The Black Soldier is a horror, a frightful and fearsome apparition that cannot seem anything but unnatural. It is humanoid, bent-backed and tall, a scarecrow-like figure. It wears an all-covering trench coat, stained a deep brown-black, with sleeves in tatters; it's hands are withered, black claws, like the shriveled hands of a corpse, emerging from these sleeves. It's face cannot be seen behind the fearsome darkness of a black gas mask, the glass lenses also blackened. Atop it's head is perched a wide-brimmed black hat.
The Black Soldier carries a broken sword on his belt (it's blade has been snapped in half, and the edges are scarred and brutally blunt), and in it's hand it clutches a blood-crusted rifle with a twisted barrel, little more now than a heavy club of shattered, splintering wood. Around it's shoulders and neck like a torn and tattered cape, it wears a stained red-and-brown garment, barely recognizable as a traditional Ohhaen prayer-scarf.

They say he fought so long and so hard, and crawled through so much mud and swam so many rivers of blood and forked so many dead bodies and fired so many bullets that his gas mask fused to his face and his patched uniform and armor became a part of him and his hands twisted into claws and his rifle became a shattered club and his sword broke in half

Special Equipment

Roleplaying Notes

Field Commander Vyahhx Skroka (called Skroka the Cripple), a commander of the notorious Srathic 9th Columnm

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