Originally the Amulet of Looda was created for a great bard who wanted a medallion so amazing that his audiences couldn’t help but be stunned. He was so successful as a bard, and inspired such awe and fawning adoration in his friends, fans and patrons that much of his power began to pass on to this amulet. It was passed on to a friend after his death, and this man found that everyone was exceedingly nice to him (even those who might have been his enemies), and wanted nothing more than to ask him all kinds of questions about how amazing he was.

In time, though, his friend began to realize the power of this amulet, and its curse: So amazing was this bard that people are drawn to his essence, instilled in the amulet, and compelled to pry almost endlessly.

Some example questions might include:
Now where’d you get that platinum chain with those diamonds in it?
Who are those girls you were with when you were riding through?
What in the world is in that BAG, what have you got in that BAG?

The basic jist: They are very mundane, irritating questions, the result of fame, notariety and a platinum chain that looks like a midget hanging from your neck.

Magical Properties:

The chain is both slightly magical and slighly cursed: It inspires love and softens harsh reactions to the wearer (even those of enemies such as orcs or beasts), but at the same time creates a troupe of drooling, fawning fans that follow the PC’s around asking them questions (even so far as to go into dungeons or out to sea). On the other hand, these lackies are just that—they are so absorbed with the PC’s fame and notariety that they wont respond to requests such as “Go walk ahead of me” or “Go play with that bugbear.”

The Medallion won’t come off—at least not by normal means. Only an extremely powerful bard with equally crucial rhymes as the great bard of yore can take the amulet from the PC’s. Otherwise, they must go about their labors with it around their necks.

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