Full Item Description

Moonsilk is woven from strands that form the cocoon of a type of special larvae found in the region of Hitermann. As a result of ingesting the particular breed of mulberry leaves in the region, this specimen of larvae spits out strands that are a lot finer than usual.

Any gown woven from Moonsilk will be so translucent that it will reflect the moonlight, hence the name 'Moonsilk'.

Special Properties

Gowns woven from Moonsilk are particularly alluring as such half-transparent gowns sets off a woman's figures in subtle ways that spark the imagination of suitors in a way that would be both a pleasure and a torment to men.

In addition, breezes rustling over such gowns would create a musical sound much like that of wind chimes. Moreover, the pitch of the notes given off such garments changes with different types of body movements as well as the strength and direction of wind. It is rumoured that this is the result of a special technique of weaving that no one outside of Hitermann knows. Hiter musical troupes often wear gowns made of Moonsilk to utilise the unique sound given off the garments. Such troupes do not perform according to set pieces since the notes given off by the gowns on any given day are totally unpredictable but rather all performances are based on moment improvisations. The best of such troupes perform around the World and are generally the most high paying performance troupes simply because they are such a rarity.

Common Uses

In addition to fulfilling the locals' clothing needs, Moonsilk is also commonly used for the following purposes within the Hiter Society:

The Moon Drum

This is a ceremonial instrument only played on the night of the Summer Solstice, a day dedicated to the Deity of Music (Shani) culminating in a festival involving songs and dances. The Moon Drum is a large drum with a diameter roughly corresponding to half the height of an average Hiter. Each year, a new drum skin for the Moon Drum is made from weaving together the various squares of Moonsilk that Hiters routinely give as offerings to the local Temple of Shani.

The Resonating Knot

A symbol of the harmony between two souls (of different genders), the Resonating Knot is a decorative knot made with strands of Moonsilk from the same bolt of cloth that the two lovers weave collectively. It is composed of two symmetric detachable parts dyed blue and red to represent the two different genders respectively. As its name indicates, these two distinct parts create a resonance when held in the proximity of each other. In Hiter society, the crafting of a Resonating Knot between two individuals signifies commitment to each other, which is openly displayed by the two wearing the part of the knot that is a representation of him/herself (referred to as the Self portion of the Knot) as a clothing accessory. At the same time, this commitment can be revoked when one party unties the Self portion. After marriage, the two parts are joined together and worn openly by the husband. Upon the death of either party, depending on whether the remaining spouse intends to remarry or not, he/she will either bury his/her Self portion with the deceased (as a sign of affection for the deceased but signifying the commitment is no longer binding) or the entire Resonating Knot.


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