The Pegorans were an ancient culture of note, with a fascination for the "other worldly" and an emphasis on the symbolic. They have left their marks upon the world in the areas or architecture, math, and calligraphy.

Their culture filled most of the lower peninsula and eastern subcontinent. They had colonies in other places through the southern continent. The odd and exotic flair found in the peoples of those regions can trace their roots back to The Pegorans

The circle and the swirl hold a special place for the Pegorans who found them to be holy mandelas for understanding the universe. Circular, swirl, and interlinking lines (much like Celtic knotwork) pervade all they made.

Their script was nothing but circles and swirls. While beautiful look at, it is difficult to decipher. The language itself is long, flowery, and indirect (the Pici, the peninsula people's language is derived from Pegu their language). They were masters of calligraphy. Their styles and brush techniques are still used today. Many formal styles of writing have this curled aspect because of the Peograns. The Imperium and other ancient cultures would hire Pegorans as their calligraphers.

In fact, you could think of them as Greeks to the Imperium's Rome.

They had an entire science of The Round (circles, orb, and how angles/ distances/ forms are represented) called Orbantion. This in addition to their mastery of algebra, geometry and fluxions as seen in The Pegoran Codex, gave them incredible artistic and engineering skills as well, as they could derive and determine things on a scale (large or small) that others could only aspire to.

This understanding of the circle, spiral, and world allowed them mastery of a system of mystical glyphs and runes that modern day Dwarves (the only current practitioners of rune magic) only dream about. These runes absorbed and channeled ambient magic by nature of their shape and patterns, as well as being foci for channeled energies. This glyph art, for the most part, has been lost. Most of the runes no longer work (or at least that is what people will tell you) due to the great catacylsm which brought down most of the ancient cultures of the golden age.

The Pegorans made any special place round to emulate the circle. Temples and Palaces were all domes of one type or another. Common rooms were square and had right angles, while rooms of spirit or power or importance were made circular (most common) or as a flattened dome inside the structure. Most common homes and buildings were square, but each would contain one or more round rooms as needed. This architectural quirk has been continued on in the buildings of the lower peninsula and eastern subcontinent.

In fact, architecture and ruins are all that are left really of the Pegorans. Their society, on the decline as the Imperium rose, was finished off by the same forces that brought down the Imperium. All that is left is ideals and echos, many just half understood truths from this grand elder culture. Now all people see is the buildings and buildings inspired by these grand people. Some of the kinds that people will most often encounter are Doors and Spirit Rooms.

Pegoran doors are special symbolic doors used in tombs, holy places, and places of the hearth. Pegoran doors are circular doors made of stone (except when used in houses - which are wood). While they can be plain, most proper doors have a bas relief of an intricate interwoven geometric pattern. These objects are coveted for their artistic and historical value.

Many Churches in the South still use circular rooms to emulate Pegoran Spirit Rooms for their higher priests to pray and commune in. In fact the various domes upon domes style of the Great Cathedrals of The Southern Continent hold their roots to the Pegoran

For people in love with the circle, all the remaining statues, art, and descriptions, showed them to be a tall peoples, with angular faces and sharp features Their coloration is much like the peoples of the lower peninsula and eastern subcontinent: olive skin, brown eyes, and brown to black hair that tends towards curls. Their skin, especially their browns and cheeks were frequently tattooed with spiral patterns.

It is interesting to note the Pici like language spoken by the newly rediscovered North Eastern the olive skined peoples of Pandonagon. They were obviously an Imperial colony from the Pegoran that became seperated upon the great cataclysm. They may be the closest people to the original Pegorans currently in existance.

Closer to home, the Pegoran influence is still seen in craft works in the lower peninsula and eastern subcontinent. The gentle flowing spirals of the metal work, especially from Estenalla, are echos of Pegoran works. The same can be said from the spirals on the Amphora used by the coastal vessels in the Southern seas. The spiral-esk hedge mazes and formal gardens maintain by many of these people are directly pulled from Pegoran work.

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