Full Description
A Black One is totally amorphous. It can be a fine pool of black, a mm thin, or appear as a glob of clay, a thin black wire, or even a perfect sphere. Their apparent general volume can range from a liter to a few cms square. They can appear as a liquid, flowing any direction it wills, even against gravity, or shift to a solid as they need. They can move through any porous substance, stone, wood, and a variety of other things, like any liquid. Given all these abilities, it means they can flow into a lifeform... hijack it's solid form for their own purposes... controlling the form's electromagnetics, and ooze away when they need to.

The black ones are physically a liquid- a complex suspension of conductors and non conductors. Chemically, interesting because the number of hydrocarbons (oil), but normally not considered alive or organic. In the electromagnetic or paramagnetic range, they are active. It is through these forces that they can move and shape their liquid form. If viewed in hyperdimensional ranges, they have additional "mass" and processing abilities, making them impossible to totally destroy.

Each Black One has no eyes, ears, or mouth, yet it can perceive the electromangnetic spectrum and feel sounds and vibrations too faint for an ear to perceive. They can see as well in the dark as the light. They can hear nearly any sound, like the faintest heartbeat 10 paces away. Some think they can "hear" thoughts as well, but that has yet to be proven.

These Creatures are totally alien, with motivations and drives that are nearly incomprehensable to Humans. And the worst part is, they are here and you don't know it.

These creatures are inspired by the UFO mythology.
..... or they could be real and here.

Okay, these creatures are not completely incomprehensible to Humans, but they operate in near alien way. For example, they may need to leave the planet:, so they need to reach their ship, so they need to find it, then scout the area, around it, then get close to a person who is near the ship, then jump to complete certain tasks her meet their own honor system or cause actions that will open up the 5th dimensional space (blowing something up, stopping a killing, causing an earthquake, changing the electrosphere), then return. Slowly and cautiously take someone over. Then probe the defenses around the ship. then make their move. It is that middle step that seems to make sense to their 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional perceptions that make it odd for them when observed

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