Summer's Extinguisher
Perhaps the most destructive of Kel’Regar weapons, Summer’s Extinguisher plunges the world it is deployed on into a deep and permanent winter.
Full Description
In their seed forms, likely all that will ever be seen, Summer’s Extinguisher is a large, black egg of a strange, iridescent material, nearly half a mile in diameter.
Mature, the Extinguisher is no different in appearance from any other volcano, though a quick check of its composition and position will almost invariably show its nature.
Additional Information
Consisting, primarily, of a colony of thermally resistant fungus spores, Summer’s Extinguisher’s fills but a single purpose. It burrows into the crust of the world, mostly of the mass carried, but also using the silicon and carbon it finds as it burrows to expand its numbers, until it pierces the crust of the world. A channel thus opened, it unleashes hot magma, while filling the sky with vast amounts of smoke and ash, even as it filters away carbon released thusly.
Employed in numbers, even though it breeds itself, unleashing seeds to float through the magma, Summer’s Extinguisher quickly denies the world beneath it the light of the sun above, plunging the planet into an abominable winter, too cold for all but the very heartiest of simple life, and the most determined of sentient life to survive for long. Usually, the world is dead within months of initial bombardment, newly pockmarked with hundreds of new super-volcanoes. It is also possible for the entire crust to be fractured in this manner, leaving a twisted land of earthquakes, heated from below and frozen from above. It will progress towards a cyclic consumption of the crust, replaced from the mantle beneath, until the counter-phages1 to turn the weapon ‘off’ are deployed, each unique to a given set of weapons.
Short of the phages, only determined physical uprooting of the spores can remove them from the crust of the planet, a difficult task indeed.
Carefully applied, this creature can also be used as a potent terra-forming tool.
Due Acknowledgement: Mycon Deep Children -
1: bacteriophage - A virus that is specialized in the invasion and destruction of bacterial cells. Generically, a bio-engineered phage can theoretically be used to destroy any given specific kind of cell.
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? Responses (11)

As I read it, I was immediately thinking "Gee, this sounds like Ur-Quan Masters..."
Good work. :D

My fibers grow turgid, violent action ensues. I like this take on the shattered worlds and the whole Mycon thing, fits nicely with the Kel'Regar. Also, much love for the linkage.

Your insight into the ineffable Juffo-Wup is encouraging.
Perhaps, if we were to plant spore sacs in your brain organ
and let its tendrils spread through your flesh
then you would truly understand Juffo-Wup... become part of Juffo-Wup.
You WOULD be happier and more fulfilled. Consider our offer.

I wonder what you would taste like fried in butter?

Juffo-Wup flows through Time and Space. It cannot be stopped by mere energy blasts.
However, you are Non -- not part of Juffo-Wup.
You CAN be destroyed by energy blasts.
Let us demonstrate.

This is the way... of Juffo-Wup. A single spore lands, finds nourishment in decay and soon attains maturity... In turn it exhales a cloud of life, a thousand spores land... so progresses Juffo-Wup.

Planetary jock itch *scratch scratch*

Definately a creative application of the quest!

Thanks for the link! Otherwise, i would have surmised that you and Juffo-Wup were both clinically insane. :)
Quite creative as val said, and now I fear I have been inspired after reading about the Mohorovicic Discontinuity!

Coo. Makes me think of the infamous Cuclonic Torpedoes from Warhammer 40,000, and an infamous Inquisitorial line explaining their purpose: "They are world-killers, Madam Governor." Brilliant! I like the idea of modifying the environment using already-existing elements of nature to destroy an opponent. Very good, sir!

"Winter is coming"
Love it. As the poster above me mentioned, definently reminds me of 40k "World-Killing" Ordinance. I really like your Kel'regar subs. These are AWESOME.