'Yarun slipped into the pit - his curses suddenly converted into screams of mortal agony. Looking down into the pit, all we saw was a mass of writhing serpents and frothing blood....'
Full Description
The swarmsnake is a dangerous snake which forms large swarms, and instead of using venom or constricting it's prey, uses a nasty, serrated bite to rip out chunks of flesh.
It appears as a large, thick and stubby snake. It is to about 6'in length, but can grow 4' in diameter and weigh 30lbs. It's head is quite large and broad for a snake, providing suitable anchors for its powerful jaw muscles. The mouth is equipped with a set of very sharp cutting teeth, similar, but smaller, to sharks teeth.
The swarmsnake is darkly colored and generally matches the soil in the area. It is able to adjust it's color over a couple of generations to better blend into the surroundings. It is found in temperate to tropical climates, mostly in heavily wooded regions.
Operating singly, the snakes will ambush larger prey who blunder onto them, remove a gobbet of flesh and then slither away quickly. As a swarm, they will attack en masse and engage in a frenzy of biting. When swarms are found, they generally will wait in natural pits, holes, or under vegetation. Swarms usually form near mating season, but can be found any time of the year. The cooperative nature of their attack allows them to take large game.
As a further danger, the mouth of the swarmsnake is infested with dangerous bacteria (similar to a Komodo Dragon) and almost always causes dangerous infections.
Like most snakes, the swarmsnake has the ability to sense the heat of mammals from a fair distance.
There are legends of giant varieties of these creatures 30' in length which can easily devour a man.
Plot Ideas
A swarm of these critters has made it's way into the poorer section of town and now are taking down the occasional homeless person. The PC's might be contacted for help by these people, as the town guard are not sympathetic. Maybe if they moved to a richer portion of town...
Dirty Tricks
The local mob equivalent uses these creatures to teach object lessons. A 'subject' is placed blindfolded in a room with one or more of these things. Depending on the intended audience of the lesson, the subject may or may not be allowed to 'learn' from this lesson. The snakes are also introduced into the homes of people who the mob wishes to 'instruct'. The mobsters may even maintain a pit full of the critters to dispose of undesirables.
The PCs might be contacted by a surviving maimed victim seeking justice, or one of the PC's themselves might find one of these in their room..
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? Responses (9)
Dirty Tricks is my favorite bit! It almost can be used to define the locale, a peculiar lifeform, incorporated into the culture of the land and time.
Fun place to visit, beware of snakes! Nice.
(out of votes for today)
You have pulled the piranhas out of the water, and left the scariness intact. Kudos for that.
A solid enviromental danger that adventurers will have to be careful about from now.
A decent critter to round out a dangerous locale. I would expect that those harboring these things in an urban area would see the authorities land on them with both feet.
While not particularily unique or innovative, decently solid.
Good source of Snakes on a Plain jokes though...
Nicely done.
Rawrg! Bumpage.
Snakes on a Plain! Quick! Vote for your liiiiiiiiives!