“ The Mad Pope is a wandering mercenary. He is very well deranged as he considers himself to be the pontiff of the dominant faith. His robes are tattered, his mitre has seen better days and there are surely lice in his long ratty beard. What sets him apart from most addle-pated would be holy men is that he has armor under his robes and carries a large crossbow and several one-handed swords. While many would discout him as just another lunatic, for some reason, he inspires others around him and has demonstrated the ability to lay on hands and heal the wounded.”
“ The creation of intelligent magical weapons is not an exact science and there are occasional failures, as such think of causing a little more stress to your players by 'rewarding' them with an insane magical weapon
Agrophobic, refuses to come out of the scabbard without a strength check to draw it.
Haemaphobic: afraid of blood, fight at a penalty against any blooded creatures but really good against undead, elementals etc
Schizophrenic, not just one mind in your sword, lets have half a dozen minds in there, all different and bound to cause confusion
the possibilities are endless”