(Warning: This takes at least a millennium. I also do not accept the cop-outs. I hope to elaborate how such may work from the ground up as a option accepted by more and more of society, eventually leading into how this may become a strong part of society and work into every level of said society.)

Starting is easy.. just remember how best to make strong bones. In RL martial artists can smash through concrete slabs with fists… the human body by default is already a premium mix of strength and flexibility, but the ‘high end’ of human bone endurance is truly amazing.

So your necromancers require assistants because recruitment is low. So they start on reanimated skeletons. At this point in time, they have just begun, and thus must steal bodies (unless somehow the setting gives other options.) The reanimated may even be corpses, considering the lack of repulsiveness this would have for necromancers. nAt some point, a powerful necromancer will want a easier on the eye assistant. However, this cannot become a status symbol internally to the necromancer community. if it is to become a pubic item for wide use later.

The mechanics are easily dealt with. Say your necromancers discover how the ‘shape’ bone, forcing it to take shapes as they wish. They combine the brute force techniques of vast reshaping bones with the fine touch of strengthening and subtle reshaping of bone. At this, the first Bone Golems are produced which have a shape that is not revolting to the public.

I follow up with a scenario that is based off a popular piece of contempory fiction.

Imagine a small number of ‘working girls’ in the bad part of the city somehow fight for their independence, or maybe they got it legally. However, they assuredly will be controlled again if they leave things as they are. Being part of the nicer looking fantasy setting, something prevents sales on the streets. So they have to at some point let down their guard enough to be on display in the various establishments. (Or maybe they are on outdoor display like in the Classical Greek city states.)

So at some point they are ivulnerable/i. Somebody suggests guards. They need guards, but who will be guards and not use that muscle or power over the girls to bargain for control? Any strong man would eventually work into a position of control . Or so they fear… and even women can control others in this situation.

So these girls meet up with a necromancer (regular client,. family, or just a opportunistic person) and decide a unthinking, tireless, damage resistant, moderate to high end bone golem works for their needs.

Now, not only can they claim that working girls get more income than other establishments, they can claim that they still have security forces protecting the establishment. (After all, they charge the same as controllers, but give most of the money to the girls themselves after a small cut to help pay for golem maintenance and other work around the establishment.)

So more girls go working here. It expands, and other establishments follow suit (either controlled by somebody or self owned). However, all establishments start using golems. Another scenario: Somebody needs a quiet secretary and after a interesting night at a establishment finds himself looking into a necromancer’s catalog. He requests a golem with a 100 rpm (or ‘fast scribing’) ability to take notes. Perhaps this is for a secretary in a private office or a private study. He finds out how good the golem is at copying down various notes and letters, and decides to switch his regular secretary* for a golem. More are more of the company switches as they learn the smaller expense of a golem in a environment with little to no risk in injury.

Third scenario: A mobster wants help at the docks, but does not want to be spending money on human labor. He finds out it is cheaper to hire undead labor. He is handed 3000§ for every load of cargo he gets off the dock and into a conveyance. A worker is 500§ a night. A cheap undead laborer works for free, and requires on average 25§ for associated costs per week. (And 75§ for a replacement.) What do you think a greedy criminal will use for labor?

Fourth: Golems with a minimal of shaping to give it a appearance that is not ‘frightful’ to the public is brought in as security for apt. buildings in the bad part of town. It’s cheaper than guards at the door, it won’t take breaks, it won’t go off duty. It is limited, but limited ability is acceptable with greater variance to the lower classes.

Soon golems are the guard of choice, and the undead are the menial worker of choice. Several generations pass, and market penetration is complete.

You can even make automated bolt shooters by bone shaping and high end int for the finished golem. And once every person who knew of a world pre-golem is gone, then acceptance is granted (to lesser or greater degrees. Every change has it’s holdouts until centuries later.. or more.) Then just start applying these to various tasks. What is used where is a matter of where it is to be used (both the job it perform and how far this is from humans. Remember it is cheaper to make undead corpse miners than finely sculpted bone golems to do the same.rnrnIn fact, the more sculpted your bone golem is (let alone that you use bone golems) the higher your status in general society.

Thus, magical research (now that bone shaping is fine art), moves into the fields of artificial tendons and muscles. (as well as skin, if that has not already been invented already. These would probably be stretching the ‘necromantic arts’ and coming into contact with the ‘material arts’.) It would be a magical equivalent to cyberpunk robotics. And eventually you get realistic creatures of unrotting flesh that are good enough to be concubines by the unsqueamish or uncaring as concubines. (This is very far future.) ‘Realistic’ golems are sought by the upper classes. (At this point, imagine the million and one uses of a high end female android from GitS.) Assassins, assistants, or any other use is possible for the highest end of creations. (Assuming the high end reanimated are even mass produced. Some might be one of a kind units made by master artisans. I hope I have shown you a magical equivalent of robotics, if you ever want a culture in your campaign that is out of left field.

This was a concept based on the scroll ‘Umdead Economy’ by manfred. I just went a bit too far with the idea and ended up with robots. :)