“ In the far reaches of a long-lost wilderness, there stands a forgotten town inhabited only by children. Though they appear normal enough, their eyes burn with madness, and they speak in a foreign, archaic tongue. Nearly a millenia ago, a powerful spell had gone awry, or maybe it had succeeded - in any case, it ended up blessing, or cursing, an entire generation of children with agelessness. However, as the centuries passed, the children's parents grew old and died, the buildings of the town crumbled to earth, and even the civilization itself faded into history, becoming lost to time. All that remained were the children, driven mad by the psychological toll of living for hundreds of years beyond their age. In time, most children died, killed off by fighting amongst themselves, while many others were driven to suicide. Only a small handful remain, and they are a strange people indeed.”
“ 1)Comfy Boots> does not leak and keeps feet at a balmy 72 degrees, does not function if you put anything other than feet in it.
2)Cloak of Stability> wind hitting you is considered 35 MPH less.
3) Belt Pouch of Hiding> any single item of up to 50LBs my be held weightless in it. object can be on width but must be a single piece”