Two sly-looking men turn up in town accompanied by a third man who says very little and who they don't allow to be seen much. They seem to keep him confined in the room they have hired at the 'Egregious Wyvern' (an inn), and don't take visitors. On the third day after they arrived, they don't come down at all. Nor the next, nor the next after that. Banquo Sobelius, the proprietor, becomes a little suspicious (naturally) and decides to pry. He finds the two men dead in unpleasant circumstances, the third man nowhere to be seen.

The third man is called Perans. He is autistic: he finds it very difficult to communicate with people and in fact doesn't generally find it necessary to do so. He is to all intents and purposes in a world of his own. He is, however, exceptionally gifted at magic. If this pea represented the magical abilities of say Merlin or Gandalf, this football stadium would represent his. He has been living at the university for about twenty years, and was kidnapped by the two sly-looking men. The sly-looking men were acting on behalf of the Necromancers' Guild, an illegal underground of powerful, unorthodox wizards. The Necromancers' Guild wanted to exploit Perans' powers and his disability so they could explore deeper into the Unholy Rites and see further into the Darkness.

The PCs, undergraduates at the university from where Perans was taken, have been asked to find him (maybe with offers of improved grades, maybe because they knew him). The trouble is: if the university don't have him, and the Necromancers have lost him, where is he now, and who killed the two sly-looking men?

#Maybe the Guild rekidnapped him because they didn't trust their two operatives,
#Maybe he got wind of the plot himself, killed his captors and fled,
#Maybe a third party heard about him, captured him and is now going to hold him to ransom.

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Perans is indeed within his own world- although he exists in the world of the players, his magical potential has allowed himself to birth an entire small unvierse within his own head. The two men who had kidnapped Perans accidentally transported their own minds into Perans' world when they attempted to cast diagnostic spells upon him. Perans quickly obliterated the two men, seeing them as intruders into his world.

Perans has moved into an area of seclusion so that he may finish his universe in peace. He will ask the players to leave him in peace so that he may continue his work.

Should the University or the Necromancers try to stop him, Perans will drag them, and the players into his world so that he can stop their agressions.

(At which point the players have to decide on helping or hindering Perans.)