment with alchemical solvents cost this master mage his hands.

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